old: unsettling edition
old: unsettling edition
>Trying to learn toplane
>Get camped every game
Now I understand why toplaners always complain
>Enemy Zed deals 1400 damage to me in less than two seconds without even using ult
Hahahahahah just pink ward his damage just QSS his spell rotation just dodge his point and click ult hahahahah bro you're so bad
xth for if you don't play ap jungle draven in normals you should kill yourself only losers play really champion in norms
My wife Sivir
>Tim's didn't have any caramel or cherry timbits and my roll up the rim was a loser
Who do I play to alleviate this feeling?
>first game of the day bot lane goes 0/11
wonderful meta we live in folks
>Master yi or rengar getting to free farm for free
as opposed to freefarm that ain’t free?
Why didn't you help them more retard?
sivir pleases old customers for money
is this evelynn? whos the artist
Reminder taking kai'sa is having a lower chance of winning compared to cleanse/ghost nunu
>Not shitbuilding on shitpicks in normals so you can lose to golds as a diamond.
Literally way more fun than stomping some bads, for me at least.
How to farm against Jayce?
The Great White North ain't free. The north gotta be splattered with the blood of baby seals. Justin "2015" Turdeau is not my prime minister, he is an islamist communist and probably a cuck as well :DDDDD Canadian bacon not Canadian kebab okay? Praise Gretzky
>only losers play really champion in norms
it’s literally true though
Never bully your support!
Honour your support every game !
How much does Pizza Delivery Sivir work out?
So does somebody mind explaining what the fuck I'm supposed to do as the ADC against the 15/3 Zed on the enemy team?
>Just build GA you shitter xDDD
Good idea, I'll build GA as my first item whenever I go up against a Zed
>give friend money to buy some candy cuz he's going to the gas station
>Found out it was buy 1 get 1 free later
>He had a open Reese's wrapper in his car
People just ain't no good. I think that's well understood
League of legends
but her adc winrate is 45%
it was in under 10 minutes, then they kept walking into the enemy team, nothing i can do there
You don't.
>i got my ass handed to me in a normals game and i'm going to bitch about losing a normals game: the post
Freefarm ain't free. The camps of gold and XP gotta be littered with the blood of the enemy jungler. Ghostcrawler aka "Catch up XP is good" is not my game designer, he's from blizzard and probably plays HotS as well. Nidalee and graves, not yi and regnar, praise morello.
I need to edge my dick to this skin so much I have constant boner for past 3 days
>tfw you feed so hard that you're 1 game away from demoting TWICE in one day
Kai'sa is an ADC right? Everyone that thinks otherwise is kidding themselves right?
>Playing ADC
>My support picks Varus
I lost because the enemy team is better than me at the game :)
>Morello was the only designer who understood heals and shields were cancer
Exactly losing is fun
Glad user agrees with me!
Good user!
There are some delusional retards that still think she's a jungler but you're gimping your team horrendously by doing that.
freefarm aint free. epic KDAs and cs numbers gotta be littered with the blood of supports. ivern bramblefoot aka THE GREEN FATHER is NOT my jungler. he is a support character that doesnt frag and probably a healer as well :DDD. RED BUFF and gank not red buff and FARM ok. praise khazix
>tfw no Pizza Delivery Sivir gf to edge me constantly
Anybody who plays DF understands that.
I can’t wait for people to start playing sivir again once she gets a new skin.
Goddamn Riot just let ME do the Morde rework if you have no ideas.
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her skin color schemes branch out more
Like you're going to make her black?
>Like you're going to make her black?
I'm okay with this outcome.
>Black dress or clothing
100% what i want
I want to cuddle Jinx and feel her pussy stretch out more
Did lewdposters calm down yet?
>play tahm kench
>save cait from getting shit on by enemy warwick
>get no honors
Fuck this role.
La creatura...
>buffing khazix
I never understood how someone can like jinx, she is just a fucking skeleton on crack
my dick never calms down
How come qt is more popular than Tyler?
I find him really boring
how do i become like faker
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air,Kai'Sa
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
I like both of those
black jinx would actually be hilarious
just make her full belligerent quanshandra mode
I'm not allowed to not have a boner though
qt is actually good and untiltable
I want to be Dark Lux's boytoy
I want to get rekted by Nami so bad.
Is it me or Kayn is only good when he is on the enemy team?
We need a muscular woman champ with visible abs
I hate to be that guy, I really do, but I need someone to give me the name of this artist.
Comfy GFs!
i fucking hate my life and i should be working on my thesis but i want praise from my supports instead so i'll go spam league games in gigalow
Daily reminder to bust a nut to Poki.
Or BoxBox if you like boys.
Objectively best lux form
In what way?
boxbox>poki and I am not even gay or attaracted to traps
Neither of those are good enough
Sej is not visible and she's riding a boar so it's especially not visible
Vi doesn't have any visible muscle
>generic egirl number #27183
wow such perfection
cutest, lewdest, and tightest elementalist form
The uncensored version is better in every way
Sexually harassed somehow.
So what's the keystone situation for ADCs now? Is Fleet Footwork still the best no matter how many times they nerf it and buff Press the Attack?
If you main support you are either gay or a female
The nude version of that image is literal perfection. I still fap to it on a daily basis and nothing else makes me nut as hard.
The breasts, the stomach, the pussy, are all perfectly drawn.
Is there anyone in this stupid game that takes lethal tempo?
Electrocution if you are not a vagina
Bad jax players
what about dolphin pussy?
it's not on his tumblr or cataloged on any boorus tho
A Varus who can get through laning without jobbing.
Brave, but foolish Rakans.
Sustain > literally anything else
Adcs shit out damage once they get a couple items no matter what runes they take, so making sure you can get to those items without feeding is the most important thing
How is Naut right now? Can he still support or is he stuck in the top lane?
In other words: if you main support you are AWESOME!!
Redpill me on Kennen lolg, is he worth 4800 BE?
I am happy, yes.
How the shit does Rakan EVER benefit from Attack Speed unless we're in some shitty timeline where he plays premade with Xayah and he thinks he'll use her W more?
Worse than thresh in both roles desu
Riot confirmed Nami is a mammal.
Since riot wants to make the new fervor melee only because hashinshin can't go without his brooser keystone it's best just to stick with fleet because press the attack sucks dick