/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Ike is the most bland lord.

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Remember that all these dates need to be moved up one, even if you're PST, since daylight saving happened.

No March seasonal?

Wtf gaybros delete this, don’t let the hetchads see it!!!

>Serika will never sound your urethra

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What a shitty schedule. This game is dead.

Thanks TharjaAnon, you’re awesome

Alphonse has been great these past few story chapters

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Lucina banner when?

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>10 banners.

Goddamn. I enjoy the free rolls but this is stupid.

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Why did they choose that time-zone? You get used to it, but it's counterintuitive

Miccy got the first post. OH NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO

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Shes on one right now

I like Hana
Put Hana in the game

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>just copying Fjorms damaged art face


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Cumming on toes

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How can one character be so F U C K A B L E?

>she's a self insert though so you can't fuck her

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your waifu a shit

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Is this the new Spring banner?

I mean like a Lucina banner that doesn't also have 3 other red focus units to block you

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>He doesn't self-insert as Femui getting fucked

>Got hyped for Nowi and Tiki BHB, but then I realized that it going be adult Tiki.

Man this month going suck.

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Lurk more newfag

Can't we just ban the spic?

Getting fucked by who? Azura?

Look at how fat her thighs are the ribbon looks like it's gonna burst

At least Alm will crush it single-handedly

I'd rather a Morgan, +Spd please come home.

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>RD Ike is the most bland lord.
Fixed. PoR Ike was good but RD turned him into unga bunga me like fighting.

this isn't reddit, faggot

Free resolve which is nice for NA players.
Not so much for JP players though.

No he’s cool and you all know you secretly like him that’s why you keep giving him attention

lol, scared you'd be next?

>Thracia not for a whole month, no GHB
>Fateswakening seasonal
>shitty bound hero battles

April's gonna be a bad month.

my cock is gonna burst inside her

Everyone desu


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A good month for saving, at least until Golden Week hero fest

She needs to have hone or goad stacking with that right? It doesn't seem like she can be stellar outside of a flyer team.

I wasn't doing a thing!

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>Alm beating a super boosted Infernal Nowi that will probably be boosted by various dragon buffs

/feg/, I have two Hectors and I want to fodder one to Zephiel. One has +attack -defense and the other has +resistance - speed. Which one do I keep?

The +res beats Reinhardt

>tfw too intelligent to roll on this shit Awakening banner or the Thracia one

Alm can't beat anything that's not a green dragon

What if

>Bound Hero Battle Elite
>beating them gives you a free 3* copy of one of the units available
>Male Corrin, Chrom, Maria, Hawkeye, Eirika, Lilina, Lucius


Need a panic ploy, son?

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+res/-spd obvs

Besides red and blue dragons

Whats the point of saving if you never get to spend

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>special heroes summoning event

What did they mean by this? Will it be a 5% or an 8%?

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>Don't touch me!
>You are warm... Like a light that pierces the darkness...
>Why do you insist on spending so much time near me? You are...a strange one...
>More...about me? There is nothing more. I have nothing special. Nothing...
I want to give evil Celica a hug, not even a sexual one where I slip my hand down the curve of her royal ass and palm at her perky princess cheeks, just a regular one that makes her feel safe and cared for.

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>he doesn't know about the Falchion refine

Whys Azura so gay for femui lads

It's a seasonal.

she's not really, corn's just important because of muh prophecy

I'll finally be able to get an adult Tiki!

In the past few months, over the course of 550+ Orbs, not a SINGLE ADULT TIKI HAS SHOWN UP

>t. Almless player
The only dragon he can't one-shot kill is a TA/Swordbreaker Nowi

Look at this guy

I still want him to fuck me until I die.

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Not him but literally her next line is something about Femui's happiness being the most important thing to her

That's not Marth, Leif, or Roy.

That’s why you carry CA

So will the seasonal be Fateswakening again or will they actually give another game the focus for once? Jugdral, Archanea, o Tellius?

I don't have LaD 3 available right now. What should Soleil use until it is available?

Ike's advisers are infinitely more interesting than he is.

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One more week!

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I'm conflicted. On one hand I want the new banners to be good units that I want, but on the other hand I only have so many orbs.

>Getting a 3* vesion of shitters available at 4*
It's shit

show me your crazy


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i hope we get more fanart of the holy guard and sanaki

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We made it boys

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>Winter Tempest Trials
>Fjörm distrusts """Marth's""" story initially and asks to examine the Falchion as proof of its validity
>Turns out it was Loki all along

>Chapter 5 of the story
>Askr thinks of placing a fake trail in the snow to throw the enemy off
>Leg-in-a-jar realizes it's a ruse quickly by the poor quality of the bait
>she also calculates their movement by realizing they're bee-lining to an abandoned temple and reaches earlier becaude her army had mounts.

Why id having a brain treated as something villanous?

The Fonse is an alpha chess player.

Attached: thinking of his.jpg (759x1075, 169K)

>Using mega stones

>Still using chicken when Grima exist

B-Bros... He's insane.

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>ywn be little Sanaki who gets to suckle from Sigrun's hefty bosom
Life is cruel

>Having a brain is something villainous

Attached: ruseman.png (639x447, 422K)

>not qr2

if everyone's retarded you just get fates again

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ded gaem

>that face
>grabbing her breasts

You giving me the cash to get that +10?

I'll give you Leif and Roy, but don't talk shit about Marth.

>using mega stones
Are Alolan forms acceptable?
I don't actually know how Alolan forms work and I don't particularly care

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He has such a good run I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing Laegjarn for keeping her alive would endanger Gunnthrá and their quest when she unavoidably escapes.

They don't need to kill her, I just want someone to suggest the idea

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That's not possible when Lucina exists.

Because IS imagines villains as something radically different from themselves. Reason why there's a lot of likable FE villains.

I’d roll desu

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>Caliburn's ability is that when your special triggers, it allows you to take another action immediately. It also gives special cooldown count -1.
>This isn't limited to once a turn.

The true Galeforce monster.

>Valentian Spring
Celica, Alm, Sonya, Boey
>Magvel Spring
Ephraim, Eirika, Tana, Innes
>Fates/Awakening Spring
Ryoma, Hinoka, Frederick, Lissa

Most of the characters in that list aren't nearly popular enough to get alts