WTF is cultural marxism? I can't get any consistanty in answers
WTF is cultural marxism? I can't get any consistanty in answers
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Buzz word used to attack anyone who triggers alt rights. The term alludes to a conspiracy theory in which sinister lefties have infiltrated media, academia, and science and are engaged in a decades- or centuries-long plot to undermine western culture.
A change in the way (usually) western culture is conducted, considered progressive by some, regressive by others. The casual acceptance of things that weren't even considered natural or normal before that. Basically an 'attack' on traditionalism.
The Frankfurter School started by notorious liberal subversives Schneiders(tm).
Frankfurter girl does some hot vids.
It's a made up word that implies progressivism is a communist plot
Basically just a /pol/ buzzword synonym for egalitarianism with regards to culture and race. The idea that there are no naturally superior or inferior cultures, races, or ethnicities, and that they deserve equal respect and civil protection.
Well like, you know what Cultural Capitalism is, right? It's like that, but all backwards like and such.
true, its just a synonym for political correctness that righties use to scare people, big spook
The idea that a group of communists has snuck in into western education to try and subvert the entire west into becoming communist despite the fact the majority of westerners don't even even know what communism or socialism actually means.
>I don't like that, it doesn't fit into my personal worldview of morality and political affiliation. I want to label it in a way that is degrading and shows my superiority
It is marxism disguised as culture
Fuck "music has to be loud and nonsensical to push the revolution" Adorno.
If you don't know who pic related is you shouldn't be replying itt.
da jooz formed the frankfurt school in the 1960s to try n destroy western society!
It is based on Critical Theory taught by the School of Frankfurt.
>all the brainwashed cucks ITT
Take the red pill, anons;
Thats ironically humorous seeing how you posted an image of a shrill, demanding, feminist jew.
this desu
Fun fact: The first person to use cultural Marxism in the modern day form was William Lind.
Yes, that William Lind.
William "light rail enthusiast" Lind.
Literal, unironic nazi propaganda
Google Cultural Bolshevism
I want partisans to leave.
Just like how alt-right is a buzzword used to attack anyone who triggers lefties?
Basically replace the proletariat and the bourgeois with oppressed minority and oppressor majority.
It's why feminists will promote mass Islamic immigration while simultaneously attacking the western systems. They have a common enemy of "the majority"
>What /pol/fags and retards say it is
A conspiracy theory that ebul commies are taking the method Marx used to analyze the class struggle, and applying it to cultural issues(i.e. feminism, race relations, whatever) in an attempt to soften the values of the west and create one world government powered by BBCs raping white women while gay islamists run through the streets, killing white men and boys for not obeying sharia law
>What it actually is
Another name for the Frankfurt school of social theory, otherwise known as 'Critical Theory'. The main goal of the theory was to show how the bourgeois superstructure that capitalism had created, and how this superstructure has in turn twisted and shaped human interaction to better legitimize and uphold the capitalist system.
> buzzword used to attack
But they use word to identify themselves... Lefties never claim to be cultural marxists.
We can do this all day, it doesn't prove your point
Not an argument.
Leftism in decay.
None of those were actual stated goals of the Frankfurt school though, it's pure lies
Basically it's an attempt to create a new, cultureless culture and pass it off as multiculturalism, despite any variety actually being destroyed.
It may not be a conscious thing, but it's happening
>literally everything I don't like they succeeded in imposing on us
you'd figure they'd struggle with a few things
You know, for realism
Mary sues if you ask me
It gets thrown around a bit much. I used to be annoyed with not getting a consistent answers. Eventually I got an american libertarian friend of mine to define and it.
Something like rather than creating a political marxist state you over time create a cultural marxist state that is more easily swayed to communism.
So instead of going "Lets make usa communist", you may focus more on saying "Capitalism sucks, gee I wonder if there was another option..". If people think like the latter statement that it would make them more open to the first one.
USA won't ever be communist because of it, but it can and has changed america and the world in various degrees.
Examples may be debateable. Some may very well be because of cultural marxism, and others may not. I don't know how much proof there is of planned parenthood for example to be influenced by the cultural marxism, but I'm sure someone else more /pol/ aligned who cares would.
Look up critical theory and frankfurt school.
How exactly does deconstructing things into meaninglessness highlight how capitalism has shaped our culture in order to uphold it?
I mean your description basically flips your criticism of cultural Marxism into a capitalist conspiracy. Talk about irony. Also wouldn't a world devoid of social meanings and contexts benefit a capitalist market? Why wouldn't capitalists want people to become malleable consumers?
>/pol/ios don't know planned parenthood was started by literal eugenicists that wanted to whipe out the black race
Read the whole sentence.
Is this guy "special"?
>I mean your description basically flips your criticism of cultural Marxism into a capitalist conspiracy. Talk about irony.
I must have missed a word. The goal of the theory was to SHOW that this is what capitalism is doing. The theory had no goals to actually do these things. It just posited that his is what was happening in society.
>Also wouldn't a world devoid of social meanings and contexts benefit a capitalist market? Why wouldn't capitalists want people to become malleable consumers?
Yes. That is what the Frankfurt school was trying to show. Capitalism has changed our culture to its benefit, destroying culture via commodification and attempting to create its own culture focused around consumption, leaving humanity devoid of meaning and purpose aside from what we've been told our entire lives to do: consume.
/pol/ knows, and most /pol/lacks are for abortion.
It's really only the Christians who care
Why is it that Nazis tend to be the very people who would most likely end up being euthanized within the society they desire? I'd actually like to see a sociological study on this.
why are modern day western communists always dainty rich white kids that never stepped foot in a factory and would always be the first victims of class hatred when commissar Cletus and commissar Jamal are given their commissions? Include this in your research!
