/assg/ DBD And Other Shitty Games General

Low Effort Creativity Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

The Old Thread with all the Old Belly-Aching:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Aw, I was just going to make it but I went to the bathroom first.

Also first for fuck DS

>stop running self-care, d strike, sprint burst, dead hard, adrenaline
>still get shit-talked, camped, tunneled by killers
So what exactly do you guys want? Me to just roll over when you find me, and praise your god-like skill?

Buff my husbando.


You sound bad

jesus fucking christ, i dont even get that many disconnects when i play basement leatherface at rank 1

New Dwight Adventures when?

You deal with salty killers the same way you deal with salty survivors. You dumpster them and then immediately leave or you get dumpstered and still immediately leave.

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Since yesterday, this is all that happens when a match starts to load for me. It stalls on this screen for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, then kicks me back to the single player lobby screen. Sometimes I get the "escaped" screen where the killer has disconnected but no points or anything.

It is using up all my items and offerings and deranking me (I don't care about rank but I'm wondering why it's doing this.) Can someone please offer potential solutions? Game is unplayable right now and I'm ruining other peoples' matches by not loading in, constantly.

I checked my antivirus. Verified game cache. Not sure what else to do.

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When are they going to fix hitboxes on the Autohaven trucks? I'm tired of getting looped like a filthy Hag main.

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>start with traps instead of having to run and pick them up before laying any down
>traps cannot be broken anymore
>or fuck, just not sabo-able anymore, with a trap radius in place so trapper can't spam them around a gen or hook

Sound good?

Is anyone not getting any games as survivor?
Rank 2 been on queue 10 mins already

survivors are at a disadvantage

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>300 hours in
>never seen this, ever

killermains reach for the stars

It's balanced cuz I never seen it

it's not balanced cuz of 0.00001% scenarios that rarely happen


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>arguing post-match
>saving caps to post and share with others

killermains everybody

Do you alt tab at all during the game?

are at a disadvantage

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I often do without any hindering of the load screen. Or pull up the steam overlay. However it's started to do this even when I do absolutely nothing and let it load without hitting any key or clicking anything.

Been trying for 3 hours to load into a game now, nothing.

he's right tho

hold m2 to win

you seem to be new and don't understand how the bloodweb works because they wouldn't be able to get both of those.

i agree that survivors are not at a disadvantage the majority of the time but this is shit evidence toward it.

No game that allows you to bring in consumable items to aid you in the match is balanced or competitive, period.

>asymmetrical multiplayer

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That's funny, because I got both and had a shot at a third not long after

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cool that you don't provide proof at taking both of them in the same bloodweb instead of having just gotten two of them on different bloodwebs at level 39. i definitely believe you did this thing that's impossible to do on the bloodweb, which is grab two ultra rares from different sides.

You could easily get both those BNP's

Starting with more than one trap is a nice QoL buff that should happen. Having to place them one by one is just shit.
I'd let sabo be possible if it was possible for them to respawn after a long time, although I fear that'd be a nerf to Saboteur that is already a shit perk unless everyone goes full sabo squad.

They could do it, technically. Entity takes perks first, so you could use points to buy first the salt statuette, the medkit, then the lens, the rope, and then Resilience. This Is Not Happening is taken, and then Entity would go to the inner circle instead of the BNP, and you get both.

no you can't because the entity automatically targets ultra rares at its first grab.

>Entity takes perks first

are you sure?

Stop giving him (You)s.

you seem to be new and don't understand how the bloodweb works

>shitposting now instead of providing evidence because you got called out

thanks for confirming i'm right

I have that problem often when i alt tab even once out of the game, that’s why I asked. All i can suggest is possibly reinstalling the game, or seeing if there’s “opening ports for routers” for this game.

The entity always takes perks first, yes. Its how it works, its always how it works. That’s why its a choice of which perk you want because after the first 4 initial slots you get from the web, it randomly chooses which perk to take.

First game I've had fun with in a long time. One of them let themselves go on the hook so I just hooked the other and killed whoever I found first. Left Nea with a trap on her head and decided that'd she get to live if she managed to take the RBT off. Forced her to do a gen first, she ran through four Jigsaw Boxes before getting it off. Did another gen, down her and let her crawl to the hatch.

Super duper sure. The Entity is programmed to take any perk you don't pick if you go directly for the a perk (which takes 3 movements), or take any of the two perks if you buy four other things first. Then it'll progress towards the inner circle taking the highest rarity items first.
Also if you don't take any of the perks for too long then you lose both.

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Sabo is obsolete anyway, no one runs it unless they're trying the stupid 99 strat or they're trying to farm boldness points

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Is there ANY good cosplay?

I thought this one was great until I saw the hands. Christ.

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I dunno how to do webms, I'm sorry

but you took the ultra rare

if you were trying to prove what it takes first you needed to take something else.

My bad, lemme build BP and try again.

>Play rank 7-5 killer
>Get 3-4k almost every game
>Play rank 4-1 killer
>Lose horribly almost every game

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Wait a second, view the second half of that. I didn't take the syringe, and it left it alone.

