silver edition
/lolg/ - lel of lelgends
how do you escape the event horizon?
your waifu is inferior to Evelynn
Post pictures that make you sweat
xth for lulu
>almost got stuck with a sona support
>luckily the kai'sa adc dodged because retarded mid laner wanted to play kaisa mid
>enemy team had a katarina
thank fuck they dodged
what a forced 50 tier game that woulda been
I wanna cuddle Jinx and unwrap her
>tfw no qt petite gf
still waiting on that LCS Jinx pick
I see you forgot to mention c9 finished the same place as fnatic/msi, and that you include s1 worlds whom no one gives a fuck about.
I was spectating the game because it seemed like a shitfest, and it was. I don't understand autists like singed or kaisa,
I wanna kiss Syndra!
Are you sure you really want to unwrap that gift?
>S1 worlds doesn't count
>Rift Rivals does
wait how the fuck is clown gaming 10-5?
okay lolg i only have one question for you
is league of legends good or not?
>rift rivals: 2017
>s1: 2011
lmfao that you think this is comparable.
Febiven is a god tier midlaner
no it is not
I want to mindbreak Syndrafags
is pobelter actually silver? how do you defend that play.
>Malzahar does literally nothing
Damn those nerfs absolutely gutted him
No, the only people still playing this dead game are the onse who have been playing for years and spent hundreds of dollars on it.
>enemy team has a shyvana, nasus and tahm kench
>pfffft xd lets play teemo
why do people do this, they had volibear hovered too and sion was open
fuck no
Yes because im going deep inside
I'm really tempted to make a joke a here and you know what kind
double is 30 cs onto apollo. why do people think this guy is a shitter again?
>still has a 52.3% winrate
People will never stop being too retarded to buy a QSS.
illaoi buffs when
s1 worlds doesnt count but neither does that meme tournament, and even if it does EU have outperformed NA internationally
user I'm pretty sure I'm the only Syndrafag here, that would be too much for me.
N-no I don't.
dumb slut
play something that can carry
>Forty minutes
>Picking Nami
>Silver 1
I hope you took that bird cock and loved it
no seriously how are these clowns 10-5?
Dunkmaster Kha'Zix when?
because bo1 is a retarded format that naturally favors shit teams and cheesing
>Yorick still can't have 6 ghouls
who cares, NA beats EU in head to head match ups.
Game itself is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
The problem is that it's infested with morons. And a bigger problem is how Riot is managing it.
I'll take Syndra. She's fun. I don't have that skin though.
I want Jinx to wrap my dick
>Losing to a klepto fiora
You literally deserved every second of this game.
No you don't, back the fuck off.
>plays one of the two "i literally have to do nothing to win" supports
>manages to fuck it up and lose
just how
na scene lul
I want to mindbreak this bird.
because their adc is good and just shat on dl?
klepto is pretty normal on fiora
I don't know why these shit tier teams arent going full cheese every game. They cant win a regular game and there's no threat of relegation. Probably afraid Riot will bitch at them.
Kai'sa haters BTFO
That flash r by Apollo was so fucking nasty.
Go Azir, show these healsluts they can't just climb doing nothing
>Syndrafag's has been getting his bp pounded by lolg all day long
>he's still here
when does this slut get enough of it
Look, it's nice, but it's not the best bang for the buck. Look at their team. A locket or ghosts would've been far better, especially with ingenious. And it's ranked, why did you take me ebin ignite instead of exhaust into that team?
>It's a good job to meme XD
>Yeah gotta keep it fresh XD
>I see what you did there XD
why can't I watch this shit with game audio or even the players instead of these shitty casters.
>all day long
The past week has been nothing but erp.
LirA, even when on shittyTeam NV, was weekly getting praised as the best jungler in NA by the analysts.
Now with based Febiven on the team and a good supporting team (Houston Rockets backing them), they're built to do much better.
>not listening to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu while playing
Step up your game lads
>get into team fight
>"Kira Kira Killer" comes on
>quadra kill
ez game, really
Your response doesn't quite flow, but I suppose you mean that I don't take Syndra. But I do take her into my games and am getting better and better.
