When 096 is "Bagged", He will have to be escorted to the endzone to be "Contained" (BAG/BAGGED and CONTAINED are different)
However, Anything can interupt his capture. (see below) All they would need to do is remove the bag from his head and he can be seen again.
The taking off of the bag would be instantanious,(No interaction time) But you would have to be in close range to do it, No releaseing him from a distance.
Below; SCPs would have to get within interaction distance and press "F" to free him.
Feel free to debate, share your thoughs, Speak what you might think be too broken or OP and why, Keep game mechanics in mind.
The person who bagged 096 CANNOT use weapons while leading him around on a rope.
While bagged if SCP 096 takes a certain amout of damage VIA gun (Around 100-200 suggested)
He will start raging again and the bag will come loose.
Suggested wait times;
Bagging SCP 096,(Anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds, Keep game balance in mind,
Freeing 096, 0 seconds (instantanious)
SCP 096 taking damage VIA gun to be triggered (100HP). (Although thinking about it realisticly everyone in the area with a gun would be killed, so suicide.
096 would beable to communicate to his teammates during capture where he is ect,
Killing the NTF escorting him would free him of Chain and bag
Any other suggestions? Thoughts, Opinions?
Also liked another concept another user pointed out,
rage now starts ticking instantly, but only those who saw his face can be killed, they're highlighted to the 096 player
his unsettled "warning" mode now goes on for 30 seconds (I suggest 10)
he can go on forever until they're dead or escape
mtf can do that thing, but once the bags on his head he's considered contained. can only be done from behind