/scp/ Secret Laboratory General

Alabama Edition

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1st for Alabama

Chip damage is still damage, I've been in a couple of rounds where Larry was actually shot to death or forced to hide inside his femur breaker room like a bitch because he was sub 100HP. You're not going to deter him any other way if you don't have access to a Micro HID or Red Key, so you might as well shoot him for free if you can

Let's go EU

center bottom has text over nerd's hand
also add "why did I just blink" in one of the early panels

big improvement tho

Let's try this.

>a single mtf manages to juke the doc and a zombie into falling into larry's containment chamber

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Why another thread?

Old one is at bump limit.

because the last one hit post limit? duh

Instead of sugesting new SCPs or mechanics, i´ll recommend the devs to focus on the animations, graphic quality and options for users.

Also add a good search for servers, with favorites and shit. Tweak a bit things like Lanky being only 2 secs to activate and Femur Breaker doesn´t need a kill, but slows the "sacrifice" 50% and needs a special key to get into.

Reminder that is the cool server, get in here niggas

>animations, graphic quality
In what sense does this matter at all? The game is fun to play, not nice to look at

Give this SCP

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7 in, come on lads

all three of those are useless
a good server browser is an ABSOLUTE must though

at the very least they need to fix the search option and add filters for empty and full servers, preferably with a filter "at least X players"

>he wants the airplane zombies to be fixed


I'll bring some peeps in there in about 20 minutes or so.

should airplane larry be fixed?

>get shadow realmed
>no corpses or garbage
>drop my ammo counter on the path i take
>it's the good one
I'm so sorry Larry.

Be there soon

yes he should have a different quirk
like his torso rapidly spinning around his waist in addition to airplane so we can call him helicopter

I don´t want a 4k game, i just want normal rigs for the models instead the T or A from the loaded models, runing everywhere static like Peanuts army.

For graphic options i mean shadows, blur, etc... Not so difficult to add and very useful to ppl.

Also the only good model is fucking Pea Nuts, the others could be better with a bit of work on them. Same goes for the D-Crew/Nerds/CI/NTF a bit of variety in their models will be very refreshing.

you could just say it instead of dancing around cuck boy
you just want a black dboi

Larry takes about the same amount of damage from pretty much every weapon, so the key to killing him is skorpions and logiciers because they have like a million rounds per minute

Have they added Lanky's screaming to the ambience?

>Suddendly adds a black D-Boy
>Now you won´t need any SCP to ruin the SCP Foundation
>Chimps will steal the shit out of nerds and their D-Boiss bros
>They´ll fucking rob Lanky and Larrys meal

>d boy civil war
>blacks killing the whites killing the asians


at this point the models became pretty much memes. so changing this at this point is fruitless for the community

d-bois are SHIT

mtf are the worst, anybody playing them should suicide as soon as possible

I like the first version better. Less cluttered.

So who else loves Radical Larry's totally tubular vacation home?

Bit small.

>Standing ontop of the servers waiting for an ambush


>can't banter with everyone as an scp
server option when?

Small? Have you even gone in it?

>The nuke is going to explote soon
>Nuclear starts playing
rip C-bro.

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>wanting semi-invulnerable micspammers

what is being the doc

>implying music wouldn't add to the terror of one coming for you

Would completely ruin the tension and surprise element desu

>Mic bug hits
>Spend the game as a scientist in 914 arguing with z-bois trying to say they were Chaos with bugged cards

Was pretty fun

>On SCP team
>2+ people on your team are miclets
Is there a worse feeling than this?

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Doc should at least get his voice lines from CB, which activate only when he sees someone or something


SUGGESTED UPDATE: 096 Can now be capturable by MTF/NTF, (Not CI, Class D or Scientists)
All units of spawning NTF/MTF Would carry a Simple Paper bag (Not an inventory item)
That can be used to "Contain" 096, putting a paper bag over his head thus nobody viewing his face,
NTF units would then have to escort 096 to the Escape zone behind NTF spawn (Where the Class D's escape)
Then he would be considered "Recontained" and be put into spectator mode. HOWEVER, There ARE conditions to this.


In order for this to work successfully with "Balance" in mind,
(Personally want the containment term to be called "Bag", "Bag him! "Dont worry he has a bag on him." ect.)

1. 096 cannot be in rage mode when NTF attempt to "Bag" him, Running OR standing and panicking.
2. You cannot bag him if he is ready to rage again, "Cooldown is off, ready to attack". (Cont.)
3. You can only bag him from behind and AFTER he JUST got done rampaging, Theres a SMALL window of capture when viewing his face does not trigger him (Cooldown)
4. Each new spawned NTF would have ONE (1) bag, and if 096 breaks free your bag is gone, Cant capture again

You would press "E", the interact key to do it,

096 Would be standing still or sitting (depending on what the dev can do) while capture is happening.
You would have to press and Hold "E" for a certain about of time to bag him in which if you "bag" him successfully. (Suggested 10 to 20 seconds)
he will have a brown paper bag over his head and cannot be triggered by looking at him, (Rage mode off).
The NTF would then have to escort him from where he was contained out into the exit zone,
But any resistance (D's SCP, CI) Could kill the MTF and free 096 at which point he can instantly be triggered again.

Attached: scp096.jpg (890x898, 111K)

>Spawn as the heroes of the game
>The Nine Tailed Fox squad
>Get into the facility
>Suddenly Lanky
>We all die

Damn you Lanky, another good nickname for him would be Screaming Steve.

