/vrg/ Virtual Reality General - #109

Comfy edition

>General VR Resources

>Oculus Rift Setup Guide
>HTC Vive Setup Guide
>Recommended VR Applications/Games 2018
>VRChat Resources and Tutorials

>Socks containment thread
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no VR wife

2nd for


>He doesn't know

nth for piperposting

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They weren't gods after all
We'll all fall
I've alredy bough vrsocks and vrpanties

>knowing this is probably directed at me
Love you.

nth for all this gay shit belongs in

>tfw no vr life

this, please and thankyou.

>still going afk just like that without any protection

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>tfw can't post decent VRpanties pics because of razor bumps

>He legitimately honest to god doesn't know

Before I go do you know what archive I need to look in to find this image he's talking about?

threadly reminder to do vr squats for aniki

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There are still those among the unfallen. Robomedio, both gumis, Veeky Forums Lain, and laughingcrustacean remain pure as far as I'm aware.

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>tfw no piper gf

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we're not gonna spoonfeed you, it was posted without trapanon's consent. you want it bad enough you work for it

on the cusp of collapse, drops hints frequently
>Good leg Gumi
kissed Lil B way back, impure
just look at this shapekeys, no way

gods have fallen and mortals arise in old tales

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Fuck me for asking amirite?


Quick, name some anime girls with big, fat tiddies so I can import them to vrchat.

Robomeido will be the next to fall, mark my words

It does lower my motivation to join haven't been on in a week or two now.
It's annoying when they won't shut up with saying that "oh you'll get proteused". Especially when I was here before the faggots. I just want to chill out but the people who've joined recently have been cancerous as hell.

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homestuck guy? guy the other one with parkinsons and a cane? (also looks somewhat homestuckish)

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>back home for spring break
>house has thin walls
>forced to be mute
Here we go boys

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>download clothes from deviantart to put on my avatar
>60k polys just for basic looking pants

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I think he might have wanted me to be his vrfu but I hope I'm wrong

Lurker on the fence on whether to join, is it actually as bad ingame as it is in the threads?

It still hurts

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i have a vr sister, some vr brothers, and a dozen teachers. I have even more virtual brothers that want to be sisters.

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There have only been five socks threads, it's not hard.

Holy fuck

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Meetups are ultra comfy and fun, the threads just like to complain.

why do I feel both disappointed and disgusted at the same time

No, it's not the same.

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no it's fine in game

what manner of autism is this?
why do you need to black out the names?

What's important about this that you link to it exactly?

never forget

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It's fine until later in the night EST when the cancer shows up, but you'll figure out who to block quick enough.

No, not usually because it's easy to get away from conversation. Though the user's who talk about proteus do get annoying as hell.

I've only ever gone as far as casual kissing and attempted shota rape okay, no hardcore erp. That's purer than the other depraved can say about themselves.

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Did you have a crush on him or something?

What cancer? Meetups are more or less the same for most of the night. Unless you mean Two Nukes but he's not really cancer so much as just a shitposter.

Too many feel like they have to fit in and start taking after the biggest group to fit in. So you wind up with proteus spamming and other shit. Or they take ironic posting seriously and way too far.

Cool you wanna do erp and lewd in vrchat, that's fine, but you don't have to go "ahhh I wanna suck a dick" every 10 minutes

Depends on the hours and who's around. Right now on a weekday is pretty comfy. On a weekend it's a mix but as long as the topic hasn't fallen to vrfus already it's probably ok. But as soon as a few of them get deep into their booze or someone brings up vrfus somehow you can just give up on that group for the night unless you're into it too. "Dance crew" is also "vrfu and gaylewding" crew. Robomaido's the only one that isn't into lewding of them but everytime he gets drunk its vrfu hours.

I kind of like two nukes because hes consistently an asshole.
Its the two faced people you gotta watch out for.

Wait, that Yamakaze is from here too? I added her today. I was dancing next to her yesterday in a public void instance. It was fun, she's a really good dancer.

Degeneracy is a binary system, you might as well jump straight in instead of trying to gather what scraps of purity what remain
To quote a fallen hero, "no balls, faggot- I go zero to 100"

>burgers and fried chicken on the floor to coordinate the blacks



Particle spammers and bullies

>Robomaido's the only one that isn't into lewding

i fucking wish he was the only one, i'm waiting for the day this qt falls

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If you have to ask maybe it's you.