You're bad or just playing shit tier killers

just play nurse

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oh i see now. i could have sworn bhvr changed the entity's bloodweb behavior recently. i guess i am wrong.

still, showing that the game is survivor tilted shouldn't rest on "omg they got two bnps XD" considering how easy it is to shut down bnps

well they are at a disadvantage

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literally everyone knows coordinated 4-stack swfs push a killer's shit in. the problem is that if you make killers op then you fuck over every survivor who doesn't 4stack which is more than you think considering all bad killers think every survivor team is a 4stack on mics.

I'm just shitposting mate,

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The only true thing that fucks 4 solos is the disparity on skill levels. Four good survivors will fuck up a killer in the same skill level as well unless they're playing Skillbilly or Nurse. And sadly, it's hard to gauge survivor skill levels only by rank since ranking up as survivor isn't exactly hard.

Balance isn't the only problem honestly, the way ranking up works also is a problem, which in a way also makes balancing harder. It's hard to balance a game where there aren't that many players that are actually skilled to push the mechanics to the limit to see where it breaks.

I saw a decent huntress but I didn’t save it.

Don't listen to this user High ranks are about 70% SWF teams an you'll likely only kill 2.

Doc or Leatherface main?

Depends on how good the killer is. I usually solo and the entire team can run circles around a bad killer who clearly doesn't know how to play (doesn't commit, can't deal with looping, slugs and leaves, doesn't patrol aggressively, etc)

If you make killers OP you reward low skill behavior (killers who suck. Plenty of skilled killers can deal with SWF.) If survivors who didn't coordinate became hindered to the point of having no chance at escape, the game would die. People would stop playing.

Correct me if I'm wrong but global sacrifice stats don't fall below 50% on any map. On some maps it's like 70%. Seems balanced to me. Even dare I say killer tilted.

>Playing vs a 3 man SWF
>The rando DCs after like 2 minutes
>All 3 of them came in with toolboxes
>Kill one of them
>Leave the second one on the ground so that I can find the 4th
>He heals his buddy after a long ass time
>During this time I find the hatch
>Down the guy again on the other side of the map to the hatch
>Bring him all the way over knowing he'll wiggle free
>Lose him some fucking how
>Find him again
>Chase him and hit him once
>See him B-lining it towards the fucking OPEN LADDER HATCH WITH 2 GENS LEFT
>Ask post lobby fucking how
>The lucky SOB found a fucking key in a chest

Finally... after innumerable disconnecting killers, 3v1s, 2v1s, NOED nearly every game, instaskill billy, 4 blink nurse, dying after 1 hook due to being farmed/noed, shit survivors who all the way up to rank 1 did jack shit the entire game, didnt find totems, didnt survive the killer longer than 15-20 seconds, didnt do generators, didnt save anyone... fucking finally . I got the rank 1 achievement.

Even though Killers are in a rough spot, I gotta say, rank 1 survivor was so much harder to get than rank 1 killer. By a mile. With killer it seems like an inevitability, like even when I want to derank it seems like unless I deliberately throw the game, I'm going to pip. At any case, I find I hate survivors 10x more than I did before this.

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Really? I have 300 hours as a killer main and I've legitimately seen this just leveling survivors. One time I had 2 purple agents, a bnp and a syringe. I got em all. I've even had 3 bloodwebs in a row with bnp, two of them had two bnps. And on Doc I very regularly see iridescent king, every now and then I'll see two on the same bloodweb. Survivors and Doc seem to get URs much more than everyone else. On Hag literally all I fucking find are shoes. No shackles, no rags, just shoes.

>survivor gets mad when we all leave him on the hook and the rest of us leave when killer is right fucking there

How bad are you? I'm a lot happier with 3 deserting me so that the camper is denied points.

The problem with those stats, however, is that it takes everyone, low ranks and high ranks, all killers and all survivors, and low ranks are the majority. Although it's true that not everyone in high rank is necessarily good, we can at least assume that everyone in the low ranks is unskilled, either because they don't play enough or they just don't try. The key difference here is that you can get better at the game when you're low rank. When you're high rank, you can only go so much higher, and that's where the imbalance problems come.

There are a lot of problems with the balance of the game, and it doesn't just stem from one source. I can't say only "Killers are underpowered"/"Survivors are OP", because there's also the fact that new players will always get wrecked by a killer, even if the killer is also new. But once you learn the mechanics, ANY survivor can fuck around with the killer.

There's also the distinction that there are two or three killers that have a decent chance at beating survivors at the same skill level, which are Hillbilly and Nurse and arguably Huntress. When people talk about killer buffs, most of the time people don't talk about these three, they talk about the other 7 killers that can barely deal with survivors that know what they're doing.

I'm not denying there are also killers that don't know how to play, but most killers out there only win because survivors are worse than them in skill levels.

>finally hit P3-50 for first time
>still have 6743557 perks to get
This grind is fucking awful


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How often do you go in for risky saves?

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mcfucking kill yourself


>Telling someone to kill themselves because they want something you don't like
Are you a manchild or an actual child?

It's been a while.

Monkey's paw user. Watch it be a futa streetwalker like Poison.

Poison is canonically female though.

>2 flashlights every game

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user who really likes The Strangers, did you see the new movie? Was it any good?

