How do you feel about the calendar being changed to 12016 HE? Honestly, I'm for anything that gets people to stop using "CE."
How do you feel about the calendar being changed to 12016 HE? Honestly...
Why can't we just start calendar from the beggining of times.
>Honestly, I'm for anything that gets people to stop using "CE."
Weird thing to give a shit about, honestly. It's not like anybody's trying to abolish the use of AD.
>It's not like anybody's trying to abolish the use of AD
Because this calendar gives us the best way of measuring 10,000 years of human history without making things any more complicated. Honestly, I like the idea mainly because I can't stand going back to year 0 and then counting backwards.
u stupid fucks
>In the year of "our lord"
>not using Long Count
I'd much rather change it to 225 desu.
But America is 15 years older than that. I think you meant 240.
Alternate date suggestions: the Colombian Exchange, the end of ww2, the first atomic bomb test.
What's the point of starting history later, though?
I dunno, I figure if pick an event that's relatively secular in significance, it will get rid of the fuss about the whole BC/AD thing. So I went with some world-changing events that were both not attached to specific religions and fairly global in their significance.
Geologists already define the "present" as any time after the first atomic bomb was detonated, as these bombs increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to the point where traditional carbon dating methods will not work after this year. This provides a clean divide with the change in carbon dating.
That's what makes HE so great, though. It's not really measured by any specific event; it's mainly just used as a way for us to have a better grasp of early human history and gives us an excuse not to ignore it.
I really don't like that concept. I think these kinds of symbols are important to us on a cultural level. The testing of the first atomic weapon was definitely the start of a new era for humanity, and basing our dating system around would underscore that.
>lol bro time has no real beginning so it doesn't matter when we set the beginning of the common calendar
>but we definitely need to change the common calendar because it's offensive to non-christians, I read a history book that said BC literally triggered right now
How do we remove liberals from academia?
>How do we remove liberals from academia?
Convince right wingers to stop being anti-intellectual dipshits?
How about we renamed CE to 'arbitrarily designated date that starts of counting dates' and stop caring about it
i dunno, having a year 12016 makes me even more depressed because it magnifies to a more extreme degree than I will never know what a random person was thinking and lived like xxxx years ago. In this case, it's think of an example 10000 years ago instead of something closer like 2000 years ago for which we have relatively much more documentation on.
did someone 12000 years ago still liked to draw random dicks on the ground or trees
>we definitely need to change the common calendar because it's offensive to non-christians
That would be CE, not HE.
How do we remove Drumpftards from academia?
Actually, we have documented evidence that yes, they did.
>"Stop being offended, atheists!"
No, you stop being offended, christfag. Your way of doing things is outdated.
You're still going by his supposed birth date reddit, you're just wasting more ink
If we're still using Jesus's birthday to measure years, then why are you so booty-blasted?
I'm not a christfag.
I think that the date you start a calendar off on is basically arbitrary so why waste time and energy teaching the world a whole new system when it isn't any more useful than the one you already know how to use? You really want to waste all of that time and energy imposing a new system of dates JUST because you don't want to offend non-christians who already have and use their own calendars which are based on their own religions?
Any secularist who approaches this question objectively will come to this conclusion. It's so fucking obvious you're just butthurt at your own culture and are lashing out at it for no good reason.
I should ask you.
I just think it's wasteful
Don't worry, Rudolf will create the imperial calendar.
Only to be reset back to zero.
>Putting a 1 in front of the year is soooo wasteful! We should just ignore history before the year 0!
Reddit please leave. Your butthurt is too much for this board.
> Monday, December 12, 71 A.E.
If we’re really serious about adopting a proper global calendar, then Atomic Era (A.E.) is the only scientifically accurate calendar everybody can get behind.
all you retards will do is make christfags use AD obnoxiously in your face to be divisive
stop finding and picking wars over the most retarded shit
>We should just ignore history before the year 0!
Literally who the fuck is saying that? Just because you're too retarded to count backwards doesn't mean we all are.
And yeah, converting BC dates to HE dates would require a series of -I repeat- UNNECESSARY mathematical steps that would render every history book published before the change frustrating and confusing to the average reader. In fact, the HE calendar would make everything before year 0 harder to date for the average person, not easier.
So not only are you wrong, you're so wrong that the reverse of the nature of your assertions is accurate.
If you're going to go out of your way to change the calendar you may as well come up with a more rational system of months.
