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/sthg/ #1247 - TO THE PRESSURE Edition
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/sthg/ #1247 - TO THE PRESSURE Edition
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i know!
SA2 is one of my favorite Sonic games but I haven't gotten past the first few levels
Shadow X Muhria is canon! CANON!
I want to fuck Amy
Amiibo merch when?
SA Unknown from M.E. or SA2 Unknown from M.E.?
She's mine, fuck off
SA1. SA2's is too much of a clusterfuck with like three separate people rapping over each other.
I haven't done a complete playthrough of any of the classic games in almost five years. I play sa dx or 2 almost every weekend
Faggot, it was a fucking harmony.
My dimwit brother, I'll make you eat those words.
This right here is the core of every discussion regarding SA2.
I literally just fucking realized that I've never completed an adventure era game before
hold the fuck up getting my controller
>instead of thinking of Maria from seeing a pink hedgehog.
He didn't think of Maria because he saw Amy, he did because she basically repeated what Maria said to him.
Really? Just now? I thought I was listening to the shit yesterday.
Guys is Cybershell dead? He has been sick for two months now.
I think this song fits with Shadow getting mindfucked by Infinite's illusions.
SiivaGunner Unknown from M.E.
>BrawlBRSTMs3 X
That's a shame, but 30 minute extensions of everything is too much.
Don't feel bad. I still haven't finished any of the advance or rush games
>Also BrawlBRSTMs3 X has been banned.
Welp. It's the second time now isn't it?
I want to like Heroes but I can't. How do I do it /sthg/? It's the closest 3d Sonic ever got to resembling the classics but the level design is so horrible and the special stages are fucking broken.
No memes allowed!
How many times are you going to ask this?
I listen to stuff for a half an hour.
It's no use
fuck. now I have to find someone else for smash, metroid, and mario music
you only have yourself to blame
>It's the closest 3d Sonic ever got to resembling the classics
Generations literally has classic stages in it.
Good work Slashy, you're finally learning.
Most music gets a bit much for me after that long, except Mega Collection's History.
>That hot mess holding anything true to the classics beyond Sonic's classic character design.
I personally enjoyed the Japanese GameCube release of Heroes playing Team Rose.
On PC, maybe mod in the Japanese voices and play the Team Rose stages with your favorite team.
Fuck the special stages by sticking to the ceiling or holding boost as the power character depending on what version you're playing.
>inb4 weeb
my echidna. truly you are an user with taste
>hot mess
muh boost is evil
Generations Classic was absolutely a hot mess, the only reason why people like it in hindsight is because the broken spindash let people easily speedrun the stages, and because Forces fucked it up even worse.
Thanks, I can also remember listening to Nutty Noon Map for 30 minutes before as well.
Really? This is working for me.
>How do I do it /sthg/?
You don't. Heroes sucks and only people who grew up with it defend it.
Why does that music fills me with nostalgia for a time before it even existed.
Long time no see /sthg/,
So where do we read the new comics now?
I miss the Tails fansite for the comics.
>Modern Sonic's stages are further bastardized for the Boosts hallway design.
>Classic Sonic's stages are like it was someone's first time touching Classic gameplay.
Yes, it was a hot mess.
The Archie MEGA in the OP & readcomiconline.to
That's understandable. Some things seems better when its replayed, others are better when shorter.
Last time I replayed some music was youtube.com
The new comics come out in April. All of the Archie comics are in the OP link repository.
How much of a tryhard do you have to be? Go back whining with your Sonic Stadium friends.
At least Heroes nailed the palette if nothing else
A: boost gameplay isn't 3D
B:it isn't original
Hell even SA2's GHZ is more 3D that Gens, which is pathetic.
Now this is top tier.
>April is next month
>implying it isn't
"Gotta go fast" was a fucking mistake and somehow Sonic has even worse control than he did 20 years ago with ultra linear level design as well.
That's a nice one, I like it when the composers did some emotional music, but that description irks me.
>Very cute and emotional song
I despise this kind of language misuse.
>You don't like what I like? You must be trying too hard!
Boostcucks, am I right?
>Implying all Sonicfags don't act like this
Boost isn't perfect but Adventure is pure garbage that should have been killed off since the first title
epic meme bro
>Green Hill Zone, guys! That means it's just like the classics! It's not like the actual gameplay and physics had anything to do with what defines Classic Sonic, right?
