>Where does Veeky Forums play? Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243. World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering 4U, Target: Fishing
It's better than playing with randoms since you'll actually get rewards. I tried 3 Vaal Hazak investigations with random people just now and they all ended within 5 minutes because everyone kept dying.
Was it a tempered blos with 5 rewards? I am jelly.
James Bailey
What are the top 3 Charge Blades in World? I assume Diablos is #1 but it's somehow both plain and ugly as shit, I don't want to use it.
Benjamin Sanchez
So they're showing Jho in the MHW Spring live event on the 14th, said to be the "centerpiece" of their Spring update. We'll probably also see a teaser trailer for the next DLC monster. Who will it be? Any leakanons?
How's this? Looks pretty nice to boot, and I can drop the blast attack for health boost for hard tempered stuff. I'd never used CB or GL but the game seems to want me to since it gives me Artillery jewels pretty often
Also forgot to add. What Lance/GL should I use my hero stone on, and what should I augment for? I have Elder Babel, Earthshaker Magda Lahat, Thunderpiercer, and Love's Sorrow. None of the other rare8 GLs seem that good
Juan White
>doing tempered vaal with some randoms >fight him 5 times >im paralyzing vaal 2-3 times each fight >on the final fight i paralyze him at one point >"woah, that's the first time i've seen vaal get paralyzed" >"do one of you guys have a paralysis weapon?"
>Bunch of friends all got world >having a really fun time hunting together >from zorah onwards they all slowly drop off saying they are bored of it > mfw dont want to hunt with randoms but dont want to always hunt alone
I've raped your ass countless times and when your wife flies to the new world I'm gonna rape her and make you watch.
Emperor Teostra my fucking ass, more like Emperor of Elder Cuckolds.
Lincoln Walker
>Discovered MH on PSP with a bro years ago >Clock in about 300 hours on it overall >Wait 10+ years to be able to play it again >World comes out >We enjoy the shit out of the game for 30 hours >Friend suddently stops playing and starts to play WoW vanilla on a fucking privage server
If by teaser you mean the following large update it will either be Zinogre or Glav as the main thing.
Tyler Murphy
I kind of hate how every single hunt turns into a 3 way monster clusterfuck. Yes I know to dung them, but they're programmed to just keep coming back to where you are over and over again. Shit's so obnoxious
I tried for 3 hours last night to beat tempered Kirin with GL. Figured fuck this and made the rathalos LBG and spammed flaming shots, beat him first try... Is gunner easy mode?
I guess but there's no way I'm touching ranged. LS didn't feel too bad but kinda felt like I should've just been running and gunning with an grugsword
Dominic Ramirez
I was hitting him fine, just getting caught out by stupid random lightning, even with the mantle
Luke Cruz
Happened to me too user. If you got him almost dead now, he's gonna be dead for sure next time.
>got into MH alone, with 4U (i know i'm a newbab) >tell friend about it every now and then, he seems interested >just then, Generations comes out >friend gets it, also sends me a copy, we play together all the time >fast forward to World release >friend i rocked through Gen with has no money for PS4 and is BING enough to pretend the Switch is a better investment >still share World clips/screens with him and a few other friends >other friends start asking me "wait what game is that?" >suddenly they all want to get it >one of them has it now, the other one plans >not sure what they think so far, they don't have PS+ so i'm shit out of luck when it comes to playing with them Feels weird, but good. Except for Genfriend. He already shat his pants when we went backwards to 4U and he didn't have styles and artes as a crutch, i can only imagine how he would do in World. /blog
I find grinding decos and streamstones is more fun with /mhg/ and podcasts playing in the background. Watching you retarded monkeys run around makes me happy.
>be me >finish all optionals, 300+ invest, numerous armor set before even killing xeno and finishing the story >HR 15 to 29 immediately >be roomate >speed through story mode >no optionals, invest etc >HR 15 to 29 immediately
What the fuck? I have 80 hours++ while he barely has 50 and we both got same HR??
about 1 in 3 get invaded by one monster, and maybe 1 in 10 end up with a three-way
Wyatt Harris
>started to develop a callous on one side of my index finger from d-pad manipulating all the time I think its time to stop
Isaac Watson
29 is the level cap before T2 you dummy
Camden Bailey
>Want to play a serious sword and shield style >Wtf SnS is more like dagger and buckler >Charge blade hmm, weapons look good but just spamming SAED
Sebastian Foster
Your Hunter Rank is capped, but not the experience you gain.
Sebastian Martinez
29 is another breakpoint, user. You need to complete a specific quest to unlock it again, and there is another one at another HR further up. Once you beat that second one, your HRs are truly unlocked. That's when your actual HRs will show. If your friend rushed through, chances are he won't even instantly hit the second breakpoint i mentioned.
John Allen
you unlock the cap again after 29 and 49
you'll probably shoot past him then because almost everyone I think goes from 15 to 29 if they've like at least farmed one weapon or set
Someone posted on /v/ today the current rankings. I don't remember all of it but IG was 1, HH is 9, Hammer is one percent below HH somehow, and LBG was 14
Matthew Sanders
>the french >being able to invade anything without a corsican in charge
Isaiah Miller
>played LS for 20 hours >just found out about the R2+pyramid jump move
Nathaniel Cooper
The mecha weapons are the result of Capcom bringing Tri to Wii, so they had to tailor their Halberd weapon for the Ninty audience.
Ayden Collins
Bentley Harris
Bravo my man that's an amazing shot
Aiden Rivera
>spend 10 minutes trying to get into tempered elder SOS quests >NP-31980-1 error >NP-31980-1 error >NP-31980-1 error >give up trying and just solo the tempered elder quests I do have
Capcom really needs to do something about this shit. It's so stupid that tempered elder rooms fill up in like a nanosecond and non-elder tempered rooms fill up in like 5 seconds.
At that point, a person's ability to join these quests is down to pure luck. Did you get in? Well, congrats. You managed to get in 0.3216 seconds faster than the other guy.
I just want to have fun playing coop with people. Sure I can kill tempered elders on my own in 6-7 minutes, but I want to feel the randomness and chaos of tempered coop quests.
I just said I know how to deal with it, but that only helps temporarily.
Unless you're doing investigations then every single one is scripted to go the same way. Go ahead and do a Legiana investigation. Guess who'll show up every single time on the slope you fight on, usually before she even gets there
Cooper Cruz
>ywn have monsters giving you puppy eyes after they saw you cook a well-done steak