How about 1/1/1970
Why stop there? Let's throw away the 7 day week too.
it's all arbitrary, fuck christianity, yaaaaay postmodernism
>XCV E. F.
>not using the fascist calendar
i'm ok if it's done, but i can live without it, its just a "more secular" arbitrary date, but an arbitrary date nonetheless
>insinuating it is not 22 Frimaire
>implicating the year is not 225 in the Age of Reason
We're just acknowledging that it's a fundamentally arbitrary date of no actual significance.
>It's so fucking obvious you're just butthurt at your own culture and are lashing out at it for no good reason.
Culture aint free. The tree of share values and art gotta be litterd with the blood of arbitrary calender starts. Christianity aka "Jeebusism" is not my culture, it's a resentiment-based slave morality and probably Communist too. BCE/CE not BC/AD. Praise autism.
There's been a few proposals. I recall one that had every financial quarter and month the same length, and just had some "dead days" throughout it to make up for weirdo days. I can't remember what it was called.
We should start from the fall of Constantinople, it's what really kickstarted all this shitwreck.
>The Year of Our Lord as defined by Pope Gregory XIII 2016
>Using the spaghettinigger "we romans now" calendar
We should change the days while we're at it, as a non Norse I am triggered at having to greet people on a day named after Thor.
its just as ridiculous as BCE
if there were some plausible reason to change it, that would be great, but the entire reasoning is that we should look at history in terms of people who were less successful historically
in other words, a deliberate perversion of history's purpose
>hurf durf the life of Jesus wasn't world changing dips fedora
The only change that would make sense if you want to be all autistic is using the date of the Crucifixion instead.
you know what? fuck it, let's introduce metric time, french revolution style. that totally didn't confuse the shit out of anyone and it was totally fucking worth it, right?
>there are people ITT who still don't understand the significance of Christianity
I can't wait until the West finally gets over this obscurantist fedora tipping phase.
Problem is that we don't know what will replace the "obscurantist fedora tipping phase".
It could be rampant New Age bullshit you know.
would be cheaper if you just took your tism tablets
Well it had better be Catholic rationalism, not Islamic type mysticism.
The fact is Christianity carries a message that very few people have understood for now, but that will eventually fundamentally change the world if it survives.
>we find some new thing that becomes the new oldest piece of recorded history
>all the calendars are now off by some retarded number like 273 years.
Fuck your system
u know whats 2 confusin is when they say 1st century but they dont but the 1 in front of it
i guess a better example wuld be like how the 1900s is the 20th century like wtf lol
its to hard
>there are people ITT who overstate the significance of Christianity
The west succeeded due to material conditions.
But it wasn't. He was just another apocalyptic Jewish preacher.
hate to break it to you but we are Post Truth now. people dont respect science and knowledge they see Faith as the ultimate wisdom because it feels better than listening to some Egghead tell you you're wrong.
Kay. It's still material conditions that drive societies forward.
Are you saying that Christianity didn't have a significant impact on the world.
>It's not like anybody's trying to abolish the use of AD
It would take a few generations of work to make it a manual thing for people to use. BC/AC BCE/CE has been literally integrated into people since Jesus. I am certainly not against it. If anything I am for it. We wouldn't have to take into account the 30ish year fluctuation all the damn time.
If I get a job as a Veeky Forums teacher, ill make my students use it.
How about we just tell cultural Marxists and atheists to shut the fuck up and stop trying to destroy Western culture?
I though positivists died out. But instead of trying to install "rationalism" they're not trying to install multiculturalism. lol. It's gonna fail faggot.
Merry Christmas btw.
>hey guys, what is the viability to change the calendar to something that better fits our history as a species?
>*tips fedora*
All we are missing is cuck and some source-less chart and we have a bingo.
Seriously though, we should make a /pol/ bingo and see how often we get bingo.
can you cite an example of a monoculture made up of larger than 200 isolated humans?
it's humanist crap designed to piss off christfags and dig trenches in an already trench filled society
all you're doing is fueling future backlashes and reactionaries if you haven't already fucking noticed
it's humanist crap designed to piss off christfags and dig trenches in an already trench filled society
all you're doing is fueling future backlashes and reactionaries if you haven't already fucking noticed, pay attention to the headlines fucktard
Well yes, because it's the material conditions that drove European society forward. Any near-eastern cult could have taken over and we'd still be in a similar boat.
>How about we just tell cultural Marxists and atheists to shut the fuck up and stop trying to destroy Western culture?