Go to bed, Iizuka. It's the middle of the night where you are.
No one said anything about originality. In fact, Heroes original elements detriment it more than anything else. Gens may not have full 3D or originality, but at least it's fun which is more than I can say for Heroes.
thx guys, I thought that the new serie was already out.
I can hear the grand metropolis stage music
I haven't played heroes or touched its music since I played it in 2006
Fucking hell that's impressive. I didn't even like the game that much. good job sonic team
Boost is just as shit. Sonic has never worked in 3d. That's why the fans have to make it themselves
>Sonic has never worked in 3d
And who's fault is that? Sonic Team's, because despite both Adventure & Boost games having some positives to them, ST never fucking bothered to enunciate the positives of those games & work on the negatives.
I like Final Judgement as a stage, but it feels a bit too easy to be the end. Imperial Tower and Iron Fortress were a bit difficult, so I had somewhat higher hope for modern Sonic's stage. Mortar Canyon is piss easy too despite it's full 3D, so I think Null Space's layout would've worked better for a final level. There's really no
modern level in the game that's hard enough to be the last level, but I think Null Space comes closest to it.
>A 20 year old, first attempt game is pure garbage.
>mostly because the game was riddled with 5/6th of non Sonic gameplay.
Gee, I wonder. How about you think for yourself and think what was the better thing in SA1/2, and would have been a much better investment instead of shitty "system pushing" gimmicks. Which would be much more gameplay Sonic is known for instead of the Sonic X meme.
It's been almost 20 years and still no new chao game.
The Chao Garden is never coming back
There's something about Modern & Classic Sonic hanging out together that's cute.
Why are Sonic games so bad, Veeky Forumsros?
See ,
>Not gameplay isn't perfect but gameplay is pure garbage that should have been killed off since the first title
Is there a website that lists songs in sonic games that sampled another song, like how adventure 1 samples several songs from 3d blast?
sonic is a cash cow that's popular enough to always get sequels but never enough funds and time for a polished product
>muh imperfect adventure
Side characters or not, Sonic still controls horribly in both games and the level design and controls are still shit and just as linear. Adventure is just defended because of underage nostalgia.
Cursed image
Both Adventure and Boost are good 3D Sonic's when done properly. They both have flaws, but those flaws could be ironed out by a competent team.
>Adventure is just defended because of underage nostalgia.
>19-20 years ago.
The average IQ of a Boostbaby.
stop being reasonable on the internet
Not all of them but whosampled perhaps?
This. This whole argument is pants on head retarded, when both had their potential squandered by Sonic Team's incompetence.
I know a lot of it is just shitposting for the sake of it, but fact is both gameplay styles could've been much better than they could've been had Sonic Team focused on both gameplay styles' positives rather than completely ignoring said positives & in some cases, exacerbated the negatives.
Still under 21, still underaged.
At least you recognize you're part of the 3D cancer. Do you think Sonic became a laughing stock with Colors? You're part of the problem and you need to go away.
makes you think
He listed the 2 main gameplay styles that are objectively shit.
thanks user
>but fact is both gameplay styles could've been much better
yeah if they didnt exist kek
I never got my Chao to hold hands like that. Is it even possible in-game?
Why do you post this?
>Do you think Sonic became a laughing stock with Colors?
Sonic only became a laughingstock with Shadow the Hedgehog and 06, and your mess of a Boost game, Forces, didn't help his legacy.
And there's your problem.
Sonic Team refuses to stick to one formula and perfect it. Making the jump from adventure to boost was a bad idea (and I say this as someone who enjoyed Unleashed and Generations), likewise, making a jump from boost to ANOTHER 3D formula or going back to the LW style will also be a mistake. Top this off with Sonic Team being shuffled every few games and it's obvious why the series isn't progressing.
Heroes gave birth to the shitty friends meme and the first two 3D titles were literally surfing on the fame of the 90s.
Forces is shit.
user, stop being logical. You should be acting like pic related, dammit!
I couldn't even answer this honestly, because for me Sonic really fucking is the sum of its parts. The great music, unique environments, colorful and enjoyable characters, and fun stories.
And then amongst the three major eras of gameplay styles, I've found something to enjoy in some way. I could never honestly tell someone what exactly I'm into the franchise for, it really is a lot of different things that combine to make something I ended up loving.