>Alliance >Chill people that just want to enjoy the game >Honorable >Hardly even complain
>Horde >Attention whores >Always complain >Full of faggots, furries, and trannies
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March 11, 2018 - 08:00
Are we safe?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:00
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March 11, 2018 - 08:01
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March 11, 2018 - 08:01
You are never safe little gnome.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:01
>Horde >Chill people that just want to enjoy the game >Honorable >Hardly even complain
>Alliance >Attention whores >Always complain >Full of faggots, furries, and trannies
Attached: upvoted.png (250x241, 60K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:01
Do you like smelling stinky Draenei hooves?
Attached: 1520761178305.jpg (800x1111, 97K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:02
>>Full of faggots, furries, and trannies >coming from the faction of blood elves, tauren, and Nightborne
March 11, 2018 - 08:02
Is tichondrius a good all around server? I'm interested in rated battlegrounds and M+. Maybe raiding normal.
March 11, 2018 - 08:03
>vulpera aren't even playable yet How can they ever recover from this?
Attached: 1508512121828.png (121x32, 1K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:03
>Full of faggots, furries, and trannies >coming from the faction of male nelves, male gnomes, worgen, fem dwarves and space goats with dicks
March 11, 2018 - 08:04
It's not an RP server so no.
March 11, 2018 - 08:05
>tauren have been around since wc3 >furgen are cata shit
March 11, 2018 - 08:05
>worgen >not classic end yourself
March 11, 2018 - 08:06
It does not matter which faction you play.
It matters which race you play.
Human and Dwarf are the only good alliance races.
Orc Troll Tauren and UD to an extent are the only good horde races.
Everything else is dog shit.
March 11, 2018 - 08:06
Sorry to rain on your fetish but they aren't stinky, they're kept clean
Attached: WoWScrnShot_030718_235735.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:06
oh no no no..
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March 11, 2018 - 08:06
Will I have a higher chance of getting a gf irl on Alliance or Horde?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:06
I would recommend not playing a video game to get a gf
March 11, 2018 - 08:07
I would dress her in cute armor.
March 11, 2018 - 08:08
March 11, 2018 - 08:08
New thread please
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March 11, 2018 - 08:09
March 11, 2018 - 08:09
Doesn't matter if you are a fugly and poor fatass irl
March 11, 2018 - 08:09
Kill this abortion of a thread.
March 11, 2018 - 08:09
haha good tranny meme my friend
March 11, 2018 - 08:09
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March 11, 2018 - 08:10
I wish they were real
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March 11, 2018 - 08:11
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March 11, 2018 - 08:12
Oh that's a female draenei in the picture isn't it. I thought it was a tauren
That's disappointing
March 11, 2018 - 08:12
I did it reddit!
Attached: WoWScrnShot_031118_170855.jpg (2560x1440, 1007K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:12
You won't like what comes next...
March 11, 2018 - 08:12
This dumb rogue FINALLY finished her order campaign! What's it been, two years? Say something mean about her!
Attached: rogue.png (472x515, 201K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:13
I'm starting to play this game again. Are alliance going to be the dominant faction in pvp again next expac or should I stay horde?
March 11, 2018 - 08:13
Attached: maaz.png (571x623, 409K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:13
good job. I got it on my druid too, it's by far the easiest challenge besides vengeance DH.
March 11, 2018 - 08:13
that's not the highmountain one....
March 11, 2018 - 08:14
Right on time.
Attached: goat.png (853x768, 254K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:14
alliance is the soy faction these days
March 11, 2018 - 08:15
Horde is getting all good stuff so far
March 11, 2018 - 08:15
Got my old account back from 2005 :D
Attached: WoWScrnShot_031118_214425.jpg (1920x1080, 540K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:15
>42% of the horde plays a race that should be on the alliance As if we needed anymore proof the alliance was better.
March 11, 2018 - 08:16
>get this leggo on my feral druidwowhead.com /item=144354 /fiery-red-maimers >"costs no energy" >but it never did cost energy, it costs combo points
what the fuck is the point? lmao what a useless legendary
March 11, 2018 - 08:17
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March 11, 2018 - 08:17
Should I be queueing for TBC or WotLK dungeons if I want to get out of 60 - 80 faster?
