/vn/ - Well Adjusted Edition

Visual Novel General #1923

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

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i like lolis!

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I love Ojous.

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I love kusoge.

>most people rated DDLC with an 8/10 on vndb

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Stop reading moege

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Her shoulders are fucking gross

Read moege.

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All hail the King!

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>Re;Lord 1 ~The witch of Hertfort and stuffed animals~
>Re;Lord 1
What did he mean by this?

which one is it, varg?

Truly a modern day Kamige

Read it, but stop midway.

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don't change anything then, got it

I always read the common route and drop it after the confession

Cunt her shoulder indentation merges into her fucking spine
That shit looks mad retarded

>the absolute state of tropical liquor

how will sayoriniggers ever recover

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the fuck are the rare blocks for?

>read moege
>it's confession scene
>close the game

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what's really surprising is how the fuck people gave it an 8 or even an 7. I suppose it has to be SP shills, nobody can be that stupid

Lucia is a miracle of the universe.

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m-muh nekopara...

>The meme well is drying up
Sekai in panic mode when?

Lolis are shit because they can't get pregnant

Dracu-Riot is a chuunige

We've already proven you wrong twice.

Lolis pregnancy!

I want to build a harem like my nukige MC's!

>He can't get his Loli pregnant
That's not the fault of the little girl but yours.

It has good ratings in steam and is probably selling ok there

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Steam rating are entirely pointless now that they made negative ratings almost impossible.
But yeah I have no doubt it's selling okay, therre's just no way it's selling as well as Sekai hoped it would sell. This is Sayorishit, this is from their cash cow. And it's not gonna be hitting anywhere close to NekoPara numbers, nor is it going to attract the HuniePop audience.

If you don't cum from this footjob, your wife and unborn child are going to die.
Best choice in all of eroge.

>sieg heil Zalrant

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Do I need to read Dies Irae to understand this?

I only read moege

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What's the h-scene you fapped to the most

Read Marx.

Who would win in 1v1 fight, Varg or Haruna?

All hail the HD King!

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I love Suzu

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>he is unable to impregnate lolis
I'm pretty sure that you can only get it up to other men.

Looks like western shit.

TL note: Suzu means bell.

If you haven't read the entire western canon yet, you can't understand visual novels.

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>awful controls
>hiring a Smile scenario writer A G A I N
>backlog wipes upon scene change
>said scene change takes an eternity
>matching game has no actual difficulty nor does it follow normal rules to up the ante
>Half the VAs are from nukiges most people either glazed over or haven't read since minor/untranslated.
>options are worse than DOS games
>H-Scenes are literally so short that you worry if the VA could feed themselves for whatever amount they got paid for the job
The problem does lie with Sayori, but its more with the fact that she decided to associate with Tentacle Games. The entire program REEKS of mobage bullshit. A lot of mobage bullshit that the better parts of the industry got rid of years ago. Monmusu will very likely also have similar issues. Whoever at Sekai translated essentially had the easiest time of their life because its not like they had to use their noggin.

This does not bode well at all for Sayori's next work. I'd have rather gotten weekly Fan Box updates. Instead she stopped doing those so we've been without some ultralewd content for a while. Expect there to be more torrent downloads for the CG set of Monmusu than actual owners on steam.

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The worst part is virgin heroines cumming 3 seconds after insertion without any foreplay.
That I can't fap to.

Nigga she's British. That's how she's supposed to look.

I love all and everything especially Mercurius!

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>Expect there to be more torrent downloads for the CG set of Monmusu than actual owners on steam.
The kikes deserve it.

Cute AND sexy!


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Will we get oyakodon?

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I want to make love to Reinhard in a very aggressive and non-consensual way.

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Is this a Jojo reference?

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Suzubros are the best posters.

Code Geass reference in my visual novels? SP confirmed for bros.

Did someone say Sekai?

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She is too white for that.

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Worst girl worst route.

Is there any option to increase the resolution beside making it fullscreen? This windows size is too small for playing the mini game.

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Don't post 3DPD here

>Whoever at Sekai translated essentially had the easiest time of their life
You'd think right, except the translation is stilted garbage so apparently not. The Japanese script isn't good either, but the English is particularly bad.

Also Japanese players can't even get through the tutorial because it crashes.

Is Re;Lord a thinking man's Eroge?

Quality chink code folded one thousand times.

>Also Japanese players can't even get through the tutorial because it crashes.
I'm not japanese yet I can relate

IDK man. Going on a journey with your waifu sounds comfy af.

To clarify: The game crashes specifically if you have Japanese text turned on in the tutorial, and the only way round it is to play the beginning in English afaik

Tina had some great H-scenes desu

Most people will rate things just based on the porn and CGs

I wonder how Koikuma is going to sell

Change screen resolution.

>Hello everyone! Welcome back to another Sakura Sakura project update. That makes two in two weeks, can you believe it?

>We’ll start with the good news: Sakura Sakura is now 100% translated, with editing not far behind! Now for the less good news: we’ve identified 500 images that need translating. Fortunately, things are progressing well and we don’t expect this to take up too much time.

>In the near future we’ll be opening up an opt-in beta exclusively for our Kickstarter backers. Bear in mind that this game is almost 900,000 characters long, has the above mentioned 500 images that need translating, and has a whole host of features, so there will likely be bugs. If you don’t mind seeing the game a little dirty then we’d love to have you onboard and get your feedback! If you’d prefer to only play the finished product, that’s fine too!

>The start date for this beta and how to opt-in have yet to be determined but watch for news in a later update.

>-- TBAC

>I’ve somehow survived the H-scene gauntlet. Now I move on to the image gauntlet. But soon, this game shall be truly complete. Hopefully you all enjoy the weird, crazy hijinks as much as I did. At any rate, thanks for sticking with us for this long, and sorry the game took forever (but really, it’s way bigger than we thought).

>-- Ningen

>Holy cow, this game just goes on forever lol, it's like there's no end to these files. I've been on vacation all week so progress has been slow on my end, but I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow to have this thing fully edited ASAP. I hope you'll bear with me for the rest of this, I have less than 25% left!

>-- Adam

They are also still saying it'll come out in March too. This will be interesting because there's no way it's going to come out earlier than last week of March which will put it in competition with Fureraba

No fucking way.
Welp in the end, I need to use ShiftWindow to change the game resolution though.

Wow, that really sucks for them because the tutorial is like half the game.

new henkaku came out so my hacked vitabros can pirate chaos;child on it now. thought i'd gives you guys a heads up.

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Pffff, who has time for image editing? They should just release it like it is.

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/vn/, do you love me? Then say so!

which of the Taimanin Asagi games are worth playing?

dai kirai


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How will the japanese ever recover?

I need this medicine for my mind

The fuck? I just played the entire 1st day on my shitty laptop and ran with no problems. Are you guys using literal potatos?

Why Nazi use family name of some commie to cast magic?

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Sweet. I don't really care about chaos;child but I will take utawarerumono and cyber sleuth 2

>I just played the entire 1st day on my shitty laptop and ran with no problems
Not only do you admit to buying Sekai shit, but you can't even tow the company line when it comes to shilling.
That's pretty fuckin pathetic dude


Stop attentionwhoring, quof.

The Soviet semen inside them is still active after all these years.

My god Canvas 2 has so many choices

Luckily Kamikura Sensei is an asshole in most of them.

What is the proper way to fuck Sekai?

Buy all their VNs, support all their kickstarters, and write good reviews about them on Steam.

Is he /ourguy/?

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That's cute

Let your male friend rape her.