>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (someone check to make sure it's all correct)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
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>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (someone check to make sure it's all correct)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
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Make sure to genocode those rats and edgy faggots user!
>mfw i see someone not playing elf
all you filthy mayflies deserve to be shot with a poisoned arrow
oh wait i already did that while you werent looking LOL
Bounty Hunter Flail and Repeater Pistol is so fun.
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay,
So, just to be sure
>dwarf elf and sienna players are shitter try-hard faggots who ruin the game obsessing over green circles
>Kruber and Saltzman players are bro tiers who redeem the game
I'm just too shit, I have never even gotten past half a map in Champion yet.
Saltz can also fall into the former category but in general yeah.
t. shitter
>shitter tier try hard faggots who ruin the game obsessing over green circles
Only had problems with Elf and Sienna players desu. I'd list the Dwarf as bro-tier desu, webm related.
i want to fuck a rat
>just unlocked the warhammer
It's just like I remembered it, oh what a glorious hunk of steel.
In-and-out ratbash here I come
it can almost always be boiled down to what gun the dwarf is carrying. if it's pistols he's a shitty try hard.
If I craft an item with the highest Power roll yet, does that item count for the maximum Power roll when opening chests or are maximum Power counts only chest based?
Genocide all elves.
when is the wedding dlc for kerillian coming out
kruber and saltz were and still are boss destroyers so if anything they are the try hard classes
Read the fuckin pastebin.
This one is perfect
>Leap as Slayer
Like the other user said, if the dwarf is carrying pistols you're gonna have bad time. Any other and he's bro.
What should I bring if not the pistols? They're an infinite ammo ranged weapon and better at killing specials than the flamethrower, with an added shotgun blast for emergency horde clear.
honorable dawi
So is there a trick to playing a ranged character and not running out of ammo 24/7
is 2h dwarf hammer the coolest weapon? charged attacks sweep away the trash and regular attacks turn stormvermin heads into red paste
a weapon for CHADS
This game needs friendly fire enabled since recruit
It's so fucking annoying when shitters run in front of you to kill two black furs sitting around you already have under control because you're shooting at them with your fire pistols.
If you want to bring the pistols then bring them. Just don't run ahead and glory hound like a faggot any you're fine. This is the same shit we've been telling elf players since prebeta. It doesn't matter what class you play, just don't be a fucking stereotype. Stay with your fucking team and everythings kosher.
Yeah its called bounty hunter with that no ammo used talent or the shitter elf with regen ammo
Or go as iron breaker and annoy other people or even go as sienna
Post cosmetics
> Spilling trash all around you so your teammates can get flanked when they get up
Just use the fucking shield and az faggot
>doing the mission where you ring the bell with the big ass sigmar statue
>Get to the arena thinger
>there's 2 tornado fatties up on the roof
>can't shoot them because I'm blunderbuss Kruber, team mates won't shoot them even through I'm tagging them because the green circles are too strong
>TFW get sucked into a tornado and thrown back and forth between them
I want to play Ranger Veteran but the crossbow seems so shitty. The sole niche it has is if a horde is all coming at you single file then you can spam bolts into them and the penetration will kill them all, but then so can the rifle and unlike the crossbow the rifle can one shot specials. Is the crossbow really just that shitty and not be used under any circumstances? If not the rifle then what other gun should the Ranger Veteran be using?
how do u get red drops
that and krubers warhammer are the same thing and they are easily my favorite, truly the top chad weapons
How do you get that armor?
High enough crate reward and rng user
So go get those tomes and grimoires!
Doesnt the crossbow have much faster reload than the rifle?
what chest did ya get the helmet from?
I am on a quest to redeem elf players.
Going handmaiden everytime. Using the bash + slash to deal with trash and charged attack headshots for armoured. Got the swiftbow for taking out grabbing specials.
Got a friend to help me test that my mic volume was good and I always make sure to keep our team in the same plan. So far almost all of my games have been a positive experience. Funny how when you put in the effort to not be a shitter the team tends to pull together more.
Post some actual positive experiences for a change you fucks. Assuming every player other than you is shit just causes everyone to hate each other from the start.
You need at least a generals box in either Legendary or Champion and either a level 25 character or 30, no one knows which level it is.
commendation P lvl around 225
what's the optimal talent setup for IB?
so I get the power level range from from items you get in crates are tied to your current gear and level, but does opening a crate with a higher cap increase the likelyhood you'll get stuff on the higher end of that range? Or is a 200 cap crate basically the exact same as a 100 cap crate when you're still only getting like 60 power level items?
>have elf hand maiden on our team
>keeps us focused by giving out handjobs
>gets most white circles at the end
I should have added. I can't draw for beans but here's a globadier
>so I get the power level range from from items you get in crates are tied to your current gear and level
That's wrong
>pub into keep
>team gives up and just starts trying to kill each other
I get that it's tough, but seriously
I'm sorry lad but you're still an elf
make like a tree and fuck off
damn, I'm jealous
Peace dude. We need to hug this out.
