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Reposting from last thread:
I have finished Void's Blitzarre Adventure and now need another romhack to complete
Choose one:
The Last Promise
Road to Ruin
are there any other full game romhacks out there for me to do
Look at this.
The last promise
>hasn't played THE romhack yet
Do it. Play TLP user. Also check out FE Requiem sometime.
I swear to god I don't know who I want to dick anymore. My waifu or my daughter.
Since IS really struggles with that question: What would be a good and fresh new mode to release in FEH?
Big Sisters love cum!
nifl princesses have huge bushes to keep their pussies warm
I like his art
>Finally got around to building Sigurd
>Just give him Aether and he never fucking dies
>Tanks better than most of my armor units, especially against ranged enemies
Don't know why I put this build off for so long, it was easy too, as soon as he got Daylight I sent him to the SP grinding maps solo on autobattle
It's Sacred Stones but harder, with tons of mechanical improvements, and green and teal hair everywhere
RD is pretty good, maybe with some quests and objectives would be fresher
Maybe a generics-only Advance Wars-flavored game mode.
I'd bone that soren
That Titania is cute.
inb4 boy
defensive RD where you have to hold different forts for a certain amount of turns would be swell
Must be that time of month again
Yeah, I was expecting something like that too
Just expand more on Rival Domains. Quests and more varied map design would be sick
>original picture got deleted
This is why you always save with :orig you dumb fucks. Now it's lost to the void.
Literally best cav in the fucking game
>But muh shitbert
>0x2 against sigurd
CDx2 and aether and he is fucking done.
Is oppai loli the absolute worst possible fetish out there?
I ended up giving him 1 of my 3 spare DCs too because he can carry through a lot of content
all three of them would be perfect reaction material.
especcialy Titanias "OOh you~" face
B-But muh Exalted Chrom!
They need to expand rival domains mechanics to some of the story maps. Those already have varied objectives and most of the unique terrain options. If TTs weren't already an autobattle mode it'd be neat to have the final map of one use a brigade. Hell, that might make them even easier to autobattle through if your friends list is full of waifufags and super whales.
I don't care how dumb their romance might have been in the game, Deirdre and Sigurd will forever be the best Fire Emblem couple
Sigurd is only good as an enemy phase cav. His player phase is subpar since he struggles to kill units. Siegbert is better than him on player phase.
Ive been gone for the last week. Do we know the bonus units for the TT yet?
>Micaiah comes over to your house
>"I'm bored, let's do something user!"
What do?
Not Quan x Ethlyn
Only if you're a homosexual maybe
You don't even need to ask, senpai.
i will be your bonus unit. i'll try my best not to let you down!
*2nd best
I just got a 5* Leon with +Res-HP IV's. Should I merge him into my neutral one or viceversa?
Flier formation seal when?
>not Ike x Soren
I feel like EP is somewhat of a waste on cavs now that I play them more. They don't get the busted enemy phase skills that infantry or armors do and they can usually get by purely relying on player phase with Galeforce builds.
watch something, either a movie or some comfy anime or eventually cook something together
I want Sonia. With the way they inflated Ursula's chest I wonder how big would she be
/feg/, Are you actually angry about the things you say you are or are you just pretending to shit post?
Cum on toes
I remember a H. Anime with a similar plot.
Who is the most bangable mom in FE?
dunno, are you retarded?
Tell her to go to the library and read some history books and grow the fuck up.
Is the castle worth upgrading past 60%+ exp?
Miyuu's eyes actually look almost passable when they're in action poses like this.
Lucina is flat!
>Micaiah attack sigurd.
>74 damage
>He survives
Truly the best lord.
>Windsweep/phatom speed F Corrin
>Darting blow F Corrin
Someone probe both?
Wich one is better?
With dark breath of course
Why don't you bring your thief friend with the cute belly too. Then leave.
In my opinion no, units get a full level up from killing someone above them until 30ish and that wouldn't increase that much with 40% more.
>turn on FEH sound for first time in months
>voice acting completely ruins one of my favorite heroes
fuck you mia
I'm amazed you haven't already done so. Levelling units is such a chore that any way of speeding up the process without using gems is worth it.
Though with the introduction of the training maps, it might not be as necessary anymore
Agreed. I only really use my Sigurd to bait out mages and wipe the rest of them with Siegbert. I could go strictly player phase with my team, but I'd probably need to replace Sigurd with someone else.
wanna sparrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
he said best not worst
CYL can't come soon enough
Dunno. I need more context user.
Its a shame so many game modes restrict the use of duplicate units.
I love Exalted Chrom.
>Even attempting to play with the sound on
What's wrong with you?
Why do you hate Est so much?
Leveling them is only a chore from 35 to 40, the other levels are pretty quick at 60%.
And inferior
>Nanna can't use the Beo Sword
That's the way I like her.
Est is my highest merge!
At 4*+7
Unfaithful slut.
Inferior to her sisters.
god Lewdcina is cute
*Paladin Chrom
Didn't even give him the Exalted Falchion, baka
>muh nanna is finns' bastard daughter fan theories
notto disu shitto agen
IS just wants you to learn some moonrunes user
>Flier Formation Hinoka's Spear Hinoka
Sounds kinda fun.
>Siegbert can only use Siegfried in DLC
Uhm, >>>>Xander bros!?
Are you okay sweetie? That was awfully mean of you but I understand if you're going through a tough time.
All of the dub VAs are complete irredeemable shit
I've been tempted to try playing on the JP interface just for the voice acting, but... it's easier to just mute the voices.
>Amiti can actually be used by Renning
>it's locked to Elincia's inventory
slightly perturbed
Stupid bitch that can't stop getting captured and sucking bandit dicks
It'll be a Refine in a few months.
so you are retarded