/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #555

Snow Edition
Previous thread:>Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to get the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Writefag Guide: dropbox.com/s/byvdxol3db6llwz/The DDLC Writefagging Guide.pdf?dl=0

>Art and Miscellaneous
Fan-Made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Game Files Dump (full): mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Old Booru: ddlc.booru.org
New Booru: nddlc.booru.org/ - please help add content!
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You):

>If you feel like killing yourself, try one of these
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/
Lifeline (AU): lifeline.org.au/get-help/get-help-home

Attached: snow sayori!.gif (567x695, 2.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I love Natsuki!

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Natsuki's butt

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What are some moments you missed on your first time around?

Pic related is mine.

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A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

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Hello and good evening everyone! It's nice to see you all today. How's Sunday treating you so far?
In any case, welcome back to my poetry club!

Word of the thread is "illusion"!
Alternatives are 'energy' and 'swarm'.

If you would like to try writing a poem, consider using our thread's theme word so we can all share our similar poems together.
If not, that's totally okay too! It's just a suggestion! But if you would like to, go ahead and use the word as your topic to write about. It's a lot of fun writing about something and then seeing how everyone else handles the same topic.
In case anybody is new and doesn't know, this is to encourage both beginners and veterans to try their hand at poetry! Skill level doesn't matter and everyone is welcome. Go ahead and try it out! Don't be shy!
Also, maybe try to comment on one or two other poems that get posted! I'm sure they'd really appreciate it!
And as always, I'm looking forward to seeing the poems you all write. Have fun, everyone!


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>Reminder that Sayorifags are unironically doomed

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I love you!

I don't...
I can't...
I shouldn't...

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage drinking
- Self harm
- Suicide and suicide attempts
- Substance abuse (Any)
- Waifu wars
- Waifu bullying
- user bullying
- Heating water for your tea on the microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not doing your best to be the user your waifu would like
- Staying up late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

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Hi everyone, Hypnoficanon here with my daytime repost!

In today's fic, Monika sees how far she can take user with a single trigger! pastebin.com/iKe1we3n
If you're just tuning in, [[honey]] is a trigger that makes user more sensitive to her touch.

I also added the vampire greentext I did the other day to the pastebin: pastebin.com/SKyUM2Sz

Sorry it's been so long since the last update--a combination of IRL stuff and a cold have kept me from having much time to write.
It's good IRL stuff, though! I got paid for my writing for the very first time!

Lastly, since the writing contest seems to be over and done with, I was curious what people thought of my entry, "Oh Captain, My Captain". pastebin.com/jwdNXz9n

Feedback and commentary is always appreciated. Enjoy, [[honey]]!

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Sayori is a BIG girl!

Attached: sayori!!!!.png (924x1440, 834K)

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I love Yuri!

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Reposting from last thread:
Alright friends, I'll critique some more poems since people like it and Aussie will likely take a few days before the next batch. I'm no professional, so don't be too disappointed if my feedback isn't very analytical.

Sounds like you're going to set yourself on fire to match the blaze that is already burning within you. The second stanza was a bit redundant; maybe you should have fused it with the first one. Take care of that flame inside yourself, user. Don't let it go out and don't let it consume your soul.

I wrote this one, so I'm not going to critique it.

This one is okay to read, but could really benefit from some structure IMO. In addition, it gives me conflicting messages: You finally show your true rage, but you accept being punished with the downfall of everything you've worked towards? I'm probably missing something here.

Sometimes you need leap forward and take initiative to achieve your desires. Your poem is succinct, but the differing amounts of syllables in the first stanza kind of muddies it up. Otherwise, I would have liked to see the theme explored even further. Maybe next thread?

They should have fed those thots to the river god desu. But all in all, I like your poem. It pretty much summarizes everything that happens after they get on the rafts.

Pretty edgy if I do say so myself. The rhyme structure was very effective; kudos to you.

This one gave me a hearty chuckle. You almost had me for a second.

Overall, there was some neat stuff in the last thread. I'm looking forward to the the poems in this one.

She is the sun in my sky!

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I love Sayori too, with all my heart. Forever!

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I love her too!

>your Doki
>What you are listening to

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I love her too

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Will you ever do more Sayori?
That vampire fic is my favorite.


A BIG girl with depression

yay it's a sayori thread!

Why does this image give my dick the ability to cut DIAMONDS?

