Buy more mobacoins > /granbluefantasy /status /972053607003578369
Stream summary > /uKSwrPKv
>Recent news 4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that. Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released
>How to Start Go to in Chrome.
>Schedule for March: 2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II 3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts 3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash 3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun) 3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or /FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking /8xELSDu4
>Guild /HgkULL3k
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March 11, 2018 - 08:14
March 11, 2018 - 08:16
>Stop using a Kaguya support since it's a fucking meme and I'm not getting any drop for 20 shards >This happens That's it I'm done with placebo.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:16
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March 11, 2018 - 08:16
March 11, 2018 - 08:16
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving quatrebois
March 11, 2018 - 08:17
I'm waiting for white day but nothing has happened yet
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March 11, 2018 - 08:17
Post yfw EXII will get voiced MCs
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March 11, 2018 - 08:18
SR soon
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March 11, 2018 - 08:19
>no bowman ssr >no belial ssr
March 11, 2018 - 08:19
wtf bros you told me swordsmeme+song was core
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March 11, 2018 - 08:19
Bakemonofags is recruiting, but only if you have Song 5* and her wife 5*.
March 11, 2018 - 08:19
Weren't magna summons in the support tab supposed to be 110%? im seeing only 120%
March 11, 2018 - 08:20
>boo hoo why everything i do its perfect waaah
March 11, 2018 - 08:20
They changed their minds and decided to have them be 120%.
March 11, 2018 - 08:20
>only usable for around 20 turns before becoming completely useless, dropping in survivability as she goes >no unique mod or team utility like every other 9.5 in Fiyah >the way her kit works her emnity gets worse every time you proc her echoes
So obviously, Therese is too deep 4 me. How do I utilize her properly? I like her a lot and she was second on my wish list this free rolls.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:20
Today, I will remind them.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:21
I really can't wait for the Persona collab. Finally a playable character voiced by Jun.
March 11, 2018 - 08:21
>halo stops proccing for like hours I hate this episode
March 11, 2018 - 08:22
>sr characters of older SSRs are better then their ssrs and actually harder to get Sophia buffs when?
March 11, 2018 - 08:22
Please don't shitpost again with these messed up tiers.
user... what you should really be thankful for is the double Sugita water team
March 11, 2018 - 08:22
You only use her on element and fish for shiva cross's
March 11, 2018 - 08:23
>ROTB tomorrow so, does that mean we can actually get in grimnir raids ?
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
She's for short bursts. If you're bringing her to a fight that lasts more than 10 turns you're doing it wrong.
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
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March 11, 2018 - 08:24
Is there a list of characters by VA anywhere?
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
That's the only way I play Fire anyways. Is she the first character where HP up nodes might actually be beneficial, by the way?
March 11, 2018 - 08:24
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving beafriends
March 11, 2018 - 08:25
>used 3 sunstones for colo, tia and yugu heh, suck it kmr i won't grind this shit
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March 11, 2018 - 08:25
Ticket Heles
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March 11, 2018 - 08:26
*give you baha in your next 10 rolls*
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March 11, 2018 - 08:27
She's pretty shit but she is a cutie.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:27
I already have Heles, though? 5* like her brother when?
March 11, 2018 - 08:27
these raids are gonna end up like the current macula or baal raids sooner or later anyways
March 11, 2018 - 08:27
spear is one of the best ultimas.
March 11, 2018 - 08:28
I want to have sex with Europa
March 11, 2018 - 08:28
Fuck off she's pure and mine
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
I have all four of them, and the only ones I regularly use are s Heles and s Vira.
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
>he doesnt know how to suicide her and then revive her at enmity enabled health and repeat
galactic brain post
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving CUG!
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
Would Fire Ultima spear work? Sheep/Zeta/Heles
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
kmr pushing the water staff meta
March 11, 2018 - 08:29
For the past month all I've done is log on for daily rewards and free rolls. Where did my motivation go?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:30
i want to impregnate her back with my tongue alone
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March 11, 2018 - 08:30
Which crews are recruiting? Bullies is going to Japan again in a couple months but only the Azur Lane secret council's getting sponsor tickets.