I've only played on veteran so far, but I've found the charge attack to be too unwieldy to on the spear and stabbing elites in the face seems to keep them staggerlocked.
Dont fucking make me chop down your trees with an axe and in one year make a fine fortress
well that's what the pastebin says and so far that seems about right. All of the items I've gotten have only been incrimental increases from what I've had before. I've opened up emperor crates and a few 300 cap crates and It's not like I'm going from 20 power level items to 90 power level items.
is Ranger Veteran the most underrated class? It does some serious fucking work with a Grudgeraker
> Champion
> Game is going well
> People get cocky and rush ahead to get circles
> Everyone dies and we get wiped
Every fucking time. People get cocky and try to get 2 grims when we've had no bosses spawn or die because they rushed ahead and took too much damage from trash
Is the community really in such state that the simple act of reviving a character turns you into a bro?
It's really good, just ironbreaker is also really good and easier to manage
It's tied neither to your current gear or your level
It's completely independent. The progress is linear and the game keeps track of the item level you're at and gives you something slightly better next crate you open.
Have a Ranger Veteran on your team.
this shit is so awful, you have to like go full autist and instill like military discipline on fucks to make them stop fucking around if things get too easy for a little stretch
Took a bit to get used to but you can get easy headshots with the first charged attack if you aim a bit down and to the right of the head. Then you charge part 2 and put it between their eyes. Thrust attacks have much higher headshot bonus than slash so stunning with part 1 and then finishing with part 2 is very effective.
Against champions you need to do a light attack before the charge to go straight into the thrust since they can't be reliably stunned.
Also important to backstep after every hit since you melt like tissue.
RANALD THE ________
With the average Elf player? Yes.
is there any way to not get ranalds gift?
well that's what I meant, just with less words
It's odd hearing about other elf players since I feel like I have to go for people or I'm wasting the revive passive and dash.
Get it? Because dice are also called bones and he doesn't have them anymore? Eh? Eh? What a wonderful crowd.
When is Fatshart gonna fix ratling gunners shooting through walls?
GREATEST! such a cool lad! would do anything for him t b h pls giv emperors
I think that most shitty elf players play shade and wayfinder since they are great at getting those epic green circles. Handmaiden is fine but you don't see many.
you can shoot through those same walls
>Get a heroic deed drop
>Difficulty is only vet, mutator removes all stat and level bonuses/perks/etc
>How hard could it be
jesus fuck being forced down to 20 hero power is a pain in the ass
Yes, but the question is how long. The problem isn't with the gunners but with the maps.
Oi! Wazzok! in last tier when it actually gets fixed.
That's been a thing since the NDA closed beta so probably never
>playing legend
>got everything 3t 2g
>nobody got downed
>finished as quick as possible
>got general's
>tooltip doesn't match what the talent actually does
>Game is released
>Still not fixed
How hard is it?
>is a 200 cap crate basically the exact same as a 100 cap crate when you're still only getting like 60 power level items
That is why you save all the comendation chests untill you're at 200 item power and get no upgrades from your Veteran chests, open all the saved up chests, get to 250+ power and start doing Champion.
Might also be because I don't play handmaiden because it's an elf but because I've developed a fondness for the aesthetics of polearms over the past couple years.
I unironically believe the circles are the sole reason why the community is shit.
The only metric that matters in this game is success. Did you get a chest? fucking good, you won.
Having stats at the end only encourages pr0s to play aggressively and that gets you killed once you move from vet.
People are taught and rewarded for bad behavior and when it kicks them in the face it's too late to change. They will just lash out at their team for not working around them enabling them to be pr0s
But warpstone bullets piercing walls is canon.
you got ranalds boned m8
i fucking hate shield storms more than i hate myself
How do I level fast? I need to get my BH to 15 to unlock some FUN
Stoutfellow gives you near 200 HP tho, it's worth considering over block/push angle
>typos in weapon info
>subtitles show one boss as or something
Come here, user.
>level all the characters to level 15
>power cap just reached 200 so veteran chests are doing nothing for me anymore
>no character is leveled enough for Champion though
I have made a mistake.
Solo game Empire in flames and run for the passage that goes underground right after the first house you have to go through. Then die. Gives a pretty good amount of exp each time and is very quick.
Alright, so what is BH Saltz supposed to use to melt bosses?
Is it just using ult/repeater pistol blast when blessed shot is off cool down or am I doing it wrong?
help I farted and it stinks kinda bad but now I can barely breathe and keep choking am I going to die
>easiest mine run of my life
>host leaves when the bile troll has 50% hp
>mission resets
The extra angle can really pull through during badly positioned hordes though.
>Game has a blatant host migration system but apparently no way to take an existing run and migrate it.
They needed him and he can't do it anymore.
Best bet for boss burst is WH with pistols. Pop a strength pot and your active and then hold both mouse buttons until the boss is a fine paste.
You have a lvl 15 salt.
You're 100% ready for champ.
Get out of here globadier
Nerfed even.