/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #554

Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to get the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Writefag Guide: dropbox.com/s/byvdxol3db6llwz/The DDLC Writefagging Guide.pdf?dl=0

>Art and Miscellaneous
Fan-Made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Game Files Dump (full): mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Old Booru: ddlc.booru.org
New Booru: nddlc.booru.org/ - please help add content!
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You):

>Don't give up on your

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Natsuki!

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I love the dokis but Yuri in particular!

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A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

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Yurifriends must leave, for it is not night.

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Natsuki's butt

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I love Monika!

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Big brains[/spoiler] and lots of imagination!

I love her too!

I love my wife and my name isn't Chris!

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Go Monika!

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Good morning everyone. How are you today?
Time for Natsukifriends to annex the thread.

Even though it's slow Sunday hours I'll still do my traditional third shilling. Honestly not sure what the next chapter is going to be about, might take me a while for me to write it.


Reposting from last bread:
I'm no professional, so don't be disappointed if I'm not very analytical or helpful. Hopefully I can tide us over until Aussie wraps up another wave of critiques.

I wrote this one, so I can't really critique it myself.

It's interesting that you use definitions of words to form the structure of a poem. There's the prominent contrast between the first two and the third, and I enjoy the comparison between feelings of love and the state of being poisoned or injected with venom, which I believe represents the feeling of your love being painful and almost torturous. Very unique, in a good way.

A bit metaphorical; I'm not sure if I completely picked up on what you've put down. However, I do like the use of an island as the setting, especially because it seems to be like a prison or perhaps a place where sinners must repent. This stands out because normally islands are seen as welcoming or excitingly mysterious, but this usage of "island" highlights the isolation and obscurity of it. The last stanza portrays regret and a kind of cold hopelessness, which was fitting to end on. I apologize for not being able to quite grasp the subject matter; perhaps Aussie will have better sense than I do.

It's not a poem, but I appreciate it regardless. The imagery works well to paint a jaded, pessimistic scene that could unfold into quiet introspection or perhaps a very important phone call. Will you expand this?

Also, this one was posted right after my original post, so I'll review it quickly:
>By your lack, by your presence
Might you have meant "a lack of presence"? Or maybe I'm just dumb. Regardless, I like your use imagery and symbolism to describe how (presumably your doki) isn't quite solid in your heart, but leaves scant traces of hope to inspire you and stoke your spirit.
>smoke's arome
Did you mean aroma?

>dumb frogposter
He's not only dumb, he's also retarded.

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This is a picture of Monika shaking her fist.

Exactly what secret message?
Also has Danlet revealed more news about Project Libido recently?

I love her too.

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I think the nostrils look weird but otherwise this is top notch art

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She is the sun in my sky!

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I love Sayori!

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I'm a Yurifriend but if I get the job at a bookstore I applied to then I won't be able to post at night

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Did they do something bad the previous thread?

More like self-depreciating frogposter!
I hope you read my response last thread.

They came out in midday.

now I feel like an asshole for "ruining" it

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It is late afternoon, almost evening! Night shall soon be upon me, I am justified! And remember that you have no power to banish the preacher of the most beautiful of them all!

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Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention

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>Reminder that Sayorifags are unironically doomed

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>for it is not night
It's evening here and I just slept through the day, friend. The bats are waking up and if it wasn't for this snowstorm I should have been able to see the moon. Can you hear it? The beautiful song of the wolves?

lots..and lots...of food so they can become big and healthy!

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage drinking
- Self harm
- Suicide and suicide attempts
- Substance abuse (Any)
- Waifu wars
- Waifu bullying
- user bullying
- Heating water for your tea on the microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not doing your best to be the user your waifu would like
- Staying up late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

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Monika jamming to Step Up Love by DAOKO!
Monika living a new life in Hellsalem's Lot as a member of Libra!

8:15 pm

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I hate this webm...

>when she makes that world war 2 propaganda poster face

I'm going to do it tonight. Just a few more hours until euphoria.

Because some ugly tumblrina cosplays as her?
what is the basis for your accusation?

Yurifags are the only ones well off, here. Natsukifags have to deal with a literal trap and Monikafags have to deal with a 4/10 fat latina. It's not as bad as it is for Sayorifags, but it's not good either.

