Stinky Draenei hooves edition!
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Stinky Draenei hooves edition!
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Can we just ban alliance already?
Fucking alliance gaywads ruining the threads for all of us
when will avatarfaggots neck themselves?
Is he right /wowg/?
I want to smell these sexy hooves all day
Strong & proud Orc Shaman who don't need no paladin reporting in.
Good question!
Who else /project70/ here?
>extremely bored
>doing draenor safari
>stumble upon voidtalon portal
today is off to a great start
>mentally ill cunt already showed up
Not asleep?
Why do your hooves stink so bad? I can smell them even though the monitor
Draenor safari?
He is right, have you bowed down and licked your yas queen's feet today?
>90% of feet posting in these threads is about night elves
Nice try
As much as any member of the nu-horde
why the FUCK am I still playing this FUCKING GAME
collecting all battle pets in a continent
You're just jealous that nelves have the prettiest feet
Seek help.
because you've been playing this game for so long you've forgotten what else to do for fun and you're too much of a shut-in retard to know what else to do with your life
>why the FUCK am I still playing this FUCKING GAME
I wish I knew man
Who needs feet when you can have the wonderfully sexy stinky hooves of Draenei girls?
The state of trolls
Its so easy, press uninstall and cancel sub.
How would you compare the smell of your feet to one of your own farts?
Do you take any particular care in cultivating your feet smeel, like wearing the same socks for days or storing your boots in damp dark places?
>BC quest
>need to complete a chain for loremaster
>quest requires 4 Heavy Knothide Leathers
>only 3 in the AH, 350g each
Hey boys :3
>almost TEN FUCKING YEARS since the last profession was added to the game
>still not having every profession in the game across alts
I am tired of all these non lightforged sluts, I need holy hooves and pussy
It's enough to walk barefoot all over Azeroth with its swamps and other smelly places
;-; awe
Post sexy hooves
>not a Pink Nelf
Into the trash
That ass, show feet
I love draenei butts!
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
>want to kill a healer
>want to kill a tank
So what exactly is Blizzard doing to fix PVP in BFA?
Where are the feet?
I appreciate your posting.
Didnt i see this post before?
I forgot the picture, silly me ;-;
Thank you ^.^
that gnome tho
removing pvp :^)
I'd like to shitpost in this thread.
Go ahead, user-kun
Are you going to level this slut?
Any chance of you posting with mods?
Everyone will be given tanking and healing specs ;)
go ahead. noone is stopping you. just b urself
post feet
do you have your license?
if so go ahead
Thank you so much ~
I may level her yes :3 and I would love to but I tried to get a nude mod a few months back, and it made my graphics go all weird with black bits and stuff ;-;
Such wonderful hoof smell, mmm
Kiss my hooves.
And my butt ;P
Time to post hypno!
why are BRD and LBRS the kino nostalgia dungeons
Check this out.
Just your elegant sexy hooves
And another hypno!
Ignore hoof posters, post more drae face and butt
Explain this please
>pugging hc coven
>storm of darkness+torment of norgannon
This looks hot as fuck and i'm not even into hypno
I'd rather kiss elsewhere.
Have you tried any of the clothing mods?
Ignore the butt plebs, everybody has a butt, only Draenei have stinky hooves
>start female character on RP server
>immediately asked by someone if they want to be my foot servant
Oh, so this is what it's all about.
It is a picture of a hypnotized gnome and a draenei holding the gnome pandering to the hypnosis and diaper/infantilization fetishes.
>this thread
fucking nuke it
draeneis smell like horse shit
Can we please start a new thread already? This one should be purged
Do you have your BiS leggo yet?
What is /wowg/'s Argent Dawn alliance guild? I also have many alts to add as well.
Draenei hoof stench is the most pleasant smell that exists
post more of this cutie
Do you think draenei just take dumps on the floor randomly?
help me find this mage /wowg/, and i'll buy you anything from the WoW shop.
I think i just found a fetish
they wear diapers and don't change them
>hordelets screaming because we arent talking about orc men
That's how Goldshire looks like, leaking horsecocks and horse shit on the floor
Any Enchantment Shaman here? How do you deal with Jarl in hte mage tower quest? I tried stunning but it doesn't seem to last long enough for his berserking to fade.
>photo 12 year old kid wearing a hat backwards smiling at the camera.jpg
just disenchant his weapons lmao
Very Cute Argent Dawn EU Alliance, i'm not on right now but you can /w anyone thats online
>Borean Tundra server
>you already know undead mage at max level
You should be able to find him with trial and error using
Wasn't it "I AM MY SCARS"?
It was. Then The Eternal Kraut kicked in, took everything from the bank and /gdisband
Bad gm abandoned it and Very Cute is has most of the former members.
Very Cute is the new one and has most of the former member** I shouldn't phonepost
>for the horde
the dude told me he was on Hellscream-US, but i can't find him through wowprogress or the realmpop feature, tried looking up his exact race/gender/class/ilvl/ach. and any combination of it, but i still can't find the guy.