March 11, 2018 - 08:30
What did he mean by this
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March 11, 2018 - 08:30
It could, but Zeta and Heles aren't that great.
March 11, 2018 - 08:30
I thought you guys said these raids fill up fast? It was just me and 4 other nips banging this chick.
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March 11, 2018 - 08:30
It'll work. Won't be ideal by any means though.
Heles needs a 5*, Sheep is fantastic and Zeta ain't bad but poor Heles.
March 11, 2018 - 08:31
back to back gw does that to your asshole
March 11, 2018 - 08:31
They need a better character than Zeta, new fire spear when
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March 11, 2018 - 08:31
i don't know who to ticket. S.Naru S.Heles S.Vira or C. Arulu
I don't even particularly care if they're good, I think I just want a lewd outfit for them fuck everything
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March 11, 2018 - 08:31
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March 11, 2018 - 08:31
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March 11, 2018 - 08:31
>4+1=5 >9/30 /gbfg/ brain post
March 11, 2018 - 08:31
enjoy that loss of 9% seraphic effect from your SSR arcanums/rolling 2 bahamuts this week.
March 11, 2018 - 08:31
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March 11, 2018 - 08:31
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving TOOT, because GOOD
March 11, 2018 - 08:32
Heles is better than Zeta
March 11, 2018 - 08:32
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March 11, 2018 - 08:32
Official ultima ranking Sword > fist > spear > 2nd of any of these > staff > shit
March 11, 2018 - 08:32
Which crews are recruiting? I'm leaving fleet, since simo left nicko turned this into a erp fiesta
March 11, 2018 - 08:33
40 boxing twice in a row was a mistake.
March 11, 2018 - 08:33
Is there any way to check what reduces for more than 1 stone so I can mass reduce without manually checking each one?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:34
>these are the people browsing this /watch?v=v3-N6TyiDrU Really makes it easy to understand the posts that comes out of this general.
March 11, 2018 - 08:35
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving littlegirls because i want to 40 box
March 11, 2018 - 08:35
How? All Heles has going for her are her low cap nukes. Zeta at least has Anytime Assassin.
This is coming as someone who uses them both a lot because they're two of my four Fire SSRs.
March 11, 2018 - 08:35
im sorry for being that guy because im sure its been asked a bunch but, how get new hosting items for the new big bois?
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March 11, 2018 - 08:35
does anyone have the URL for halo proc I want to test if it's bugged or something
March 11, 2018 - 08:36
>ticket the shiggydiggyman >give him my wedding ring
2.2m+1.1m OUGIS NIGGA!!!!
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March 11, 2018 - 08:36
It was 5 of us doing the work, the others were leechers who join at less than 10% just to one punch.
Ok fine "tranny", I swear you mates are real cunts to that side of the community.
March 11, 2018 - 08:36
Have fun, its a rare drop
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March 11, 2018 - 08:37
Which crews are recruiting?I'm leaving NFC because mojibake are annoying leeching faggot
March 11, 2018 - 08:37
>that res what the fuck happened there
March 11, 2018 - 08:37
Grimnir is a man. He may be voiced by a woman, but he's a man. He calls himself a man, he's a man in mythology, other people call him a man...
March 11, 2018 - 08:38
fuck my ass
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March 11, 2018 - 08:38
>crew of 30 people 40boxing >goes 5-0 because zero leeches
March 11, 2018 - 08:38
>40 boxing resulting in high honors per match That's not how it works. Not after the first day of finals, anyway.
March 11, 2018 - 08:38
He's not voiced by a woman.
March 11, 2018 - 08:39
Unfortunately probably won't be for another year because Sheep got the Fire one as soon as we entered the new year.
March 11, 2018 - 08:39
The lowest graphic setting on phone He is
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March 11, 2018 - 08:40