minute 3:05
Ethereum is on TV
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They are going to be talking about it a lot more on TV after this week.
I like the survival of the fittest aspect in cryptocurrencies
The Jews are all in. Are you?
What's your point? If Bloomberg makes an article about horses you should hate horses? Explain your logic.
I don't think he was saying you should hate ethereum.. He was saying that if Jews want ETH you should too because Jews have a nose for making money.
I meant you should buy Ethereum because Jews have money. Geeze
Hahaha we're the jews now.
Ethereum will be >$1000 each by hanukah
Considering billionaires are dropping money in it I wouldn't be surprised.
Or the jews want you to buy ETH now because they bought a shit ton of it when it was $2 and they prepare to dump.
Who knows?
Checked for truth.
FUD posters at their finest.
40% of my wallet is ETH.
Massive dump of ETH is possible, just like any other coin.
Also it won't hit $1000.
$150/$180 maybe.
>mfw everything I have is going long on ETH
If you can't beat them, join them.
next year's hanukah?
So basically that guy said ETH is hot and exciting but do your due dilligence
ETH is such a slut
Anyone telling you ETH is gonna hit $1000 in X months is lying. The truth is nobody knows, not even Vitalik.
That being said, the general thought on Ethereum is that it's a great technology. Lots of important companies are looking into it, and the future developpments are exciting. I would say it has a bright future and its vallue will most likely go up, but I have no idea how much and when.
Something about Ethereum gives me the feeling that there's a retarded bull run in the future that ends in tears. I await it eagerly to cash out and buy back in precisely because of how promising the tech is. The only issue that gives me pause is the gas cost/price issue but I don't think it will be too much of an issue.
hanukah is in December, my shekels are ready.
Ethereum was just featured on New Zealand TV.
You know what they call dumps of a useful asset that makes a new market space?
A great buying opportunity.
Fucking never let go of this rocket.
holders gonna be BTFO when ETH will have to deal with scale BTC does atm
See the issue of gas cost vs. gas price.
i'm guessing his mom was drunk the entire 9 months pregnant
The poor quality makes it feel surrealistically like I am in the year 2038 and looking back to the early days of blockchain.
No, that was your mom.
I like this post.
>child prodigy
try again
is the rocket fueling. don't leave without me.
kek confirms eth moon with digits