There are so many counters to flashlights now. Why are you crying Philip?

Because my boss tricked me into brutally killing a bunch of people.

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>try to be polite and only unhook when killer is gone for good
>killer keeps hovering in and out of heartbeat radius
>keep waiting
>survivor gets to second stage of sacrifice
>unhook once the heartbeat goes away this time
>killer comes back
>obviously goes for the person they only have to hook one more time and now i look like an asshole


Always unhook before struggle stage, even if the killers within a few feet of you. More altruism points >:)

rank and pips in the only matchmaking mode was a mistake that only serves to encourage shitty play and quitting. change my mind

>New game mode

Three killers are each tied to three survivors in a large map. Killers must get the other killers survivors while ensuring that their own don’t die. They can stun another killer momentarily by landing a direct hit. The killer with the final remaining survivor(s) and their survivors win. Survivors die on the first hook during this mode.

Can we stop with the new game mode ideas and maybe make the shitty perks less shitty, and the bad killers less awful?

Six survivors, two killers, no other changes.

We have to take perks into consideration too, though. A perkless, high-skill survivor can't really do shit against insta-downs (be they from perks or addons) even from a shit killer. Unless the killer is REALLY bad. The meta exists for a reason; people use good perks to rise to a higher rank. Every competitive game has a meta for a reason. Even if DBD is a fairly shitty gauge of competition, it has a meta because it has a ladder.

I guess my point is that there's too many variables on top of it being an asymmetrical game to truly balance. You could argue both ways for which side the game is tilted toward, you just see more killers complaining because playing killer is a lonesome and often frustrating experience. At least with survivors you can try to rely on others to help you in a match.

Not really trying to argue at this point, just stating my opinion. I don't think this game will ever be truly balanced and I think it's mostly fine as is, with most "fixes" unfairly tilting the game.

change moris back

Its never going to happen, sadly.
These used to be terrifying, truly, now its just "is this guy really think he's gong to catch me twice to even use that?! Gonna loop that shit out of this faggot"

No, but give me another level of superultrarare mori that can kill one survivor on their first down so I can remove twitchfags faster.

We'll have to agree to disagree then, because although true that the game is hard (if not impossible) to balance completely due to the nature of Asymmetricals, the game could use a change.

Perkless isn't that much either, though. True, ONE perkless survivor against one killer is dead before it starts, but there are FOUR survivors, and you ALWAYS can rely, more often than not, in another survivor to complete objectives or have your back, granted, again, the survivors know what they're doing. A survivor, even perkless, has plenty of ways to avoid instadowns. Hatchets and chainsaws can be dodged, you can avoid a Diamond Stone trap, you can throw a pallet down a EW3 Myers face or run him around so much he never catches you and EW3 runs out.

It's empyrical evidence, but I've made a challenge for myself to play random builds for survivor where I have to survive one match in three tries. I've gotten builds that absolutely HINDERED me, even worse than perkless and I survive on my first or second try, because the rest of the team did their job efficiently and so did I. And I don't say this to brag, I'm not even good, it's just that Surv IS easy.

I do agree there are a lot of variables, too many to discuss properly in 1500 characters, but the one thing most people arguing for a balance change says is that it should be balanced around the best plays with the best players, not the average of the whole playerbase, and for many, like me, that's not the case currently.

>New game mode: Streamer Privlage
>4 killers (wraiths/Freddys) 1 super survivor
>The survivor is a Dwierd with full twitch gear and a spotlight flashlight
>Pallets respawn after 1 minute and are in a greater abundance
>All changes to infinite are unpatched
>All survivor perks have 90% shorter cooldowns, including exhaustion perks
>Survivor is able to self care at normal healing speed
>The killer that manages to catch the survivor wins everyone else is forced to play Civ 5

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Well, I'm from 2 to 4 games away from Rank 1, unless I lose too much.
Wish me luck.

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Fuck off cornposter

What are some ideas you have for balancing the game at high level play that wouldn't fuck the baddies and casuals over? Just curious.

I saw someone else saying whenever they qued survivor it took forever and they got killers with 500 ping everytime, is this happening to anyone else? It only happens when I que SWF..

>Go mori or put a golden feng on death hook
>They disconnect

Every single one of them has done this. Can't figure out why, and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE, not a single has stuck around for the chat to call me a fag or anything, they just disconnect the moment they're gonna die.

Previously, on Dwight Quest:
>You tried to romance the Huntress and were sac'd by the Nightmare instead somehow
>You tried to romance the Trapper, but he mori'd you so you probably shouldn't try that again.
You remain unshaken in your quest for love! Do you wish to pursue another Killer or a Survivor that won't murder you horribly?

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Killer. Don’t settle Dwight, we know you can pull through eventually.

That new girl with the long hair looks nice, Dwight.

Let's try the Pig

Hag me up senpai

Go for Nurse or Wraith. You went after the aggressive ones and it failed. Try going after the quiet ones.

>face off against a P3 hag & expect it to be jokgis
>it wasn’t
How many mad men are there playing this game....

Hey, he might've been in with a shot with Huntress if Freddy hadn't fucked it up.