How many Protestant denominations are there, Veeky Forums?
How many Protestant denominations are there, Veeky Forums?
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Slightly more than there are protestants.
kek. fpbp
This. Religion is between man and God, not man and corrupt bureaucracy.
Too many, heretic.
The only real protestants are those that splintered in a direct line from Catholicism, such as Lutheranism, Calvinism and Anglicanism, and those that broke away from them such as Presbyterians.
I get pretty triggered when I here people call acid trip denominations like Mormons protestants.
Basically, and to say they're protestant is saying so even further.
though it does seem slightly odd to group televangelists and tongue-speaking pentecostals with high church lutherans..
The same number of gods in the Vedas.
Too many to count. Somebody probably invented a new one just today.
That 33,000 number is bullshit though. It comes from World Christian Encyclopedia and it uses a very loose definition of denomination in order to get that number. Catholicism alone according to them make up 242 different denominations.
Too many because in declaring scripture the authority rather than an institution that interprets it literally anyone can make up his own protestant religion. It's kinda like with Islam.
How many Roman Catholics does it take to normalize degeneracy?
Who knows anymore?
they often count individual independently-operated churches as separate denominations, regardless of whether they subscribe to the same theology.
They also count things that are not churches or are not Protestant. "arab radio TV network" and "schismatic Catholic" are two such categories filed under Protestant.
>tfw raised Catholic but always wanted to go to a Protestant church out of curiosity
w-w-what's it like? how out of place would I feel?
you'd probably feel reasonably comfortable in an anglican or lutheran denomination
They also count JWs and Mormons as 'Protestant'.
and relatively less so in a Pentecostal congregation
Unless he was raised Charismatic Catholic
There are an incredible amount of individual organisations, but you have narrow it down to a few broad types.
so the others aren't directly related to lutheranism?
Were any of them religious besides based Scalia?
Denomination doesn't mean organisation
Over 9000
What is objectively the best protestant denomination? I'd say 'hervormd'
> not too tough
> not too cucked
> no politics
I like it.
There are 21
No, Reformed churches, Anglicans, and Anabaptists had different origins from Lutheranism.
Reformed theology originates with John Calvin.
Anglicanism sort of begins with Henry VIII, but its theology was still very Catholic at first until it got caught up in the reformation.
Anabaptists have their origin in the Radical Reformation, and they were heavily persecuted by basically everyone else.
>Reformed theology originates with
Jesus Christ*
interesting considering how catholic apologists sometimes charge luther with generating 'thousands of protestant sects'.
Over 9000 is a meme
no u
where do the evangelical 'born again' types fit?
That's just because Luther was the OG Protestant, though there were a few proto-Protestant groups around. No one who knows their history thinks that Luther magically spawned all of the Protestant groups that exist today.
oh, i guess by 'catholic apologists' i basically meant 'larping Veeky Forums shitposters'.
Baptists or Pentecostals usually
Remember when Catholicism was treated with suspicion in the US? Yet now they are fucking everywhere.
Luther wasn't the OG Protestant, there were others before him. Luther was just the one who didn't get killed.
less out of place than protestants would feel at your church
he did say there were proto-proddies
Wow, its almost like the USA has no established national religion to force fags to remain unmarried.
It's just a lot less kneeling and pope fucking
Does this monster exist?
4 out of 6 catholics dissented
Come home, Protestants.
Come to the Orthodox Church.
We hold to the traditions and the mysteries without the modernist reforms of Vatican II.
We embrace the mysticism that Catholics have tried to flush out of Christian tradition.
We embrace science and understanding and believe in a link between faith and knowledge, and that knowledge can prove faith.
Come home, Protestantism is a 16th century meme that's gone way too far.
Orthodoxy does not have the gospel
And Judaism presumably since their isn't a central Jewish institution?
Besides the Catholic Church, does anybody else make the institution the highest authority rather than the scripture.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.
Well i am the other way around. Raised protestant but i go to catholic school and learn their rituals & prayers. Pretty good IMO. I think its worth a try user, some christians can get pretty salty with their "muh true denomination" thing.
Galatians 1:8-9