What do you think of Young Earth creationists, Veeky Forums?
What do you think of Young Earth creationists, Veeky Forums?
They'd be better off with no means of communication to anything or anyone.
Absolute retards trying to rationalise their outdated, infantile beliefs.
They are to Science what Holocaust Deniers are to History.
Incredibly frustrating to try and have an actual conversation with. Similar to Holocaust or evolution deniers, they begin with their conclusion (that the earth is ~6,000 years old) and then work backwards looking for "evidence" for their belief and disregarding anything contradictory to their worldview. Meaning they're completely unopen to any criticism, because it would throw that entire worldview into question as they're all built upon each other.
Some people tend to consider new evidence after the debate is over and they have had time to cool down.
I know I'm like that a lot of the time
They're factually challenged.
How come all the alt-right neo-reactionary neo-traditionalist christian neo-monarchists on Veeky Forums hate young earth creationism? Why do they claim to be traditionalists by hate traditional christianity?
>What do you think of Young Earth creationists, Veeky Forums?
I don't think about them at all, because I live in a civilised country where they don't exist
Ken Ham is Australian
They seem to prefer the >muh tradition Cathodox Larping, which is more open to theistic old earth evolution options
YEC is associated with new baptist type denoms with less semblance of traditions (even though YEC has existed since ancient times), even most of the older more traditional proddie denoms have abandoned yec.
how does one even go about debating them?
Step 1: don't
But if dinosaurs evolved into birds
then why are there still chimps?
checkmate atheists.
Their hypothesis are as probable as Darwin's, but the culture has changed in a way that they have become unacceptable for ideological reasons.
> Their hypothesis are as probable as Darwin's
You mean completely accepted by science with the margin of error less than 0,(0)1%?
if they denied old earth then they would look pretty silly trying to rationalize their miscellaneous bigotry with other science
>implying he isn't a neanderthal trying to hide his true ancestry
YEC isn't traditional, it's relatively recent
a common misconception
though it had died out until revived by americans in the mid 20th century
Everything on earth is recent, my impious user.
I think he's speaking in terms relative to humanity and not the whole universe.
I don't see why it is discussed so often here
Evolution,like all scientific theories it is not complete and there is a lot more to be worked out. Quantum theory and Relativity theory are incompatible and have yet to be unified. These three theories are effectively what modern science is built on.
Just that YEC also goes against Geology, Archeology, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and a lot of other things. It has been completely debunked.
Any creationism goes against any scientific theory so why start attributing brands?
Because mainline creationism just tries to smuggle god back into science somehow, but YEC goes full pants on head retard against all science.
They really make me think.
>It has been completely debunked.
Were you there?
I hope to your shit god you're trolling.
Veeky Forums laughs at YEC and claims human conciousness is supernatural in the same page.
Hypocrites that realize most aspects of religion are retarded but are too cowardly to face the implications of mortality if you remove hope of an after life.
>implying people here actually believe anything
It's all just contrarianism, once Trump is in office for a few years people here will go back to being liberal.
This is how religious people all over the world act, to be frank. Their minds have been crippled to the point where they are completely unable to fathom an existence without their faith being the absolute correct one.
The biggest religious groups in /pol/ are atheists then catholics then protestants.
So the twp biggest demographics hold different views than Ken
>If you are right wing you are christian meme
Mussolini spinning in his grave.
>Evolution,like all scientific theories it is not complete and there is a lot more to be worked out
Let me guess.. You think micro and macro evolution are different things and can't even explain why.
Dumb as shit reverse-engineered religion
>right wing
All evolution is random mutations and habitat pressure, no creation involved
Living proof that some people need to taken out into the woods and shot, for the betterment of the human race.
careful with that edge boy