If you aren't into "feminine dicks aren't gay" quality discussion then the midnight est and later group isn't for you. If you are then you'll be right at home.

Yeah, Misspelled Holocaust is a fucking ridiculously good dancer, and their model compounds it a lot
I don't know how they do their shapkeys and stuff so well without bumping them accidentally on the Vive all the time

Please stay pure, there are those of us in the sidelines that want to believe it’s possible.

I dunno, I think there's a different between kissing/cuddling/headpatting and actually pretending to fuck eachother. If you've never helped another user bust a nut, you still have your VRginity intact.

What's the point with being (((pure)))?
You're missing 60% of the fun

check your shapekeys
you might have one that turns you into a square kilometers of extruded flesh
Check your bounding box too, that might be the same issue as the other guy. I ran into it before and it also messes with lighting

>and attempted shota rape
To be fair, he is a very rapable shota

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The only times im getting kissed is when i'm to fucking lazy to key-step away from all the approaches after a point.

>If you've never helped another user bust a nut, you still have your VRginity intact.
>tfw made an user cum several times in the same session
Feels good man

The path of degeneracy is a slippery slope as we’ve seen today.

>tfw stealth pure because apparently no one knows
or does this only apply to anons with female avatars?

c-can you teach me how to play?
I only played a couple rounds, but that was before I upgraded my computer so I had no fps

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I will never fall so deep into the hole as to do a masturbatory erp session, partly because I don't want to make a fucking mess of cum over my carpet and desk, and also because the risk of my roommates walking in on me with my dick out and humping/kissing the air is far too great.

Not that user, but I stay away from ERP because I know myself well enough to know that I can't do sexual things with other people without developing some kind of feelings for them. I know it would just get me into a world of drama I could avoid by just fapping to regular porn and saving VRChat for good times with friends.

Vash the Stampede, the Sixty Billion Double Dollar Man

If you have a male avatar, most of the female avatars won't want to lewd with you. If you're female, you're going to have other players making advances on you, so it's more difficult to keep on the straight and narrow.


I enjoy conversation, playing games, and exploring maps. There is more to life than lewd.

I’m not sure how it applies but I’m also stealth pure in that I’ve contributed to the socks thread without naming myself.

I can share in that good feel, friend

Yup for sure, bud.

I'll be hosting every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm est.

If you can make it, I'll host 15 minutes earlier so I can teach you somethings.

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so when you are looking around in todays society where facebook asked a survey about if pedophiles should ask kdis for sexual pics or some media outlets try to humanize pedophiles this was just random and nothing led to it?
notice how transgender kid nonsense happened before all of this

All right, faggot. Here's the avatar with the biggest, fattest tiddies I've found. I was gonna import it myself but I have too many projects in the pipeline right now and it'll be a week before I can, so it's yours now.

I trust my friends from /vrg/ not to mess with me too much while I'm afk.

I was being mostly ironic, we all know vauuns always been a floozy. Thanks for this though I learned something today.

Robomeido is a degenerate IRL, the purity thing is an act.

Holy shit, those are some grade-A tits, thanks mate

I'll still be at work at that hour on tuesday. Hope to see you on thursday.

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Perhaps a good lecture topic for someone would be what logical fallacies actually mean. Throwing out a logical fallacy to prove what someone said is wrong is incredibly weak and dumb. What more for the fact that logical fallacies are valid inductive arguments that have just been incorrectly applied. I.E. Slippery slope isn't a fallacy if there is indeed a demonstrable slippery slope. The key in what makes it bad if you read that page is the "extreme hypotheticals", if those are absent and the posited hypotheticals reasonably follow and have been demonstrated to do so it can be a perfectly fine argument.

That's fine come by afterwork, I'll give you a quick rundown while we play.

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Absolutely no interest in that stuff. I enjoy people watching, that's the draw of the game to me.


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So you're saying that the only things stopping you are practical reasons. If you lived alone and could set up an area for easy clean-up, you'd be just as much of a slut as the other fallen ones. Therefore, you're impure.

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>the risk of my roommates walking in on me with my dick out and humping/kissing the air is far too great.
Hot. You can make a threesome with them

>tfw no tofugf


Because I'm straight

I mean maybe I'd try it out just once. And only once!

I'm not gay tho