>Recent news 4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that. Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released
>Schedule for March: 2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II 3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts 3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash 3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun) 3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning. gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4 (embed)
WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR >1 gold anima drops around every 100 to 150 silver animas >GO rings drop around 1 in 150 blue chests >Highest ring drop place still unknown
What's a good source of champion merits besides PBaha
Ethan Wilson
Reminder for newcuties to farm nuggets instead of garbage like the wind whip or whatever.
Thomas Reed
second turtle axe is filler for wilhelm
Chase Jones
i'd say t1 raids but some might say otherwise
Robert Turner
My magna II blue chests fuck this update
David Peterson
>tfw I already have an MLB Wilhelm Oh.
Asher Bell
Fuck off Claudia
Nathaniel Walker
Are you seriously going to sit here and say that just slapping a replaceable, near free mainhand like the Aliza event dagger that will just cost some rupees and the shittons of angel fodder the game will throw at you forever(considering you don't use skill ups) is anywhere near comparable to literally one of the worst purchases of ROTB pendants, especially for someone who may not be able to get them as easily as you claim you can?
Do you hear yourself? You realize how quickly you may be able to build the gw dagger just for the weapon if you save up for it, and even if you don't, it would still confer far less regret than if you used the same skill up and leveling resources twice, on the gw dagger and literally on an objectively inferior dagger to it?
Landon Bennett
So let me get this right >F2P Varuna >2 Fimbul >2 ROTB Axes >1 Shellfist >1 Seraphic >2 Auberon >1 Ultima >1 MH
if it's for the usual fire content just follow gamewith
Dylan Miller
>Korwa >Rosetta >Yuisis >Levi >Nezahualpilli >Christina What should my Wind team be with this roster?
Thomas Morales
Not that guy but I was hoping to use it off ele. I guess I'll just play around in motocal.
Aiden Cooper
Go make a magna II grid.
Austin Ramirez
If you're building an Ultima team, sure. if you aren't add a Wilhelm
Connor Johnson
the gamewith one is alright for off ele cos it doesn't rely too much on crit
Angel Foster
korwa, JK and spark Lecia
Julian Morales
Petra, shit Cordelia, this is a man Karteira, no Elmelaura, dooming this account to be thrown away Goblin Mage, no Gayne, mega no Sevastein, would be OK without the furry De La Fille, I AM STILL NOT OK WITH THIS Soriz, meh Ilsa, hate this man or woman(?) the most
I started this by skipping the email and checking off my Twitter account, guessing this is now a fucked Twitter account and I gotta restart properly with the reroll numbers technique? Fuck, I just wanna Jeanne of Arc or any of the cute girls. Does anyone know if the summer variants are still in the random summer pool for beginners or this shit fucked twice as hard for me for being late to this game?
Blake Bailey
>Magfest >RotB >Xeno Corow >Still will go plus on pots because Roulette rolls is Moonfest
Do I leech Flam or Shiva. Which will actually give me something useful for once?
William Smith
another f2p varuna user here. do i aim farm wilhelm or auberon?
Hunter Collins
What's the best finder to use?
Juan Howard
>Sevastein, would be OK without the furry >Ilsa, hate this man or woman(?) the most Dude. You are gay.
Adrian Cooper
Flam can actually give you Twigs in Gold Chests Shiva can give you absolute dick.
Dylan Allen
>Cordelia, this is a man You are literally the gayest poster in the history of this general.
Brandon Adams
Ilsa is a woman, and you have shit taste. Summer units aren't available in the gacha yet, are never available in the starting free SSR pool. You can buy any seasonal unit aside from S.Zoi with real dolla at the moment
Ethan Lopez
Korwa, birdman, levi. Use snap blades and korwa only needs to use her attack buff.
Alexander Hill
>Summer units aren't available in the gacha yet, are never available in the starting free SSR pool. You can buy any seasonal unit aside from S.Zoi with real dolla at the moment
OK, thank you. Back to reroll hell.
Isaac Perez
>Cordelia, this is a man >Goblin Mage, no >Ilsa, hate this man or woman(?) the most Leave. Get the fuck out gobu
Daniel Price
He's not gonna complete that GW weapon by the next GW. He's new and playing wind. What's the next element? We don't know. makes it all the more unknown. He's definitely not gonna see a usable wind dagger by at least until 3rd quarter of this year, give and take the next elements in GW and his luck in farming.