By breaking down the cultural structure of America it would be more accepting of Marxism, this is evidenced in the rise in Marxism in the wake of the various civil rights movement.
The Alt-Right does not exist
“if science as a whole follows the lead of empiricism and the intellect renounces its insistent and confident probing of the tangled brush of observations in order to unearth more
about the world than even our well-meaning daily press, it will be participating passively in the maintenance of universal injustice” - Dorkheimer
I think we should round up Nazis and anyone who even visits /pol once even, throw them into camps and gas their asses after we work them half to death.
He's right, science can tell you everything about what transpires if you put your grandmother on fire put it can't tell you wether or not to do it.
I think he meant something akin to racial sciences will occur, leading to "injustice".
So you're saying that the destruction of culture is not the theory itself, but a result of capitalism? And that the purpose of the theory is to display how capitalism has done this?
However isn't deconstruction the basis of the theory, which means that the culture and social structures it attempts to analyze are destroyed themselves?
A complete, and often willful, misunderstanding of the ideals put forward by the Frankfurt School and critical theory by ideological goons.
>literally /pol/ macros
/pol/-meme-education everyone
It's neo liberalism.
>import massive amounts of 3rd wolrders
>drive down labor costs by increasing the supply of workers
People that rich don't give a fuck about race.
And muh white genocide is not the intention, rather a side effect.
Guess the article on wiki with 81 references was created by the Jews then.
The fuck are you even talking about Cpt. triggered?
>and anyone who even visits /pol once even, throw them into camps and gas their asses after we work them half to death.
This is what commies think
Why would i be triggered?
On paper it should be hegelianism but it's a buzzword used by uneducated people to be elitist against educated people.
Cause you are cursing and missed OPs question by a mile. Also saying that "cultural Marxism" is neo-liberalism is a bold and rather strange claim.
>People that rich don't give a fuck about race.
Like what people? No one even mentioned any people.
>import massive amounts of 3rd wolrders[sic!]
>cultural Marxism is an immigration policy
No, you mean Marxism. Cultural Marxism (and the corresponding translations) is an American boogy man made up by the right. There was never a movement, a school of thought or and ideology that was called Cultural Marxism before people like
Pic related.
Look up Yuri Bezmenov and watch his interview.
He doesn't use the term. Also he is a Soviet and the Soviets hated the Frankfurt School which Cultural Marxism is usually associated with. But don't let this minor details disturb you on your ideological rage.
A vague term used by right wingers to describe everything degenerate:
>drugs=cultural marxism
>trannies=cultural marxism
>Miley Cyrus=cultural marxism
>pederasty=cultural marxism
it's just like an analog to left wingers use of "fascism"
Whether they hated it or not, the Soviets used it to undermine American culture through influence in public education.
You don't know what does "social class" mean, relax
>Soviets used it to undermine American culture through influence in public education.
Funny cause he specifically says the Soviet didn't do this but that it was an internal American process. Also he is a spy not trying to get killed. He is a professional liar and looking for the highest amount of exposure. But now we would be in the territory of source criticism and the fact that you postedTHAT link shows that you have no idea what that is.
Also the video contains tons of false information. For starters: The founders of the Institut für Sozialforschung were not members of the communist party and the goal of the Frankfurt School initially was not to change culture because that would have meant abandoning essential Marxist theory (and would have provoked a conflict with Stalin). But yeah keep believing in youtube videos uploaded by people using Crusader comics as profile pictures instead of reading actual books written by, y'know, historians.
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>Just like how alt-right is a buzzword used to attack anyone who triggers lefties?
Not really, because many of the alt-right people actually identify themselves and would like to be called as such. Notice how, contrary to that, there's literally no one that would self-identify as and like to be called, for example, a "Social Justice Warrior".
N-no! That's di-different!
A McCarthyist meme that's had a resurgence on Veeky Forums and /pol/ as a alt-right meme.
This. The words you are looking for are "exonym" or "asymmetrical counter concepts". They accurately describe what you are mean desu.
Sort of. A better analogy would be "neo-liberal economics". As an economist about what he think about current day neo-liberal economic.
I'm not saying it's not a boogy man made up by the right, my point was that it *should* be hegelianism for the term to make sense, since marxism is essential materialistic hegelianism.
No. Neo-liberalism is a term that exists in political theory (of ideas) and not only online. Also there was a time when people self identified as neo-liberals:
Ah, okay. Interesting thought but it goes way over the head of people using "Cultural Marxism". Also Gramsciism would be a fitting alternative I think but then again it doesn't have the same ring to it as the cold war-sounding word "marx" so it wouldn't trigger people as hard.
Nazis watch out
>Also there was a time when people self identified as neo-liberals
And that was a different neoliberalism than what we refer to today. The contemporary concept of "neolibreralism" is independent and only originally meant "whatever Pinochet does".
its a buzzphrase use by insincere ideologues and their online puppets
I honestly think you undersold the part where this is a cuckservative fantasy involving magical global domination of tiny white weenies
Why is it so important for the Nu Right to remain anonymous and unscrutinized?
Whatever retards don't like. "SJW" has become the "commie" of our times.
... To counter the insincere left that has given up on supporting the working class ages ago.
I have an idea: maybe instead of pushing forwards decaying and dishonest ideologies, we should find a modern ideology that fits within our modern context and needs.
The alt-right says the alt-right exists. They are the ones who coined it and for a time wore it like a badge of honor. Then once it went mainstream it was correctly called white nationalism so now alt-righters are trying to distance themselves from the name. I don't know what's next if anything. Nu-right?
Look how many watches they had stolen!