League of Legends General /lolg/


Ahri again!

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Dick riding is fun!

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xth for my wife Syndra

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>Jinx will never ride my dick


How shit has this game become?

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Post new webms

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why is riot absolute dogshit at balancing?
How do tanks even make sense now?
5 items trist with a lord dominik and I do 80 danage a hit to sion with 3 armor items and tabis
I get that he is a tank and all but then he shouldn't be able to almost one shot me without any damage items whatsoever
Like what the fuck is riot thinking with tanks?

Comfy GFs!

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Avatarfagging is still against the rules asshole.

Is anyone interested in having a silver 3 support main on NA as a duo/friend/slave what ever you want.

I promise to learn a lot and get better for you and play whatever you want me to do.

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Why is this game such a babby safe space nowadays

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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

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Health inflation is insane right now. 3-4k health used to be insane, but nowadays it's the minimum for a lategame bruiser or tank. Add %damage reductions that stack with resistances, like tabis and Randuin's, and it just gets retarded.

>born too hueg to be cute lil' fucktoy
>benis too smol to fuck boipucci
yikes, scoob! wowzers! ouch! bazinga! really makes u think huh!

Never bully your support!
Honour your support every game !

post full log faggot

what are you gonna do about it, bitch?

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You said the magic words. Enjoy your ban.

I'm just posting pics of my wife.

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I want to go swimming in Lulu.

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already uninstalled
I said retard like once more after that, nothing else "toxic"

>tells player kys
>"dindu nuffin"

yes the game is shit
please don't ever show your face here again


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I report people like you because I don't want someone spamming chat instead of playing.
>just mute them!
if people like you get banned there are less aspergers having retards that give up at 5 minutes in my games. There are a fraction of you compared to season 3 and 4 and I'm glad.

but serious what is the logic behind me as an ADC with almost fullbuild and a specific anti armor anti high HP item, dealing 80 damage to a sion with omen, fheart, tabis, and sunfire?

I feel like I just have to start spamming varus/kog to do anything as an adc these days

I wish I had a dick to ride

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Youre trying to spam these threads again with your shit attaching your "signature" character on every post. Get reported.
report him. We got the avatarfag banned once, we can do it again.

it's times like this I wish I was on Na

>You said the magic words
ikr, that's pretty much instaban if some1 reports you. I got banned literally a minute after the game
I miss the old times when you needed like 5 different games tribunal punished to get like a 20 game chat ban
Also it's kinda hilarious that riot claims only 0.006% of people say kys in their games

I can make an EU account if you want, I have decent ping.

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I can mute them but that doesn't stop them from focusing mostly on chat and barely playing

You should dress like a Jinx and ride this user

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whats /slutg/ watchging right now?

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I have over 10 permbans from the last 3 years and know of many others who have been banned but it's said 0.006 for 3 years now.

>third Jayce in a row

Whats this new meme, shitlords?

What do you mean? I'm just posting League related things in a League thread.

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cross eyed ugly bitch

>this is allowed on twitch
how do we stop this
do we need a second holocaust but instead we work WITH the jews to end the twitch sluts?

Just another next level toplane play by yours truly.

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get a load of this fucking guy
why don't you cry more to the mods you big baby

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>support main
>silver 3

some things never change it seems

now I HAVE TO stick around

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You need to post more often it's nice not being the only tranny here

I want to help you user even though I'm just an EU silver shitter too. Maybe we can ERP between matches too? ;)

I used to be platinum a few years ago, but stopped playing. I know I'm bad, I'm just looking to have fun and get better.

but it's true though
you can't 1v5 carry anymore
top lane is filled with tanks, ranged champ and tp
and wukong doesn't work past gold

I never said i dindu nuffin, I know I broke the rules

>I report people like you because I don't want someone spamming chat instead of playing.
95% of my games I didn't say a single thing in chat. And whenever I was toxic it was because of someone being extremely retarded

>if people like you get banned there are less aspergers having retards that give up at 5 minutes in my games.
That's the case most of the time yeah. When it comes to me I never voted yes on surr votes, I learned that tables can always turn around by playing dota.

>There are a fraction of you compared to season 3 and 4 and I'm glad.
idk about you but if you ask me there was a fuckload more toxic players s2-s4 compared to now since people rarely got banned back then.

>slight tan with dark hair
>pony tail with tendrils
>thigh highs
>shirt tied around waist
>crop top
This skin checks all of my boxes, I'm honestly kind of impressed. Also surprised that it ended up being sivir.

I only post on weekends since work keeps me super busy in the week. But yeah I miss shitposting on a daily basis.

