Since its been established that Lissandra is the best waifu (and my wife) no waifuposting please, it wastes everyone's time.
Well you could claim that your waifu is the best waifu, you'd still be wrong
Since its been established that Lissandra is the best waifu (and my wife) no waifuposting please, it wastes everyone's time.
Well you could claim that your waifu is the best waifu, you'd still be wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is a fag
>ywn slowly build up Cassiopeia's self confidence by repeatedly telling her how beautiful you think she is
Im going to stream morde matches if theres enough interest in watching
any build goes
lissandra is a saggy titty hag!
post stereotypes of lane mainers
either bro tier or total crayon eater
likes to think hes good at chess
type of fag that types ....... when u give first blood
alpha as fuck, also prone to raging
thinks his role is the most important and will argue all day about it
How do I stop the suicidal thoughts?
yasuo players are trash
>have two accounts
>main account and alt account
>as of right now they are the same elo
>main account
>doesn't matter what I play, nearly impossible to win, loss streaks, hard games
>alt account
>easy games, winstreak, i only play veigar in all roles, made someone ragequit today, don't play any different from this account and main account
why do C9 and Liquid and all these other hot shots team always inevitably disappoint after giving us hope early that someone other than TSM will finally represent NA globally as the best team from the region and possibly not embarrassingly choke year after year so retarded Europeans can stop bragging about being the 2nd worst major region
>double mask funfire Nasus sits on top of you
this sounds like the beginning of an erotic fiction
Just do what I do and make ironic memes about the sweet embrace of death.
Haha just joking haha.
I'd fuck a trap, no homo.
look more often at cute lulus
post cute pictures on lolg
See what I mean, their waifu is garbage so they have to hate on best waifu Lissandra.
These people are probably toplaners, so dumb
because early in the split teams are still getting reacquainted with playing on a stage, and teams like TSM aren't that concerned with making breakout performances because they know that they have the infrastructure and veterans to perform later on. meanwhile teams like c9 and liquid blow their load early in the split and then as a result TSM pick up on their habits and kick the shit out of them when they become complacent.
lissandra is a shriveled rancid milk producing old lady! indulges in the mass of troll dicks all day!
either completely braindead retards who play tanks or hypebeast faggots who play riven/yasuo only
picked this role because they are shit at csing
fotm picking trash almost nobody mains a mid champion and just picks whatever is op.
the most retarded players to ever exist will use their escapes to engage 1v5 and type "team?" after
egirls and cucks
impregnate a lulu so you have some responsibility
a cute!
>Pure royal noxian blood
>Having low self confidence and not thinking of herself as beautiful
She's an older, cuter, and more cocky version of Kat (yes all of those are possible), she'll just laugh you off.
Are you an ashefag or sejfag user?
Pick your answer REAL carefully.
finally hit d5 yesterday lads. failed promos 3 times. ignore the zilean backround, was playing him jungle in norms
Never again will I play on NA. Average 12 kills a game 5kda and a 60% win rate. In EUW 7 kills 4kda 80% win rate. People here are just 100x better. I would rather have a plat 4 euw jungler than a diamond 3 na jungler.
what champs use predator effectively. I wanna run niggas down.
that just makes it better when you mating press her
Now do it without abusing sion bugs you cheater
>I do better in EUW so NA must be trash
Nice logic there
cmon mang swain at that time felt really bad :(
imagine your waifu lovingly holding you in her arms
works for me kinda
He has to have a babysitter in order to be relevant. Jungle and top are the true alpha chads
No I do worse I have a 5 kda average 12 kills and a 60% win rate in NA. In EUW 7 kills a game 4kda and 80% win rate. The people on my team know how to play the game a lot better and the quality of games are much much higher.
cowgirl mf can ride me anyday
i just hate everyone so much
it isnt junglers
it isnt supports
it isnt anyone
i just hate every single person I meet in soloqueue
Play on a real server.
Rate my Mordekaiser rework guys
>Q: wind up and slam niggies into walls for fuck tons of damage and 2s+ stuns
>W: spawn your own wall that probably has some other secondary effect so it isn't just a copy of Anivia's but idk lol
>E: big berserker charge, if you Kool-Aid man bust through a wall you AoE fear the fuckers on the other side
>R: literally just steal something from DotA IDK maybe Phoenix's Ult, except that while it's charging you passively steal resistances
fuck off hardstuck silver fag. i'm better than you and you're just jealous
who is the safest mid laner?