Agreed, the CB lines for the Doc are great


When 096 is "Bagged", He will have to be escorted to the endzone to be "Contained" (BAG/BAGGED and CONTAINED are different)
However, Anything can interupt his capture. (see below) All they would need to do is remove the bag from his head and he can be seen again.
The taking off of the bag would be instantanious,(No interaction time) But you would have to be in close range to do it, No releaseing him from a distance.

Below; SCPs would have to get within interaction distance and press "F" to free him.

Feel free to debate, share your thoughs, Speak what you might think be too broken or OP and why, Keep game mechanics in mind.

The person who bagged 096 CANNOT use weapons while leading him around on a rope.

While bagged if SCP 096 takes a certain amout of damage VIA gun (Around 100-200 suggested)
He will start raging again and the bag will come loose.

Suggested wait times;
Bagging SCP 096,(Anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds, Keep game balance in mind,
Freeing 096, 0 seconds (instantanious)
SCP 096 taking damage VIA gun to be triggered (100HP). (Although thinking about it realisticly everyone in the area with a gun would be killed, so suicide.

096 would beable to communicate to his teammates during capture where he is ect,

Killing the NTF escorting him would free him of Chain and bag

Any other suggestions? Thoughts, Opinions?

Also liked another concept another user pointed out,

rage now starts ticking instantly, but only those who saw his face can be killed, they're highlighted to the 096 player
his unsettled "warning" mode now goes on for 30 seconds (I suggest 10)
he can go on forever until they're dead or escape
mtf can do that thing, but once the bags on his head he's considered contained. can only be done from behind

>096 can now be used as an extremely mobile spy because he just doesn't kill the guy marked

Give him the ability to break ALL doors in the game.


That would render the whole point of "security checkpoints" useless.

Breaking the heavy doors would be a bit much. I think he should just be able to force them open, and they can maybe be closed again after a short period of time.

Okay, not the checkpoints. The blast doors and nuke room though.

Filtering you

no it wouldn't
he doesn't break all the doors when he transforms, he can simply choose not to go through the checkpoint when he transforms if he doesn't want others without a card to go through it

for blast doors just give 096 an animation where he pulls them open

>people shit talk me when parkouring around larry's containment
>they fall and die while running from me
>shit talk when hopping ontop of servers
>freak out when I follow them
I too know of the jump key

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I am fucking sick of crashing on restart and waiting five minutes to respawning as a guard. End my suffering.

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The only worse feeling is having Larry walk into a slam packed 914 room, sending everyone other than you to the shadow realm, and leaving while you beg to be taken because you don't have a card. Followed by sitting in the room screaming at anything that makes noise to let you out/kill you.

Is this a common occurrence or are you the one dude I remember this actually happening to? Your begging was hilarious.

why is ntf guard even a role?
>can't restrain people
>can't enter the facility by themselves
>gun is just a worse version of lieutenant+

>why does any card other than o5 exist

"Go check if an SCP is out there."

Guards should be the only lying ones to be able to restrain and be able to restrain multiple dbois. The pistol is good if you can always land a headshot but only really useful against CI or NTF.

You're meant to go first so if theres an scp camping a doorway only you die

The guard plasma pistol is objectively worse than the shitty 1911 spawn in light containment. It does the same damage but has a MUCH lower rate of fire. The only good thing about being a guard is you can TK your nearest lieutenant/commander, take his gun/ID, and claim that he TK'd you earlier so nobody retaliates.

What if we just like, kill all the D-Bois?

it wouldn't be as bad if you had a lower tier CI agent

Just stand at the back of the squad and wait for something to happen, then shoot someone with a real gun in the back of the head. If anyone questions you, claim it was an accident in the crossfire. Chances are nobody will even know what happened.

>The only good thing about being a guard is you can TK your nearest lieutenant/commander, take his gun/ID, and claim that he TK'd you earlier so nobody retaliates.

Absolute cancer

>2shots any non-scp

>Wanting a card able to enter the building as mtf is the same as wanting the all access card
Is this the tier of reasoning in the dev's head too?

The 1911 will 2shot any non-scp as well. What's your point?

And yet everybody does it. It's only cancer if it's not you doing it, right?

but DUDE the scope lmao

Best Peanut ever.

Guards should spawn in LC.
Restraining D boys should only be done by guards
Pistol buff pls

no I'm saying there's a reason shit things exist in the game
it's because they exist

Someone is making a "modded" server where there's one Dboi, the round starts with CI spawning together with the dboi & they're supposed to take him up

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No, D-boys will die even faster.

>dude scope lmao
>movement slows to a crawl, takes half a second to switch in/out of scope mode, target reticule disappears in scope mode, entire screen turns into a horrible red fuzz

1911 is better than the plasma pistol and nothing will change that

Sounds neat but also like it would get kinda boring after a few rounds, unless there's going to be other changes made.

It's done

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I prefer plasma pistol
less recoil (as far as I could tell)
more common ammo
more damage (as far as I could tell)
night vision

>can see down a room and a half
>ammo everywhere
>he needs to ADS to get a headshot
Scope is for making sure there isn't some shit up ahead.

Amazing job user!

oh no it's cute

>that fucking NTF

10/10 user

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I feel like the background doesn't really fit, especially with that perspective. Something like 914 closeup would probably be a much better environment for it


Damage is the same and the recoil is the same. The recoil only appears less because it has a retarded rate of fire, meaning you can't unload a full clip in half a second like you might with the 1911.

so the game like usual?
are you going to complain about fire man and computer when they release too?


New server?
Capacity? FF?