I almost afked to make this Yi lose after he sold me at dragon pit after I landed the perfet Bubble+Ult and he just stood in tribush, I don't remember to be this fucking volatile before the pills.

Sivir went from pizza feet to pizza delivery

>forget my pic

I'm a fucking retard.

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>surely I can't have five games in a row with retards
>Kai'sa Jungle Teemo ADC immediately hover

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>I used to be platinum a few years ago

damn bro thats pretty good highest i got was bronze 1

how did you do it?

i recall someone saying this exact same thing to me the last time i came back

are you that person

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This was my first permaban (it took surprisingly long desu)
also my first account
I play like max 20 games a year now, but the account had some sentimental value for me + some rare skins like championship riven so im kinda pissed

probably, probably not
I don't remember that far
last thing I remember from you is getting btfo'd by marine lmao

god damn that is a nice tight midriff

which lolg has the cutest thighs?

>work with the jews

the e-girls steal their shekels. we can offer the shekels of those thirsty retards to them as payment for their efforts, no questions asked

rose probably

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the fuck is this a filter or something?

Dark elementalist lux is my waifu

hello newfag

are you enjoying your time Veeky Forums you fucking faggot

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damn bro thats a awfully specific way to remember me

I've been lurking Veeky Forums since like 2014 but I rarely post tho

post pic

Yes championship riven, ofc the OG version not the 2016 or whatever version

Excellent taste user

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but that's rude
just ask her when she's posting, she's very proud of her thighs and supposedly so

>ywn get leglocked by all the Elementalist Lux forms at once like a human centipede
Why even live?



wow! thats so long ago

what was this place like back then user?

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well aren't you a funny one

>human centipede
this is not the best way to describe anything that's supposed to be sexy

>she's very proud of her thighs

won't mind you sharing then

>Not wanting to be encased in a living cocoon of Lux leglocks
lmao fag

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so ban all ahri posters? anyone could be making that post user, I even made it a few times when I saw it miss from the thread

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>Not wanting to be encased in a living cocoon of Lux leglocks
I absolutely do but... Do you not know what "human centipede" is? Cause I don't want that.

>Ahriposter cares this much about my post
T-that's actually nice to hear..

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>pick x
>enemy top picks nasus
>his jungler always ganks
>mine doesn't
>nasus 1v5s
>there is no way around this whatsoever
great champ so fun lane against 10/10

Look, we all feel the urge to tear our teammates a new asshole once in a while, I used to be pretty bad back before lyte made me shape up for my own good. (Just typing shit out and not hitting enter helped at first.)
But you need to learn that flaming your teammates doesn't help turn the tables, and makes it less likely to happen.
That person you flamed is now feeling undue pressure, they know they fucked up, now they know someone is actively watching for them to make mistakes so they can say something about it. They're either going to play worse because they have that in their mind adding doubt to all of their actions. Or they are going to purposefully continue playing badly or worse, so they can "save face" and the game can end sooner.

>why are they letting my words get to them what a big baby
How about you be the better man and not let some bad play get to you so much you need to put them down for it. You said that shit to get into their heads and make them feel bad, don't act like you didn't, I know I did.

If it's a mechanical misplay rather than some braindead shit, never flame, do encourage. Flaming is only going to make them do it more. If it is braindead shit, suggest what they should have done instead so they can actually stop doing it, maybe they just dont know.
'?' pings are all you really need to flame someone with, ranting in chat just shows your team how tilted you are and that the game isn't worth playing out.

>idk about you
that's what I am saying

you impersonated syndrafag and made his posts because you missed him?!
that so cute!

>Presses R

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>ban all ahri posters

No! We gather all Ahri posters and fugg them.

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uwaaaaa i hate it when that happens too

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>Accidentally turn in IWD's stream
>He gets his first buff warded
>He gets invaded at his next buff after doing a predictable path and gets killed
>Blames enemy Jungler for "ghosting"
This bitch is Jungle Hashinshin I swear to god.

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damn i missed stupid shit like this

tell me another story user

how do i deal with toxic people?

I get it why flaming is bad for your whole team but every time I flame Its a game where I don't care if I win or lose.
I'd take a perma mute and be happy having it, but unfortunately for me that doesn't exist

>tfw i was always volatile

I gambled my life and won 360 gold.

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>people listen to hanshitshit instead of someone like Neace

that zac is based


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Neace is a MASSIVE little bitch who tries to "call out" everyone because he thinks being controversial will make him popular.

At least Hashinshin is funny when he goes on an autistic rampage.