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Mine,not Rauls
Misheiru kakoii!
Filter and ignore !RHAJATxdtU posts.
>filter and ignore
>gives him attention anyway
Fuck off with your shitty plug ins
How do I build this boy? Brave axe like his mother?
>Who actually visits gamepress?
You do apparently if you know that image is from there.
>beaner whines and screams (more than usual) about the reminder
>"people" suddenly agree
>only rhetoric is calling others names and saying to filter the subhuman
>which is what the reminder says anyway
That wad suspicious let me tell ya
>Rumored TT Seals are
>Def Tactic
>Res Ploy
Would you be okay with these?
I'd be fine with them. I have a fodder Seigbert so I can give someone Def and Atk Tactic. Res ploy I'm going to give to my Sonya so I can put Speed Ploy on her.
Threadly reminder to NEVER EVER trust 4* banners
Anyone with a brain use Gamepress tier list over Gamepedia.
His axe seems pretty useful for AA, maybe DB and a breaker
Yes to all three. A lot better than the last set
>wahhh I have too many repositions
Give me fucking Renewal already so I don't feel bad about putting Fury on Gunnthrá. Guard would also be acceptable.
Anyone know of where I can get a PoR iso? I used to get it from emuparadise but I guess they don't have it anymore.
I unironically wouldnt mind a 5* Barst
I would have much preferred Speed Ploy, that way I could have quad ploy Arvis, and Res Ploy means I have basically nothing to fodder my spare Gunnthra for. Def Tactic would be a nice filler seal to use for mixed teams though
Isnt that the one with the unit rankings made by a magvelcuck.
Who needs 20+ reposition fodder? Selena gives it too
>/feg/ has 16 cucks, 13 fanfic retards, and 7 chads
Time to ask /fgog/ what they think.
Stay tuned.
the rhetoric is that it actively shits up the thread by making him whine more while not actually addressing the problem (since everyone still jumps over themselves to give him (you)s regardless)
you had a week to prove that it would work and it clearly didn't
I am on my first path of radiance playthrough at chapter 20. I love that game it's the best FE i have played so far.
Is radiant dawn on the same level?
Post incredibly high IQ builds..
>I'm a chad
Feels good
That's off-topic. Apply the same rule to you and ignore it like everyone else
Which one upsets you more little boy, Myrrh or Tana?
it's a fun set
He's basically Cherche so yeah.
I'm going
Slaying Axe+ Def Refine
Sturdy Stance
Quick Respost
Fortify Fliers/Tactic
>blue stas
>still poopoo
Yes of course mister administrator, you made the rules all along
She does but any sensible person would save her to +10 her.
Does it really count as being cucked if you're raising an orphan? By that logic, people running orphanages are the biggest cucks in the world
Looks like Minerva knows something everybody else doesn't.
Gamepress retard detected. Tell me more about Seth being better than Sigurd and Cav Chrom.
give that build to his waifu
Make Clive THE WALL so you can make a cute team of them protecting/covering each others weakness
How high-IQ a build is this?
t. brainlet
You sound like an upset child
I'm not sure about Speed Ploy Arvis. On one hand, it makes him far better without having to worry about foddering a Deirdre for him. On the other hand, losing the Heavy Blade S Slot on my meme build would suck.
Valflame refinement for the Blizzard effect when?
Cum on toes
You joke but that's a fucking scary AF Clive.
>very mobile Panic machine
>can tank both physical and mages
>even higher HP than Armors
Atlas Shruged
>have a ton of def tactic fodder from the last banner
>having it as a seal feels like all that fodder is waaaay less valuable
I'm a little salty desu
>Valflame refinement for the Blizzard effect
That would make the S Support I have between him and Gunnthra even cuter
He's not. What are you on about?
that or
>nullify refine on his axe
>draconic aura
>flier buff
>atk+3 seal
Name one reason you aren't using a full cavalry team in arena
you sound like an upset child
nobody agreed to your "challenge" or your worthless verdict, spic.
Would Finn have still gotten with Lachesis if Beowulf had still been alive and hadn't just told her to go away? The only difference here is that Beowulf got BBQd. She was going to head over there regardless.
This way?
Raising your lord's orphan child does not make you a cuck.
>It says here your teams are only comprised of very young girls
>Care to explain, Mr. Kiran?
I use a full colorless team that I named The Hardcounters
>Eirika with refined Sieglinde, Hone Spd and Def Tactic
I don't actually care what your worthless list says, that was sarcasm. But I'm not surprised a magvelcuck failed to recognize it.
I'm an esports fag
>lets him initiate attack on Grima!Robin
Your move
Just returning to FEH and what the fuck is this IV and Skill adoption shit?
i like scoring higher than 700 points per run
sexy feet
My armor/dragon team gives me more points and I need a lot of points to stay in tier 20 for the rewards and bragging rights. It's pretty simple actually.
>"I can't have my own children so I'll raise some dead/irresponsible bastard's"
Why are you even asking?
Probably never. Ploys are overrated, but that would make Arvis stupidly good.
Midori in Heroes when? I want to S rank her again.
horses are for losers
>I will never be this autist's friend
Feels good
Do we know what the next banner is going to be? I have wayyy too many orbs
>not staying in T20 with horses
Seriously, why the fuck aren't you trying it? +10ing Cecilia and Rein isn't even hard
My shitty melee infantry team is infinitely more fun to use than cavs ever were.
Dragon lolis give high arena scores.
Old man love.
officers please double penetrate me
Finn raised his own kid and his boss kid. He didn't care about her other child.
TT is on the 15th so presumably there will be a banner tonight.
>claim you don't care
>always complains about the same units any time the list is brought up
Whatever you say :)
Nice diversion, I was talking about Nanna
>inb4 "Nanna is his daughter, despite the 20th anniversary book"
What is your shitty infantry melee team
Give me Lex and Shinon on a horse and I'll reconsider.
She'll be our first dagger cav unit.
cute desu
If you could take 10 points from his HP and add them to ATK he would be insane.
>4* banner features a certain unit
>gets a lot of that unit
i only use characters i like and not a single one of them ride a horse
>tfw had a dream where katarina, tharja, and eirika were the bonus units and katarina was the 40%
I need to stop playing this game so mucj. On the other hand I hope Grima is on the banner.
Reminder to respect your elders, /feg/!
Because Titania's the only one I like
>a character you can recruit vs some random shitter on the same map
What is this called, the Mathis archetype? Cavalier you recruit from the enemy that is far shittier than any units you already have?
He's worse than his mom, Michalis, and Belka. So just base kit + fill in the blanks of the other skill slots for AA. Don't even have to refine his Axe.
Nino alt when?
Hi Nino!
Gal tanks and kills for me every range 1 unit under the sun outside of bold fighter greens
She's good
Made for anal creampies
No thanks. I'm not into rape.