I love you Monikanon!

Praise Sayori!

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Something that fits the thread number!

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Daily reminder that Sayori's butt is BIG and PLUMP and JUICY. BIG!!!!!!!!!! PLUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Doki but she is actually disgusted by how ugly you are compared to chads irl, makes fun of you and how much of a loser you are, and makes you watch her fuck niggers

Why is Sayori so perfect bros?
why does her personality not seem to exist anywhere irl?

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Sayori but shes on top.

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I made something to help people write MAS dialogue.


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thanks for making this user, this looks really helpful

I knew a girl with the same kind of bubbly always giggling attitude once
She was a total party slut with a bad case of jungle fever

That kind of purity can't exist in 3D, user.

>there have been 555 of these
Should have been 4 weeks.

Also reminder that all dokis are equal but some dokis are more equal than others

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she just is it does exist but its kinda rare

I hate to be that guy but... That's not Yuri

More like I've been shocked by my own anger and just plain feel bad when I see the after effects.

I'm sorry. I probably should just try to look up how to organize myself because when I write, I often just reflect my own experiences and feeling. I usually write short stories, not poems. I'm going to promise you I'm going to do my damndest to get this right.

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Gross but that's what you asked for

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>why does her personality not seem to exist anywhere irl?
Because our reality is cruel
A person of such selflessness and adorableness is exceedingly rare, and mostly can only be found in the realm of 2D (where it's still quite uncommon)

This is why we need to hold on to her, for such a precious girl is worthy of our love and protection

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becouse someone like her would be absolutely destroyed by modern life.
Same goes for the other dokis however.

They are too good to be true. More ideals then girls
Closer to angels then human.

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Squishy Sayori!

Lovely work as always, hypnoficanon! Also I liked Oh Captain, My Captain, I voted for it in the poll

Sit down and discuss Sayori!

Help yourself to a slice of hawaiian pizza!

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>that lustful expression
>that well-formed bottom
>the loose clothes
>those unbelievable thighs
>tfw chad
Jokes on you.
Extremely rare, a shame really. She's the most beautiful, purest soul I've ever met.
>getting ridden by Sayori
>her hips and breath in tandem
>you climax but she doesn't stop
The dream.

Yeah a bratty kid
A murderer
An edge lord psychopath
And a suicidal drama queen
So pure


I feel bad for Yuri, people only like her for lewd. That's sad.

>ywn take mermaid Sayori out on a foggy morning
>ywn relax your wits knowing it's too early for most people to be up and the fog has you covered visually
>ywn take her to a bench by a lake to feed the ducks
>ywn have to stop her eating the bread because it's slightly stale
>ywn find out that throwing things is a pretty alien concept to her and that she has awful aim
>ywn take her home and teach her to throw when the day brightens up after a few hours
>ywn set up some targets in the garden so she can practice
>ywn explain that throwing's mainly for convenience
>ywn need to go into detail when she starts trying to throw everything including food across the room to you
>ywn at least be proud that her aim's improved
>ywn have to stop her from aggressively throwing bread directly at the ducks like a professional pitcher next time because she assumed that was what you wanted

I lost all the way down to level 1
I should've known watching a 15 minute chess video on the London system wouldn't have been enough but THEY SAID IT WOULD BE SIMPLE

>Sayori art

>ribbons, ropes or strings around her neck EVERY TIME

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This, vampire Sayori fic was pure boner kino. For both the lewd boner in my pants and the feels boner in my heart.

Fuck yeah.

She doesn't exist in real life because she's unironically too pure for this world. Anyone who could have a personality like hers is warped into a different person by the world we live in. She'll never be real.

Writing from the heart usually makes for interesting material, but structure (or the intelligent use of a lack of structure) is what separates bad poems, good poems, and great poems. Keep trying and maybe ask for feedback from more experienced critics. I believe that with practice and wisdom, you'll be able to write very compelling and unique poems.

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Sit down and die with fucking sayori.

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>moments you missed on your first time around
I actually missed the entire Yuri's route, despite feeling she was going to be my doki several minutes after meeting her.
I just chose the words that I would use in a poem myself and ended up with Sayori, and after that I kept choosing her words/options because I wanted to save her so damn much.
>tfw you can't save her even if you say you love her
>tfw it's the same with Yuri
>tfw you don't even get that far with Natsuki
Seriously, fuck Dan.