March 11, 2018 - 08:17
>alliancetard logic
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March 11, 2018 - 08:18
>Hardly even complain Just wait the next build
Attached: Gold.png (996x868, 798K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:19
I mean the majority of horde players are on horde just because of Sylvanas, even in vanilla no one cared about anything other than forsaken.
March 11, 2018 - 08:20
>Horde >genuinely upbeat >bros >positive about expack and excited regardless of changes good or bad >are happy with any allied race, even reskinned ones
>Alliance >extremely negative >shitpost every general in an attempt to ruin them >bitch non stop if a expansion doesn't favor them 100% of the time >Finally get the blood elf model and are STILL mad about Zandalari trolls
Attached: 1520779847446.gif (500x250, 1.89M)
March 11, 2018 - 08:21
Nope! Cleaned and polished after every quest
Attached: WoWScrnShot_022718_230700.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:21
how shit is this
Attached: 2018-03-11 17_47_41-World of Warcraft.png (284x289, 140K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:23
Good horde servers?
Emerald dream any good? It has a name available that I'd like to use.
March 11, 2018 - 08:23
Alliance = the alphas of WoW. Probably has a GF IRL. He would be Chad in a chad vs virgin meme.
Horde = The soy men of WoW. Most likely a homosexual from staring at muscular green men's asses all day. Has urges to commit bestiality with talking cows.
March 11, 2018 - 08:23
These kind of posts are bullshit because we know that both sides shitposts and ree about minor bullshita nd factionfagging.
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
so i'm borderline about to boost something on moon guard but i don't know what. want it to be draenei but also considering nelf mage.
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
i've literally never heard this theory before so I highly doubt that
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
Horde confirm to be the furry faction.
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
Attached: Makes you think.jpg (800x260, 55K)
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
Just keep sprint up and spec into hit and run or nightstalker.
March 11, 2018 - 08:25
Why do horde players call elves gay when they play big bara men that only appeal to literal faggots?
Attached: 1507939897335.gif (600x600, 2.18M)
March 11, 2018 - 08:25
>on horde because sylvanas even in banilla >not because forsaken had best animations and nice racials your newfag is showing
March 11, 2018 - 08:26
just buy a boosted account from some chinks for $20 instead of wasting $60 on blizzard's bullshit
March 11, 2018 - 08:26
You should not even touch this character, everything in this screenshot is worthy of a museum
March 11, 2018 - 08:27
I wont level any of them I have a 70 mage too and a 60 NE rogue.
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
>All aesthetics are about wanting to fuck your character. Autism. I am not Imagining myself banging my my orc I am imagining BEING my orc.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:30
why are femgnomes so qt bros
March 11, 2018 - 08:32
Is this true?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:32
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March 11, 2018 - 08:33
no replace alliance with horde then it's true
March 11, 2018 - 08:33
>it's another wiping on mythic high command because there are retards who still, in the year of our lord, 2018, don't run out with grenades episode
March 11, 2018 - 08:33
goblin visual update when
March 11, 2018 - 08:34
>raiding mythic in the year 2018 with titanforged everything dropping
lmao @ ur life
March 11, 2018 - 08:34
>soibois >not playing the "good guy" faction
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March 11, 2018 - 08:35
Vulpera for Alliance and Tortollan for Horde please.
March 11, 2018 - 08:36
>Giving blizzard $20/month to collect transmog and pets
March 11, 2018 - 08:36
There's no need to lie, no one is berating you for your stinky hooves
March 11, 2018 - 08:37
>Needing to play big tough man in game to make yourself feel better about your rl appearance
Should have just admitted to homosex
March 11, 2018 - 08:37
big nelf
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March 11, 2018 - 08:37
March 11, 2018 - 08:38
What is this indian hatchet?
March 11, 2018 - 08:38
Everyone knows hordies are good boys They server their master well
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March 11, 2018 - 08:39
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March 11, 2018 - 08:39
It's both you factionpride faggots >inb4 "hurr durr centricfag" It's not the real world you fucking losers
March 11, 2018 - 08:39
like a year from now at least
>game releases September >11 weeks later 8.1 >11 weeks later 8.1.5
so like January
March 11, 2018 - 08:39