Previous: >Chaldea Boy's Collection 2018 3-7/3-21 Log in consecutively to get several tickets and Arthur's new exclusive costume
>Rate-up >Arthur is always in the gacha Waver: 12 Cu Alter: 13 Tesla: 17 Vlad III: 18 Ozy: 19 Enkidu: 20
"Event" Craft Essences >Arthur SSR - 400% Star attraction + 3 stars every turn >Dantes SSR - Art 10% + Buster 10% + NP gain 10% >Karna SR - Buster 8% + NP damage 8% + Crit damage 10% >Poker SR - NP 3% per turn + NP gain 5% + Np damage 5% >Old men SR - Pierce dodge + Art 5% + Buster 5%
>12M download campaign 2/28-3/14 Master missions now give out 3 fragments More exclusive lines for costumes
>Rate-up >Kiara is always in the gacha Lostman, Lip and Suzuka: 13-14 Lip: 11-12
MELTY BLOOD Actress Again Current Code: Hologram Summer Again - Community Edition
MELTY BLOOD manga (divided into two parts, the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" began serialization in the beginning of 2009, and spans volumes 7-9, featuring Miyako (Shiki's non-blood related cousin) as one of the main protagonists.)