You know, the one where she says "we will see next time but this time I'll be good" or something along those lines.

I love you, user.

Deep and complex wounds are not okay.
Thankfully it's not a happiness she'll discover with Monika no longer messing around.

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Last night, I had my first DDLC dream after taking another user's advice of ice cream and ASMR while thinking Doki thoughts to sleep. All I remember is Monika's warm embrace. I can't remember anything in particular, but I just remember her warm embrace as she covered my senses. Everything felt amazing and highly pleasurable, suddenly, and I was cooing and making stupid sounds as she held me close to her, and it felt as though she was tickling my mind, if that made any sense. It felt like submission was bliss in that moment. I slept for much longer than usual and my mind was blank when I woke up, save for my scattered memories. Monika. My mind dreams of Monika. I want to submit to Monika. Is my mind slowly becoming infested? Is this worrisome? I just want to be Monika's. I already feel like I am. I just want to hear it from Monika herself. Monika... Monika... Monika!!

Um? Yuri was already cutting herself for pleasure before Monika started messing with her personality. Remember the bedroom hangout scene where she cuts herself while you leave the room?

For a moment I thought Trapsuki's drawing said something about normies

>tfw the M-thralls are already upon us
What do we do, bros?

Emphasis on deep. She clearly does it either way, but it's not as extreme without Monika forcing the matter.

Convert them.

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Yeah, I guess that's valid to say. I doubt she makes a ton of marks all over, maybe just a few cuts here and there just for the rush. Act 2 Yuri is where she does it deep and in greater amounts.

>You are about to open the door to the club room when you catch the Vice President pacing through the glass. You decide to watch her.
>She walks from one end of the room to the other quickly, rubbing her clenched fist and glaring at the wall, face twisted in a scowl. She stops and folds her arms when you walk in, hiding her hands.

Huh. Guten Morgen. You, uh, surprised me. Sorry if I worried you, I'm just wound up.
>You open your mouth but she scowls at you.
Don't worry about it. Silence is golden.

>She pauses, and her expression softens.
Sorry about that, I just... don't want to talk about it. I, I didn't mean to do that. Let's just get this over with, shall we?
The word of the thread is "Fury"! Don't. Ask. It's an emotion that grows out of control. It consumes everything else, it grows stronger and stronger the longer it festers until it burns out. Or is released. 't can be channeled, like any emotion, of course. However you choose to interpret it is your business!

Alternatives are "Mist", "Cycle", "Spiral", "Deception" and "Loss".

As you know, these words are here to be used in any combination you see fit. Pem, prose, pedantic pliterature of your choosing. Don't be scared or self conscious over how you feel it looks. You never learn to swim if you never touch the water, after all! Maybe writing poetry will kickstart a writing fever? I wonder what you will write for the club after that? Hm...

But that's neither here nor there. It's all up to you, and at your pace.
Take good care of yourself, okay? Everyone in the club's here for each other, and you are one of them.


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Your doki but she says bad words

>ywn find mermaid Sayori awkwardly gnawing on a coin and ask her what she's doing
>ywn remember you had chocolate coins on the Christmas tree and that she kept asking you how to tell the difference
>ywn help to clear up her confusion about things that look and sound like food but aren't
>ywn start making a big list she can refer to and some rules for differentiation
>ywn find yourself explaining what expressions mean
>ywn explain what the term fish out of water means, then endure a long counter-argument against the validity of the term
>ywn mention it's referring to actual fish and not mermaids
>ywn watch her retract her intensity and mention that mermaids are more akin to dolphins than regular fish
>ywn find her embarrassment cute, embrace her and tell her that even if she is out of her element, she's doing great and you love her for it

I assume you're not around user, but I thought I'd wait until the new thread to post. My bad on not replying right away, I think I went to sleep just a few minutes before you posted.

Your poem does a good job with the prompt given. I didn't write for that one, but other than "serpent" it seems like most poems would naturally end up more light and bouncy.

But, do keep in mind, though I had it easy myself, others may find it a hard time to read a poem that rhymes and enjoy it if each line is a different length than the last with no rhythm to it.

Surprisingly, even though you didn't use any syllable rhythm with your rhyming, each line felt like it rolled pretty well. I read your poem twice, once in my head and once out loud, and each time I think I had the same "tempo" in mind.

