old: idk if I should accept this champ as CUTE or not edition
old: idk if I should accept this champ as CUTE or not edition
>this is the kind of garbage that supportsluts unironically listen to
i am le headpat slut xD
I haven't played since season 2, but I was high plat as a jungler back then. I liked to play basic/versatile junglers as opposed to assassins for example. I like to play a team-based games, so I prefer to avoid splitpush inclined champions just because I dont like it. who do you recommend nowadays?
My ears are bleeding what is that garbage?
not him but a fellow morde main
it's fun but suffering sometimes, you have no range, you have no cc, you have the lowest base movespeed in the game.
but if your jungler isn't a complete mouthbreather then you get to abuse dragon ghosts, and people underestimate mordes damage 100% of the time
Any Ziggs mains here?
>I stopped my house playlist for this shit
I want to look EXACLY like Diana!
And keep spamming her until I reach gold!
>just dodge harder :^)
>trying to trick people into listening to it
I refuse! It must not measure up to some of the more meaningful Vocaloid songs I've come across anyway.
were you the one who posted tiger&woods last time? post more please
>Walk into my toplane main housemates room
>He's listening to nightcore
Not THAT guy either, but if I'm not a super good main but just want to play Morde casually, is top lane the only place to do it? Is the Support Morde meme just a meme, or does it depend on the team comps?
She's sub-optimal, simply put.
You weren't even playing her mid to have some power.
t. tempted by the 50% off Traditional in my shop
how do you escape?
poppy’s lore is a joke that’s repeated 8 too many times
Tell me about the vladfag.
What does she look like?
Kled is the cutest top laner! No other top laner can match his cuteness.
No need to (You)s me with your girls or whatever disgusting shits you love, absolutely no one can beat Kled in a cute contest
Play consistently well
She was good enough; we lost because top, mid, and jg were clearly not in the same skillcap as everyone else. I probably got stuck with a bunch of new-to-ranked players since I'm queueing up Fill
So she isnt that good? More like a glasscannon? Is she considered a balanced champ for being new?
I tried karma mid once. Waveclear sucks until ludens. I did okay against the Kha'zik in lane, but he simply burst out more damage than I could.
I'm downloading the game right now, so can anyone tell me what happened with rune pages? I bought a bunch back in 2015 when they made the 2 for 1 sale since I liked to play a lot of different champions. I'm seeing now that there is a new rune system, so what happened with those?
>GP has a weak laning phase
>champion has a safe ranged farm tool that grants him bonus gold, a cleanse+%missing hp heal, and a 2s 80% slow that simultaneously grants 40% bonus movespeed
>Gangplank is actually a stupid strong laner, he basically always wins lane since he gets more gold total for the same CS, is stupidly easy avoid dying on, and is basically one of the game's hardest scaling champs
>but he's "weak" because he has no solo kill pressure (but can still pick up F R E E assists with his ult)
More Tiger and Woods or just music in genral?
I don't remember if I posted this last time but here's something from the former that you can just listen to when playing I guess
And here's another
Jesus fucking christ, I don't think ANYONE listends to that.
I've been listening to this while playing, it's pretty chill and not too distracting.
Yeah, the W is very strong and the shield gets ridiculous once you stack some AP.
user please. I don't really know how to respond to this, I'm too bad at ERPing.
Don't do it user
>those dick sucking lips
She might surpass Jinx as the queen of blowjobs
>inb4 Jinx has thin lips
Doesn't stop her from giving crazy/crazy good head
Good to see
How is Riot going to nerf Jax's jungle without fucking up his top lane?
That's because Diana is supposed to be a fighter, she just has a retarded play pattern that's more assassin-like
>not fucking over champions arbitrarily
they already did with cinderhulk nerfs
Where's Annie?
You're on top of Syndra in that list you lewd buttslut.
>Batushka's Litourgiya
>No Sona
>No Zyra
>No Kindred
>No Xayah
This is very old survey!!
"Jungler, I have a question!"
Does DotA have a qt petite gf champion?
>Diana's Q doesn't make a full round trip
>Diana's R consumes the mark on all champs instead of just the champ she dashed to
>Diana's R doesn't briefly create a second mark on all the targets she's dashed to, and then once returning to the first of all of the enemy's she's dashed to, send out a bolt of energy between all of the marked enemies like a constellation
It's just a from a few days ago
>even with a trolling support (ap nautlius)
>top 3/7/1
>mid 4/9/2
>jg 2/1/2
>enemy bot lane is like 1/13/2 combined
>can't carry because my monkey teammates
me unga team bunga
thanks bro this shit slaps
that's vlad music ya pleb kebab can't into slav glory
>that white people dancing
Make it quick, squirt.
>get a jax on my team
>has 50 cs at 25 m minutes
>enemy ornn has 250
>jax kept saying shit like "farm no matter" and "pls follow ur laners" and "grooop"
>next game
>get a jax player that runs it down mid
what's with jax players attracting autists?
Fuck off.
fuck off shitskin
How do you guys feel about Diana support?
What if league had a free dodge once every 3 days?
I want (You) to support me emotionally and sexually sweetie
If you shitpick something like that in games, don't expect anyone else to take the game seriously either
If someone on my team decides they're not gonna take it seriously then I don't either, just dick about in jungle for 20 minutes until their inevitable forfeit
>french calling anyone shitskin
What is this from?
>calling a resident of the country that inspired batushka's music shitskin
I am not..
Again at P1 promos.
I'm not joking
She's perfect for breeding
I want my adcs to pump me full of cum!
I'm from glorious England, celtic white pure through and through thank you
Anyone else get theirs today?
Yeah, LOL! Us pedos, huh? Haha!
I am NOT a good partner! You can do better user!
I mean, it Silver it COULD work, and she has some CC on her E. But I guess I'll just play hyperagressive Sona.
wow this song is really really good
very good, yes
good song
is there any champion more bulllshit easy to get S on more than Janna? literally got S+ first time I played her and I never play healsluts
kys pedo
I don't see your team winning that one desu
How am I supposed to pick a main when I start with next to no characters and can't test them?
im at lvl 2 with 2 points since 2 months dafuq
>US Pedos
Well except, you know I'm not a pedophile, retard.
You shouldn't main a champ. You should main a role and have a stable of 4-6 champs so you can adjust for bans, match ups and team comps
it's just people picking "op" champs thinking that'll win them games.
had a varus get outdamaged by the enemy support galio, of course he built the onhit build as if he ever autoattacked (hint; he didnt)
You are you cum reeking whore.
You've already got your second checkpoint?
>lvl 2
Don't be toxic.
fuck you for playing Sona
I feel bad for your Veigar
Even still. It feels rather daunting.
>””””””””””free to play game”””””””””””””
>be a cunt for no reason
who devilish here?
even zilean flamed janna for being so easy
mmh, i sometimes do flame yea
w-why not?
oh nvm thought it was the first checkpoint
gragas jungle and lucian adc
>no sona
>l u c i a n
>playing bot games unironically
>Make a Typo
>Hurr durr u be pedo XD
God you people are so dumb
Name a cuter ship than Xerath x Zoe
You literally can't.
When did Rito raise the price on release champs + skin bundles? I remember buying Jinx plus her skin for 10 dollars, when did they make it so you have to drop at least 15?
Enjoy your two weeker
>t. user 207592752
>lobby chat monitored
I think not my man