1v1 me you fucking faggot cunt
Ziggs Anivia or Malz
I like to imagine her holding my head to her chest and stroking my hair
what about this one ?
this desu
Built for impregnation.
>Not posting the whole lore
She's now cocky batman that kills baddies in noxus
>mating press
>a poisonous snake with no legs
yeah good luck, tell me how that goes
after im done fucking you, im going to take a visit to your mother and fuck her too, kiddo
complete shitshow, nocturne (their team) and ivern (my team) ganked toplane like 15 times combined
bot lost 2v2 and my midlaner still hasn't found her R key
fuck you nigger go fucking die
Malz or Ziggs
Just faceroll and walk away if shit hits the fan
she looks like she does naughty things when alone
Well, I'll tell you what, I seem to be the intellectual of the both of us, I'll tell you what; Let's bet your ass. I win, I take your ass. How's that sound?
i wish i was mf
Who thinks she's hideous.
>hits things into walls
>makes walls
>breaks walls
at least you stuck to a theme
Climbing isn't fun anymore, can't win alone like old seasons :\
and if i win i get to take your cock!
Same just being a girl would be nice though...
>be first pick
>pick shen since he's supposedly good if your team is only slightly retarded
>enemy team is nothing but Tanks and auto attackers
>mid and jungle are assassins
>mid gets rolled over and our jungle is too busy invading and dying
>Past 12 minutes my ult can't save anyone
>they're asking why the enemy team had to pick cancer in a ranked game as two people die a total of 22 times in a 25 minute game
>Picking trundle into camille
That was your problem right there fucko
They had no tanks (unless their support was) and you can't split vs camille
Shouldve gone Illaoi and 2v1's or an actual tank and scaled.
I wish I was Cho'Gath.
To be 100% honest I was hoping you would agree to the terms beat me and take my ass :(
niggers gonna nig
>it's a jungler comes top and gives the enemy double buff while you have a huge wave of minions on your tower episode
will this lane ever not be unfun
I wish you were MF so I could cuddle you!
skarner and hecarim
id cuddle you as much as you liked
in my experience most orianna players have large issues locating their "R" key
>healthy jungle clear
>extremely strong early and mid ganks
>builds for tank and still does tons of damage and cc
Why is this allowed? Is he secretly the most bullshit jungler right now??
I'm glad it's eu hours and my cute posters are up. This general is so boring during na hours.
I'm trying to find the Soraka picture that says "gonna do my best" but I can't :(
That's really sad. All they have to do is attach the ball to their tank and R. Ezpz
Why does Ranked Flex have more cheese bot lanes than Normal or ,god forbid, Blind Pick?
Like double mages with CC, and shit like that?
What's the passive? Also that is gonna live or die based on what the secondary of W is
Hes good in low elo, but if you picked amumu into me I would live in your jungle and you better hope your lanes come to help you or else you'll be burning your sums and ult on me and not lanes
Literally take his blue at start. It puts him so far behind.
>4 game win streak
Forced 50 coming up
Good Junglers can shut him down early by either invades or snowballing lanes.
If he can make it through the early game intact then yes he's one of the strongest teamfight champs in the game.
who want to write me some smut that includes a league of legends girl that's also cute, murdering me?
Also why don't Diana and Kaylefags like me :c
I'm the cutest right? I'm also a good boy if you're the same poster from yesterday
>eu hours
aka degenerate na hours
Kai'sa is perfectly fine right now
In fact she might actually be a tad too strong
>new AD releases
>qtpie tries it out without even reading what its skills do
>since he's a monkey who can literally only play the top 2 ADs at any given time he feeds his ass out
>says the champ is shit and everyone just parrots
>sneaky and other good players pick up the champ and do well with it
>doesn't matter because everybody is parroting qtpie already
I swear this happened with Xayah and Kalista already
I just got banned with no prior warning
wtf just happened
>First Blood Teemo
>Phase Rush Malz
All on Blue.
But is she tighter than Kat?
>mobility man vs the lockdown machine in midlane
Thanks for your, non refundable, 20 lp.
Is 3v3 the best way to improve my individual skill? I figure it's harder to carry if 2/3 of your team is shit.
its shit
if we lose ghosts for R we get it replaced with X spell. rubick level shit
you said "Kill yourself or KYS" or said a racist slur
Word filter insta bans with no remorse
feels good
since fucking when? last time i played was November...