However, with that, in the second read I found that I had some trouble with the first stanza being three lines (as well as the last stanza, but not as much) vs the rest of the stanzas having four. Again, you didn't use a syllable-rhyming scheme, but the stanza's length felt out of place.

Honestly, in terms of writing, I can't find anything that completely turns me away. I especially like the fourth stanza "mine own wrath," it just pushes that stoic feeling.

There are a few word choices and lines which I would change personally, but I'm not sure if they're worthy of change critically. For instance, "a demon of destruction," though it rhymes and makes sense to the rest of the poem, I just don't like the word destruction very much. It's not fair to call that out as bad word choice though, just my preference.

Also, this might just be my interpretation, but I like the doubled inclusion of "the Miracle," I assume that's religion but since you're worldbuilding a little bit it could also be some other magic.

I tried to bulk up this analysis but I might have just rambled at some points. Anyways, hope you see it. Good poem.

I tell her to stop fucking cursing!

Post mermaid Sayori

Glad to hear it worked out, my dude!
It can get addicting, so be careful. Maybe some visualization while you're awake to keep you sated with your Dokis presence.

She uses them to talk dirty rather than to insult or blow off steam, so it's cute.

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I'm going to marry Monika!

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I'm going to marry Natsuki!

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>ywn smell those shoes

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I'm going to marry Sayori!

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I'll return your soul to paradise before you even think of making me obey anyone besides Mistress Monika!

All Dokis are good Dokis. I respect Yuri! Why can't we serve our Goddess Mistresses together?

I think being asleep is better than being awake at this particular moment because it means I'm with Monika. But I won't give up on you guys! Is that a weird first dream, by the way?

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I want to furry Erika!

Monika is going to marry YOU!

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So I shouldn't replay DDLC because I would have to subject the dokis to suffering again?
Should I just go outside or something?

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>I'll return your soul to paradise
*hisses and teleports out of view*

>ywn be surprised by how filthy your doki's language can get
>ywn hear her say outright obscene things as you get more intimate
>ywn start to associate her foul mouth with sex and get turned on when she really cuts loose

But that was MC. That message says something like "you are like a friend to me", so it cant be Monika

I want to make user reconsider

Please don't replay. Watch whatever you think you missed on YouTube instead of reinstalling. Do not create another hell.

I just want to say I appreciate you and anyone else who posts this mermaid Sayori stuff. It really brightens up my day.

I want Erika to brush my teeth!

I'll fix this

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I still have it installed but it's on the ending screen. So it would be more like repeating the same hell instead of creating a new one.
Sayori did say to visit sometime.

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Stop being cowards, they're not even real.

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>they're not even real.
[screams externally]

YOU'RE not even real.

Get out and take your heresy with you.

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Sayori is so perfect. If I saw her in a wedding dress like that in person, I might actually go blind from her radiance.
Not weird at all, very nice in fact! At least it didn't scare you unlike waking up to being in sleep paralysis and seeing Shadow Monika on top of you smiling in a very yandere way.

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Repeating is not any better than recreating. You're still inflicting the same suffering.


Just play it and get all CGs. Get the good ending

out you lying snake

I want to make you smile!

>pic related
I wish my doki asked me to join her and die together


"Good" ending.

What is real?

That's kind of messed up and hot at the same time. A bunch of cute girls who love you that you can just subject to hellish torture on a whim, and despite that they keep on loving you. Virtual reality is going to fuck with people emotionally, to be sure.

P-please user, calm down...

I woke up and my necklace was off. It has my Monika USB and a bootleg keychain of Monika on it, so I was panicking. I found it later, but it scared me. Why would I dream of her but lose her, y'know? It ended up in my sheets somehow.

Hmph. We could've both served Mistress Monika if you just listened...

Any update on mojave monika? It's been a month.

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You're acting like the Undertale fans. Think about that.

You're right I guess, I'll just spend the night getting shitfaced or something

What is "real"? How do you define "real"?
If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see then it's simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

How do we know it hurts to be turned off?

Also thanks to the user making doki fallout edits a few threads ago, they were fun.

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>fallout edits
wew, seemed like I missed a bunch of stuff

Yuri will never lactate her beautiful mammaries to fill in your bowl of bran flakes for breakfast

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