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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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What are the odds that the Counter Skills Banner will have Hector?
I need that DC fodder.
So, are (you) qualified to serve Lady Serra of Ostia, user ?
I hope none because i need to save orbs but also need like 3 hectors
>leveling my Morgan
Does the Robin family ever shut the fuck up about strategy and plans?
We get it already. You're self-inserts for big-headed japanese kids, shut up.
It's time
Look at this dude.
What fetishes is Nephenee into
Snake wife when?
So what was the supposed scheduling error?
t. Brainlet
Definitely not a self-insert for you :')
>They managed to make a worse banner than Battling Robin and healers guantlet banner
If she doesn't have a serpent tome, I'll be quite annoyed
big tits
That is the definition of budget, I like it
>free roll +atk -hp Leon
And yet all these degenerate males think they want nothing more but S-E...
You didn't get him a brave lance+?
You can literally get it from himself right now since he's on a focus banner.
Snake mistress*
It's hard to say.
The most obvious choices are DC, Quick Riposte, Fierce Stance, Steady Breath, Warding Breath and Vengeful Fighter. Those are just about all the skills that strengthen retaliation on enemy phase.
Vengeful Fighter comes from Grima, who was literally just on a banner. Steady Breath and Wardnign Breath are both from Ike alts, one being CYL and the other a Legendary so they're unlikely. As far as I know, CYL units have never been featured on a banner outside of ther CYL banner and Legendary banners.
And Fierce Stance and QR3 both come from Dorcas, so that's basically just a banner of one.
I don't get why anyone would ever want to pull from this. Unless they have a raging hardon for Cherche but in that case they should already have a 5*+10.
They revealed that Warriors DLC 3 was incoming before Koei was ready
DLC might be delayed or they decided it was better to hide said info for the moment
Should I merge my best units, or promote my favorite 4*s?
Imagine, someone, somewhere out there, is whaling on this banner.
big feet
You should promote and merge your favorites, user
I mean all the other banners up until April are pretty much garbage so it is likely.
Healer focus would be good now
>got my first Lady Lel
>+spd -res
Should I Bladetome or stick with Ivaldi?
No, Elise is mine.
Why not both?
>spending orbs or feathers when the whole point of this "build" is that i didn't spend a single feather on him
He won't need that extra might anyway. PLOWING THROUGH
>tfw I sometimes speak with a slightly hickish accent now
Neph's accent is so cute I'm starting to copy it!
Are you a cute girl, user?
I have a raging hardon for Cherche so I'm rerolling until I get her but I'm not sure what to do if I get her on the 1st orb, complete the session with the reduced orb price or switch to another banner?
Bladetome. Ivaldi is trash.
No you're not, shut the fuck up.
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
>Serpent tomes are just DD tomes and not brave tomes
It's a very minor thing, like saying "y'all" instead of "you all".
>tfw +spd -res Lel but I already have blade Ursula
Even if it's a straight upgrade it's so unoriginal.
>rerolling for a 3* unit
>rerolling when no hero fests or 8% banners are available
>rerolling at all in 2018
Do new players at least get those free 70 orbs?
So where is that Japanese leak again been away for 2 days
>Summoning Focus BHB Chrom/Lissa
Chrom, Lissa and Frederick(?)
>Weapons to refine
Eirika, Leo, Soren
>Heroes with Miracle
kek, who the fuck even wants that?
Sigurd, Delthea, Lucius, Maria, Mist
>Special Heroes Summoning Event
No clue. Seasonal banner? Lasts the whole month
>Summoning Focus BHB Nowi/Tiki
Nowi, Tiki, ???
>Another 4*/5* banner
>Another b8% banner
These are always shit.
>Thracia banner at the end
I'm going to have 1k orbs to blow in May.
There's just never a good reason to not run a bladetome on a cav mage unless they're reinhardt. Cavbuffs kinda quash every other option.
L'Arachel is in a particular position since she can't even run a raven tome with her awful def
The only thing that mattered was that they got the next season of arena bonus units right, which pretty much ensures that their statement that the next TT's seals are Obstruct, Res Ploy, and Def Tactic is true
Archanean Spring is a sure thing!