What am I doing now... I'm just posting my sweetie.
evelynn isn't even a waifu, she just kills people and is some amorphous demon
is your butt sore
I'm not dumb! I will play Leona this time and carry my team to victory!
At some point I did.
Fiora got carried.
>Azir just stands from a screen away killing my team like he's waveclearing minions
I'm not a slut! Azir is Unfair!
I always forget to use locket active, also doesn't it scale with health? Ghosts make sense and I took ignite for the ebin cheese but I won't do it again after this.
>Febiven gives no fucks and goes to NA to crush
>PowerOfEvil creates a narrative that he's an innocent guy totally going for success and not money
>Gets shitcanned
Karma is delicious, hope you enjoy your career in the toilet traitor.
Newfag pls die
It's a good game but you have to mute your team at the start of every game and ignore their pings.
The people playing this game are idiots and think they're gods, everyone tries to hard and gets mad when they fail because it's never their fault.
Lira, Apollo and Hakuho dragged Nisqy and Seraph to playoffs last Summer and got a top-tier euro import mid and a dude who doesn't int every game in top.
The only name you would really consider flashy is Febi, but the squad around him was hugely underrated. Ironically, its best member from last split in Lira is probably the big underperformer this split.
>Janna is still auto win game garbage for no skill e-girls
stupid weeb support names
>At some point I did.
Oh you know what I meant, but I was just messing around don't worry. She still is my wife though.
As always, happy to hear you are getting better though.
>losing to e-girls
awww CUTE
>our support is hovering janna
>last second switches to thresh
gg we tried
I said it earlier man. From being on a team that almost ELIMINATED SKT from Worlds and ADVANCED TO FINALS, to being on NA on some bottom of the barrel team with literally who top laner, washed up Lemon, overhyped Akaadian, and Arrow, who needs a good support to pop off.
learn to grammar thanks
>locket is only for high health supports
Really undervaluing it by thinking anything close to that.
>forget to use locket active
Well, once you get the hang of it you'll perform immensely better. You can do it.
They're going to "rework" Morgana by just keeping her kit mostly the same but giving her a better ult, aren't they?
Like how Malz's "rework" was just giving him a spellshield and Gangplanks was giving him barrels.
>tfw lost my best friend because all she wants now is play lol and ranked
What is the appeal of this game and why is it so addictive? I want my bestie back
damn, looks like you can take it
>3 mountains
fuck me
I'm the one that decides what is and isn't too much for you, and I'm going to use you until you're a drooling mess begging for my cum
>doesn't know what i'm getting at
Newfag pls die
>Weeb support bitching about Azir
I hope he fills your uterus for the rest of time.
Liquid lost a while back to random triple mountain, it's only fair this comes back
Triple mountain is the most broken buff in the game
>Best friend
Look at this soyboi manlet
what is she thinking about on this pic?
In two weeks, I will play League of Legends while a bunch of university students monitor my brain waves or some shit. I was selected because I have diagnosed autism and I have never played league before.
I do not intend to take this seriously because I hate blizzshit. I own overwatch so I can throw competitive games and verbally abuse people in team chat. I hope to do something similar on test day.
I will be your puppet my dudes. What are some competitive ways to throw matches in League? I think it would be fucking hilarious if I get the test account banned/suspended in the course of one game.
Not sure if this thread has a bump limit, if so, I will copy-paste this in the next one.
Waifuism just isn't my jam, nor is ntr. Still testing out that on-hit, PTA, vamp build, whose tests should run even better now that Spellbinder exists and should be even better come that new damage amp rune.
Riven with aftershock and boneplating is legitimately unkillable, even with zero defensive items. How can anybody defend this? She shits out damage at the same time and can escape any gank with her retarded quadruple jump kit.
>Doing things
Where is that waveclear pasta
when the fuck is sejuani getting nerfed
You're so fucking dumb I want to pound you until you make silly faces
>Doublelift uses his flash
>Win the fight