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Can dragon defenders be poisoned in OSRS or something?
the kid in the original meme stabbed some other kid with two knives
page 10 already bois
game is officially dead
who's the retard who forgot to put /rs07/vsg/ as the thread subject
all me desu
get a better op image next time goy
you should post some for me then
this one's free, next time use a /v/scape screenshot or some shitty vscape specific meme though, this osrs twitter shit makes me want to vomit and then shoot up a sch-
don't shoot up a schnitzel factory! my lord, please do not do this
Fuck 07scape cancer bs. Dickride somewhere else.
idiot, osg doesn't deserve to have rs07 in their title, we do because this is the real version of 2007 runescape. If people want to play "old school runescape", they should come here, not to jagex's tube of shit
Fuck that gay shit. This is /v/scape. If people want to play /v/scape, they come here. Fuck the sheep trying to find a new home for their bullshit
He was a boy before the great Lord Animosity was of age; yet, still a young man. I still hold the belief that he is the sexiest boy i have ever laid upon. In his greatness, we shall disperse in splendor and intrigue the otherkin - The naked eyes of Gleinor, I spy them with my eyes... All the ding dong day, all the gosh darn night. I'm afraid to swear as I type this, because mother will hear. Will she still love me, when I'm not around? Will the cigarette burns in my skin turn her off once we consummate? Or will a forgotten froggen lingereth in place with the waterfall of arcanity? Perhaps, the screenwriters of sudden death shall treat the boy well. The sexiest boy, the noble Lord Animosity. Not a boy, but a man, with a big ol' penis. A huge penis. A glorious, glistening fucking dick. A rainbow sausage. A greasy, sprinkling member composing all of the freats of humanity. Don't be scared, little child. Big Daddy Animosity is home, and he's back to experience the utmost of sensations and pleasures. He rhymes with his words. When he first came around, I was sad. Walked down the street, when we first met. He laid his blue eyes on mine. When he first came around, I was sad. My head hung down - I felt really bad. But now I am glad, I am glad about the good times. He and I had them, the good times, we did. Didn't we, innit? You went away to war - I cried night and the day. For what you have done I had to pay. You left me so blue. Not knowing where to go or what to do... Please, come back and let the sun shine through. Oh, we walked in the park. We kissed in the dark. Leaves burned just like a spark. Now, I'm glad about the good times that we've had.
I don't know if you noticed when you created your account 20 minutes ago but this is a 2007 accurate runescape private server with minimal custom content, I don't understand what you're getting at with your "Fuck the sheep" statement, but when potential newfags open the catalog looking for a runescape general ours should come up when they search "rs", not just Jagex's
You went away. And me and my mother cried. For the crimes you have commited, a man such as myself had to pay - you left me very blue. Not knowing where to go or where to go - I pleaded with my God. You left, and the sun shined through, and a bouqet of flowers were left on my doorstep. Sun passed behind therf clouds. I felt so very proud. We walked down the street, people smiled that we met. And I'm glad about the good times that we've had. I'm oh so very glad. You said I was the best man you have ever had. Yes, I was - Oh, so glad. Mmh. Now, this boy had a big penis. A huge penis, that is what he had, I tell you what. If you've ever studied men, you'll learn. You'll become interested in the various types of penises - Yet, above all, this man "Animosity" had the biggest of them all. He was sitting there; standing, by the fountain. He was holding his member. His large, naked penis. Another young male's dick is what he held. That dick was mine, that it was and it was mine because it was mine, and there's no arguing that! A huge penis. A sizeable male organ. A thousand yards and towers could be built with his penis. Fields could, and in the late era, would be fertilized with thy Lord's seed. The Anglo-Saxon land owner, slaveholder, and great friend named Lord Animosity, Published: the year of our Lord, 2016. Now the Holy Jester "Guacman" will enter the story. The man with the plan, the big pizza sauce boi, the big ol' dick holder, the naked twink in the garden of eden. This is what he is, and what he will be, and he will understand the way that your hips move as such... With a dash of peppermint, spice, and everything nice!
Fuck the sheep and fuck you too for good measure NIGGA
not an argument
Fuck your argument too bitch nigga
hey bitterness, webm this pls
I don't even remember who I sent this to.
gay cunt basically
reminder that starlight has been trying to get into a clan full of people who call him a stupid faggot to his face on a daily basis for over two years now
the fact that starlight hasn't killed himself yet is an indictment upon the entire server population
the problem is that he enjoys being bullied
Can someone post the inventory background with all the nicely highlighted slots pls & thx
this is an animosity post
i like animosity he is really cool
delete this
Cutest /v/scaper? Personality, not looks.
>just now realizing that there is more space between items horizontally than there is vertically
fuck you jagex
You don't need the damn purple
tatas hahas
pm oven dodger
all gone
do you buy circumcised rubies and diamonds? if so, how much each? I have over 1.5k cut diamonds and maybe like 200 cut rubies iirc
no soz desu
i got some uncuts to sell. ill msg you when i get online
t. lucky strike
t. thiccy strike the cock gobbler
you're right about rh negative tho
Hahahaha do people actually believe this shit??
so how dead is wildy with the estonians gone
i-i don't gobble cock
its a custom user interface my man
>implying the wilderness was any less dead with estonia here
could she get any more perfect senpaitachi?
This made me very uncomfortable to watch
looks like a mexican with a whiteboy noodlebody who hasn't gone outside in 3+ months
she's cute
>tfw femoids have started to realize they can further emotionally manipulate men by wearing shit like this
i'm not really sure if she actually supports trump or not, she is from kentucky though, so idk
i saw a fat bitch with a nirvana shirt and a trump hat, i dunno if she was wearing it ironically, but then a 10/10 goddess said to her "i like your hat"
lil pups is so good looking
>Your account has been disabled. Thank you, come again.
for the love of god please be a guacman post
what's wrong with guacman?
literal nonstop shitposting
doesn't sound any different from anyone else
forgot to include his shitposts are of the lowest quality, zero thought put into them, like a 15 year old given access to a computer with a free 40 person audience
I'm not guacman, regrettably
who... are you?
ma guacman è veramente il ragazzo piu carino del questo server...ma cazzo io non vedo l'ora per essere insieme con lui
thanks senpai
youtube isn't dead
>lucky strike tryna get that guacman dicc
confirmed cock gobbler
this shit unironically slaps
god i wish i had a pupinia geoff
she literally could not be more sexually appealing
stop obsessing over online attention whores you cretin, one of the most beta things you could possibly do
i just fap to her desu
sad and pathetic
damn, didn't know nature was sad and pathetic... baka
jacking off to people you've never met is not natural
don't lie to me
you've never jacked off to porn bruh???
don't lie to yourself
i used to, then i realized what a depraved, indecent act it was and that it was crafted by jews to turn you into a beta faggot
porn is generally directed by jews, but i'm not gonna pretend like i have the option to stop