>Bunnies (again)
Marth - Hero King of Spring
Minerva - Red Rabbit
Merric - Spring Breeze
Uh.. Caeda, I guess. Katarina? Or Sheena. Maybe someone who isn’t in the game like Cecile, Yuliya or Midia
I just figured she was made to draw first blood since her tome empowers her against foes with full health.
well BHB now/tiki could maybe also be Y. tiki, who knows. If they're cruel, even both
Post your TT bonus units lads
It's the Easter seasonal. This will be the first seasonal event to happen twice, so it's anyone's guess if they'll rerun the old Spring units or what.
Special Heroes are always what the calendar uses for seasonal units
The same but -hp instead of -res.
>TT unit
I'm going for the 5* Cherche
There's the Hero Fest with Neph and Sigurd going on
I started the game like 2 days ago
And I get 38 orbs with the tutorial included
>Merric - Spring Breeze
I see. I guess this is what my orbs will go into, since we're probably going to see some powerful new skills there.
Right, I didn't consider that possibility.
Might swap out for Glacies since multiple maps and for better synergy with her likely cooldown patterns given 45 honed spd in TT.
Do you think Jimmy is a good cook?
They also got the right skills for Gerome, so these new TT seals are looking underwhelming. Well nothing's stopping me from upgrading high-priority old seals like QR3 then.
Her speed is mediocre so the conditional speed from Ivaldi is mostly wasted. It's very rare that it will cause you to double something. The attack is nice but +3 conditional attack is an unimpressive effect for a prf, and the def is utterly wasted because her base def is too low to face archers anyways.
This is why Ivaldi is bad and Gleipnir is good. Eirika has the baseline stats to make good use of every stat the tome gives, while L'Arachel wastes them.
Enjoy that measly 20% boost while I'm collecting points with my chad 40% boost ;)
Why would you do this to yourself?
Duck off, we deserve a good Merric.
>Autobattle twice
>Acquire free 40% unit
Sure, chad ;)
Def Tactic will probably end up being nice in some situations, especially if you run it on a unit who already has a tactic on them
Def Tactic at least sounds nice. If they're going to give us Tactic skills as seals it might finally encourage people to start running dedicated mixed teams in arena.
>Res Ploy seal
does it stack with Res Ploy as C skill?
Because you only need like 4k points to unlock the 40% unit. That's like 2-3 runs.
Oh shit
Fucking based
Those 3 seals are fucking awesome
Are you new? You should already have 11+ of her.
Tactic skills are amazingly fun, I wish it had been Res Tactic instead though.
Well I'm not gonna try to stop you, after all I rolled for 5* nino when I was starting out (but she's +10 now so it all worked out). If you really liked cherche go for it, but once you get into the game you'll realize you're gonna get a boatload of 3* and 4* and also a boatload of feathers to 5* promote all of them. These kinds of merge projects are pretty fun though.
As a F2P who takes a while to be able to roll newly demoted units, I don't really have the resources to build optimized Tactic teams so it'll take a while for me to upgrade it, unfortunately.
>wake up
>reddit dataminers getting btfo by nips
>giv qt titania mommy gf
So you're one of those people.
I wrote a song for Sheena!
>When you come to it,
>And you can't go through it,
>And you can't knock it down,
>You know that you've found
>The Wall. The Wall. The Wall.
>No one on earth can make it fall.
I... I hope she likes it.
Lucina is flat!
nigga that f corrin is gonna murder you what are you doing
>Acquire free 40% unit
At level 1, so completely unusable. You're going to have to waste a shitload of stamina to even be able to use him.
>obstruct is awesome
Def isn’t all bad since res is on a 4 star unit. I wish it was attack though
>Autobattle TT for 9999 SP
How new?
Could be a luckshitter or someone who saved for this moment. I saw someone get like 4 fmorgans + the other 2 focuses in like 200 orbs
Obstruct without sacrificing your B slot could be fun. At the very least it likely has a niche use for a few people (See: Legionanon's GHBs) res ploy is the lamest out of those I think
imagine being this stupid
That's really cute, user. I'm sure Sheena would love it
>So many F!Morgan lewd edits
Why are you guys lewding your own daughter ?