But you know what? I don't care anymore, so here: I concede, you win. If he regrets it in any way, that's your fault. I won't agree to what you recommend him just so I can wash my hands from this. I literally forgot this is /gbfg/ and people unironically thinking an HP weapon is an okay investment is common here.
Jack Miller
How do you make nu viramate show raid honors again?
Charles Morales
>Ilsa, hate this man or woman(?) the most Man she has side boobs and is pretty damn fine, how can you be confused by her gender. She's not fat either so you can't call manboobs
>mc, Birdman and Levi TA a lot >Korwa in last slot
Henry Robinson
What the hell do you think an investment is? He will still end up replacing the shit dagger very quickly and foddering it off no matter how much be puts in it, the only thing that mattered was that he clearly needed a mainhand, that was the ONLY fucking consideration.
muh ubaha shouldn't even be in the conversation, since we're talking about a newbie who shouldn't have to waste his resources because some retard wants to meme him over using one single class until 120 and then the worthless weapon is even more worthless and those pendants are down the drain for nothing
Grayson Williams
Snap blades give MC DATA birdman gives himself DATA and levi auto datas. Korwa single hits with buffs so she was going to lag behind anyway.
>tfw tixed diantha, but wanted to tix monkie Why could it have included zodiacs bros...
Dominic Bennett
zodiactix on 12th anniversary
Hunter Parker
>using moons for pots I've never had any reason to. Considered spending them on berries for the Chev mine at one point, but nothing came of it.
Jacob Foster
And he's not going to replace the wind sword? All the RotB weapons are replaceable anyway.
>meme him over using one class What, the most useful class in the entire game until he has a good enough pool? Didn't know that one is just a meme. Could have fooled me since it worked for me so well.
>no rotb daily time to work on 200 battles in sidestories
Nolan Flores
There's absolutely zero reasons to save Bronze Moons so they get changed into Pots whenever possible and considering I get like 2-3 Bronze Moons every 10 roll since I have all the Rs in the game, they build up real quick.
As a new player with Grimnir summon. Would there be any reason to go for the magna skills or am I better off just using normal skills?
Hudson Wilson
Dylan Ortiz
Cameron Hill
Nigga are you for real? Are you seriously suggesting for a new player to spend the time and effort to grind the pendants for a terrible weapon that doesn't even have its own attack modifier right off the bat? If he wants his attack and def down he can throw mist onto a HS and use whoever he wants to cover the rest. But if we're sticking with just using DF then that's what the Aliza dagger is for. One HP modifier is not going to ruin the damage of your grid and the increased debuff chance is still going to be in effect anyway. As a new player one of the most important things he has collect pendants is time, especially considering how often ROTB is run per year. Instead of spending pendants on a garbage whip he'll quickly dispose of along with a seal and the fodder to uncap and level it; he could buy the spear (which gives a modifier right away), proceed to buy anything else, such as other weapons or gold nuggets and leave the seal for when he feels like it. Let's also remember that wind is one of the easiest elements to start off with, considering how they have an 80% summon from the casino, one of the easiest Magnas to fight and were just given a free gun by KMR.
Ryder Gonzalez
Alright. Go on and make that new guy grind 40k pendants for that shitty sword. Yes, since you are incapable of counting, that's 30k pendants for the weapon, and 10k for the seal, so that when you finally spend the fodder to skill it up to at least skl10 AND level 120 at least for the four star uncap, you will lose out on frist member damage for.... 7 percent more trium for the mc. o wait, that's at skl 15! So even more fodder just to make it worth it while he builds his grids! But I'm sure that data from the ougi only to the mc will really be worth the investment!
Seriously, shut the fuck up. A literal piss easy toothpick you just level up to 100 and don't even have to put anything else in for simply to use as a mainhand. A mainhand. For the same class you mention and enables other classes that he may actually use sometimes, is nowhere near the same amount of investment you are telling that guy to go through jus tto make his shitty purchase "worth it", and fuck the other idiot for acting the same.
Shell fist is better than the axes. I'd only bother with one fist and one axe (Uncap not da)
Tyler Edwards
I'm just saying that in terms of of efficiency you'd do better turning the moons into pots instead of waiting to get a thousand of them for a choco bar