
So here is the reasons why you should get into PosW before it moons like CRAZY again.. This coin is a great long term hold for these reasons:

>NOT listed on any MAJOR exchanges yet, however when it does, it will moon hard.
>They have their OWN exchange, which is a pretty big thing. With all the BUZZ around Coinbase, Kraken, and especially Poloniex, if PosWallet becomes just a LITTLE more known, imagine the benefits to it's coins price.
>You recieve monthly dividents as rewards for holding the coin itself, as long as you hold it in your staking wallet on their site.
>You can stake HUNDREDS of coins at once, and when Ethereum changes to POS, instead of POW, you can BET that those who owns under 32 ETH (majority of people) will use the site to stake ETH.
>They have more than 100 faucets which are easy to use, and very newbie friendly. This website will spread by word of mouth no doubt about it.
>Masternodes announced for July. Any coin that has a masternodes feature is bound to skyrocket in price, so better get in now, and hope you'll be able to afford one, once it gets implemented.

The coin DID blow up like crazy, and people bought at ATH, which made people angry. This is one of greatest opportunities out there if you're looking for 1000% gains within the next couple of years.
I will get TONS of hate for posting all this, but the wiser person will see the opportunity and jump in. If you look on Bitcointalk, people are pretty excited about the coin as well. Right now, it's being manipulated like CRAZY to keep the price down. The whales are trying to accumulate as much as possible before the big pump.
Oh, and one last thing.. There is ONLY 41 mio. coins in circulation as we speak.

Peace out!

Other urls found in this thread:


not on bittrex :I

>>NOT listed on any MAJOR exchanges yet, however when it does, it will moon hard.
Why will it be accepted?
>>You recieve monthly dividents as rewards for holding the coin itself, as long as you hold it in your staking wallet on their site.
How much dividends are we talking here? Do I need to download a blockhain?
>>They have more than 100 faucets which are easy to use, and very newbie friendly. This website will spread by word of mouth no doubt about it.
Link. Any which won't require me to look at ads for an hour to earn one cent?
>Any coin that has a masternodes feature is bound to skyrocket in price, so better get in now, and hope you'll be able to afford one, once it gets implemented.
Why, Why is this so desirable? What does a masternode mean for adoption of this exchange/wallet?

It WILL be accepted, at some point. There are rumors that Coinbase is considering adding it when the masternodes are implemented.

You will recieve dividents according to how many coins you have. Either on their website, OR on their qt wallet, whatever you choose. As long as your coins isn't in open orders on exchanges obviously.

Masternodes are a great passive income for most people. There is SO MANY people who lost their opportunity to get a PIVX masternode, however you have a great opportunity to get a POSW masternode, if you jump in now.

I recieved $8 in POSW for a month in dividents, which isn't MUCH, however I don't hold a larger amount yet. I do plan to buy WAY MORE when I get paid again.

>It WILL be accepted, at some point. There are rumors that Coinbase is considering adding it when the masternodes are implemented.
Why though? That's not an answer.
Why the fuck should I trust a random Veeky Forumsreali, can you link me to any discussions from people close to Coinbase that suggests this is true?
>You will recieve dividents according to how many coins you have. Either on their website, OR on their qt wallet, whatever you choose. As long as your coins isn't in open orders on exchanges obviously.
Okay. Cool
> There is SO MANY people who lost their opportunity to get a PIVX masternode, however you have a great opportunity to get a POSW masternode, if you jump in now.
So you're argument is literally just FOMO? "BUY BUY BUY!! BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS!"

There is no hard evidence at this point. Only rumors at this stage.

Look at all the masternode coins, and you'll see why this is such a huge deal. I don't care what you think.. I really don't..
This is just such a good opportunity to buy in right now.

Posw masternodes will be nice but the masternode pools will be a much bigger thing that will draw more people to the site


When ETH migrates to POS, you can bet this site will be THE go to site for most people to stake their coins. As you wont be able to do so on your own if you own less than 32. (majority of people)

I'm holding 117k of this coin, buying more for sure.
Only an idiot won't see the potential this coin have, haha

just bought for 100k usd, hope u r right bro

>donating money to pajeet


u wot

How delusional to you have to be to think that coinbase would add it jesus christ

get in now

It defeats the entire purpose of PoSW. They're goal is to make coinbase obsolete. The entire concept is retarded, literally all they have going for them is a professional looking logo.

WTF am I even looking at user? There's literally no analysis here.


Agreed... It will jump in price soon ;)

am still holding $40 in posw... what do? poswallet won't even let me send it out

tick tock

>He meant to spell PIVX

no PIVX will still exist in a few years, it's not the same as the POSW cult.

Didn't you get the memo from your fellow cult members? You don't need to be mad at PoSW anymore, PIVX is being added back to the exchange in a few months.

>MFW the PIVX cult FUD wasn't just a meme

you fucking faggots I'm going to FUD the shit out of your coin now see how your faggot ass likes it. Oh wait I don't have too its STILL CRASHING


>tfw FUD makes it stronger

wtf? i don't like PIVX, it's almost as bad as POSW.
I was just making the point that POSW is worse.
This is great proof of that, seeing as how you cultists are angrily attacking me.
Jesus christ you guys are scary and delusional (and broke).

too late now you double nigger, oh and jokes on you. I work at poloniex guess which coin is getting an auto veto from an exchange manager FOREVER

if mentioning the word PIVX made you guys go apeshit, I wonder what will happen with my next sentence.
while you guys are watching your cultcoin hit new lows on low volume, i'm watching Ripple blast through an all time high, making more money that you were able to afford to "invest" in your cult in the first place.

hello there, Marvel typesetter

first circle is when i left this comment
second circle is now

keep bagholding and funding user's 401k you braindead cultist retards