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I want to sleep with Angelyori

It might be a while (I have a harder time writing for her than I do for Monika or Yuri, and I'd like to get to Natsuki at some point as well), but I actually have a fondness for that fic myself, so I'll see what I can do.

Would you want more vampire Sayori, or just Sayori hypnofic in general?

At your age, maybe.

I love her too.

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Fucking kill yourself, pineapple pizza poster. Pepperoni is the master race.

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You guys are wrong. People like Sayori do exist. I promise you. Keep believing in her and yourselves, okay?

Sayori deserved to die

At Sayori's age better

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we /ded/ now?

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If they exist, why haven't I met one? Am I unlucky? Do I need to hang around more with normalfags? Are there just only a scant few? It's hard to keep pressing on using only faith.

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>Anyone who could have a personality like hers is warped into a different person by the world we live in. She'll never be real
Yep, the modern human culture and society would eat her alive.

You can't afford to be too nice and selfless, you'll only be abused and taken advantage of, this will keep up until you change for the worse and adapt, or until it gets you in trouble like in a ShindoL doujin

The world is such an awful place

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I love Fat Yuri!


Fuck off Todd, I'm sick of your lies. Skyrim doesn't even have infinite quests, and even though Fallout 4 VR came with my Vive, I couldn't even stand the house sequence enough to play it past 5 minutes.

>both questions
Literally too pure for this world, that's why.

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You know it! Pineapple on pizza is the best!

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Impregnating Sayori

Sayori loves cock


By fucking her navel!

Hey everyone, Bread here!
Guys we're so close to playing, ahh I can't wait!! Anyway, make sure you guys are ready to play, because we're all hopping in Wednesday night!
Server: excalibur(dot)ws/

Guild poll: strawpoll.me/15186956
Race Poll: strawpoll.me/15214295

Btw I just wanted to point out that the race poll isn't a vote to see which race we'll be playing, it's just so I can see who's playing what.

In a surprising victory, it seems like we’ll be playing on Alliance! Because of this, when you all first hop in, make sure to hit O to bring up your friends list, then add “Garasing” to the list. He’s my main character, so you’ll probably see me on him when I’m not leveling up my new character with you guys. Once you do this, send me a whisper, and I’ll hit you up with a guild invite.

Make sure you guys don’t forget to register on the website!
The registration process is simple: all it asks for is an email, username, and password, then you get the whole game completely free. Did I mention it's free?
Once you register, download and extract the torrent from the website. For those of you who can't torrent (or choose not to) I've got a mega link right here for you guys:



I'm still looking for a couple Anons to be guild leaders for the literature club. If you're interested, let me know!
I wanna roll our characters out on March 14th, 11:59 PM EST, but if that doesn't work for anyone interested please let me know.

Important tip: sometimes, the HUD will break when you're looking at the map, if this happens, press Alt+Z and the HUD will come back on.

If anyone has any questions, link them to this post or ask Bread in the thread.
Are you excited? I'm excited, so you better be.

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Your technically not wrong

Why not Pepperoni AND Pineapple?
They both start with P, so those ingredients probably have impeccable synergy! besides, replacing or adding ham with pepperoni wouldn't be so bad, would it?

I'm happy that someone saves my pizzayori edits!

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Stop Sayorifags first

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Reminder that Yurifags are Number 1

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>pepperoni and pineapple
That's even worse.

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I'm not sure.
I like vampire Sayori and i think regular Sayori issen't the mistress type but...

...it would start out rather innocent.
Her coaxing you into getting hypnotized to bring her food or something.
Untill she realises how much control she actually has and starts to get bolder and lewder from session to session.

uhhhh. Just thinking about it...

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Gross but that's what you asked for

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Yuri will never lactate her beautiful mammaries to fill in your bowl of bran flakes for breakfast

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I wonder if she’d squeak like a dog toy if you hugged her tight enough.

Cmon, it's always Monika this Monika that just Monika etc

Let us have this moment
Smile for Sayori!

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What would Natsuki's armpits taste like?

Someone edit this edit to make it a slice of pineapple pizza in her hand

>Stop Sayorifags
This is the thread of the Sayorifags. We shall make our stand here!

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haha yes

Why does her head look like it has a tumor?

I have a feeling both Natsuki and Sayori would share a taste for KKB.


dedder than a dornel

Does Natsuki like New York style or chicago deepdish?

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