>implying there's such a thing as western culture
Idiot detected.
Oh, that's such bullshit. Material conditions aren't everything.
>no actual significance
>still base your calendar on his birthday
I sincerely hope this is a joke post, otherwise you've been cucked beyond hope
Everything else is just window dressing.
Window dressing.
Oh man, I'm on my way to getting a bingo!
You sound like a dick.
>no actual reply, just memery
As expected of reddit
>he doesn't use AD
That's because I am a dick.
What reply should I give to calling me cucked? There is no western culture. There's a bunch of competing cultures, none of which have clear lines between them.
Western culture is a myth created during the colonial era that clings on due to Cold War paranoia.
Let me clarify: a stupid dick who says dumb shit.
t. assmad idealistic
>Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western world, Western society or European civilization is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe.
>Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Greek, Roman, Jewish, Celtic, Slavic, and other ethnic and linguistic groups
And there's absolutely no reason to think that's actually a thing aside from the dregs of colonial thought still clinging around. Turkey and Russia are part of Europe and I don't see people lining up to call them western.
They're going to change it to start the year of my birth.
We're currently in the year 28
To add to this: Mediterranean culture is not central European culture is not northern European culture is not western European culture is not eastern European culture, and each of these breaks down into a bunch of smaller cultures, while not possessing any clear dividing lines between them and the cultures of near asia. Western culture is a myth bought into by ideologically driven morons looking to justify their own pathetic ideologies.
>another dinosaur on Veeky Forums
Neat. How's it feel knowing that Veeky Forums is going to say the same age (mostly 19-20) while we just keep getting older?
What was missing from the material conditions of North America, Australia and New Zealand then?
Most boards are older than you think
Why does "culture" have to have clear dividing lines? That is an utterly retarded criterion
Technological advancements from the material conditions of Europe.
Because if you can't figure out how many hairs qualifies someone as bald, how can you actually call something bald or not bald with a sense of clear certainty? You know, the sense you were touting the existence of "western culture" as something to be valued.
You can't just expect people to value your constructs as though they're self-evidence facts, you blithering dolt.
What, did the Europeans get their technology from tablets left in the ground by ancient aliens? You are going to have to do some pretty amazing mental gymnastics if you want to fit "technological advancement" into the category of "material conditions"
Most surveys on the matter that I've seen show them to be around the 19 to 20 range predominantly.
Only atheists and cuckolds would ever use this retarded nomenclature of the year of Christ's birth.
Technological advancement came as a process of their material conditions (you know, a mostly temperate climate with ready access to food and labor animals with a broad network of trade). There's a reason Northern Europe didn't become dick-shit until the temperature increased enough to make it less of a frozen shit-hole, while the Mediterranean was busy being hot-shit.
The only one of those even slightly particular to Europe is the "broad network of trade", which can quite easily be associated with European culture, that is assuming you aren't still trying to pretend culture doesn't exist.
Depends on the board, the age range of /b/ is around what you said
They don't have to be particular to Europe, but in combination they turned Europe into a powerhouse. Now that America has the technological benefits of Europe's material conditions coupled with the massive, mostly temperate climate of the region and access to two oceans, it has since vastly eclipsed it, which is again strictly due to material conditions.
It's not. It's a matter of having a large sea nearby and a relatively easy land route into Asia.
Culture doesn't exist, not in an objective sense anyway, and theres no clear marking line between any culture to differentiate it from another that it's in contact with. If you can find a single atom of pure culture, I'll gladly spin on a dime.
Don't be absurd. That's like saying personality doesn't exist, or weather. It might not be well defined but it's clear that some phenomenon exists behind the more casual category that we are forced to use.
More than that, your unwillingness to recognise factors that aren't well defined or easy to measure is obvious in all your reasoning, and it leads you to imagine a far too narrowly deterministic model of the world.
>Don't be absurd. That's like saying personality doesn't exist, or weather. It might not be well defined but it's clear that some phenomenon exists behind the more casual category that we are forced to use.
It doesn't in an objective sense. Your personality is a strictly idealistic construct. *You* do not exist.
>More than that, your unwillingness to recognise factors that aren't well defined or easy to measure is obvious in all your reasoning, and it leads you to imagine a far too narrowly deterministic model of the world.
The universe is both causal and softly deterministic (there's random events at the quantum scale, but the atomic universe is entirely causal), humans and their societies are no exemption to this. Material determinism is by far the most effective method to understand the course of human history.