/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHW, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/
Previous Thread

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Thanks OP
Day of the rope for degenerate furfags when?

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is this the real thread?

I mean you both are fur fags given how both of your images have anthro animals in it.

>thread wars because people don't like the image
It's like I'm really on /bbg/

Never ever because you shitheads don't reject them from the thread entirely. You let them talk about raping Rathians and all sort of shit all the time.

This is just like Discord and how we haven't blacklisted them.

Tempered Dodogama when?

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Can you block Teostra's supernova and Vaal Hazak's fuck you beam if you have the Uragaan set bonus?

zenith dodogama when?


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May I ask, what rooms are up?

Hazak kys yourself.

>threads wars because porn OP
user, any thread would react this way. That furfuck shitstain should've known better.

Is okay but
is not

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My room is but none of you freaks are invited

none currently unless discord has something up

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The pedo image isn't okay either but at least they actually censored it properly. The furfag didn't even fucking censor anything effectively.

Alright /mhg/, this one's for the shitters who are mostly not ashamed
Post your longest times!

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What rooms are up?

Whoa the projections. Stop trying to lecture me on math with a gimmick set. I've been using CB properly since 4. It's like when someone tried to argue that WE was inferior to artillery novice for Apex Rajang. Cut the shit and pay attention.

>you're supposed to use as many SAEDs as fast as possible
No, you're supposed to have an SAED ready for every opening (with an additional one in potentiation), and use hit confirms as a method of fishing. If you need focus for that then acquire proficiency. There are tons of openings and charge building is incredibly easy. You're probably one of those shitters who can't gp a roar, or know when to use AED (trick: if your positioning is shit/whiffed and you're about to slice with no shockwave trajectory, use AED). It's ok man, one day you'll sub 1:30 B.Diablos without rocksteady mantle (use 1 point in guard to allow for roar counters!)

I don't give a rats ass about healing on CB (maybe I would if I spam rocksteady and "unga" shit or whatever the fuck you memers are latching onto today). My shockwaves are in the 110-120 range on my set. I don't like to rely on RNG heals to stay topped off when a monster dies in 2 minutes anyways.

I also use protective polish right before I start a fight, to use it as a timer :^)

>you don't need affinity
I'm aware of this. But stop making it sound as if you hit a monster just twice and then SAED. That's not how a normal hunt goes in practice.
>lmao kid
What the fuck happened to /mhg/
>he gets hit
Use vitality mantle for Peak P. Or are you still in need of rocksteady?

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my ps+ ran out can i make a new profile and play with my save on it or do i have to pay for ps+ on my old profile?

>claims projections
>post is all projections
>actually uses polisher on CB

>playing with discord
Also I really wish those retards stuck to their circlejerk rooms, why do they bother playing with /mhg/

>Comparing a random post in the thread that was properly censored to the actual OP picture that has a gigantic monster cock on it
wow.... so this.... is the power..... of disingenuous arguments.......

There is a reason every TA runner under the sun runs Focus user. You're the only person I've seen in these threads claim it's a shit skill. Sorry, but unless you can post kill times on par if not better than current TAs then I really don't care what you have to say.

I don't have it saved but i don't think anyone can beat mine, it took me 45 minutes to kill a low rank Rathalos the first time i fought against it.

I think my first Kush kill was like 47'. I used Normal 2 LBG before the slicing nerf and just plain sucked at the game.

they don't play with mhg, only MLX does. believe me you would know if the actual discord was invading our rooms.

>CB is played by SAED sniping
Am I actually reading this right? Don't tell me you actually believe this. You do know you're suppose to just be spamming the shit out of it, yes?

>do the elder melder exploit as usual
>back up save and start melding like crazy
>used 90% of decos
>"okay time to reload save and check where am i at the table pattern"
>accidentally overwritten my save
>both PS Plus save and system save are now the ones with the melds already done

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just ignore them in the session and farm/leech quests off of them
who cares where they are from

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How does health regen augment interact with Peak P. on a SAED anyway? Does it heal on every tick and would Peak P. activate mid SAED if so?

/mhg/ can you guys give me the red pill on the gun lance? I finally want to give it a try, but i don't know shit about it

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Watching my brother playing world and chatting with his friend is a strange feeling.

I see 1 line of the monster dick.
I see 1 line of the vaginal opening
They're both the same to me, but at the same time I don't really care and hope both posters are purged forever
Just because you play suboptimally doesn't mean every else should.

>First time fighting Xeno
>carted twice to the explosions cause i couldn't yet tell when they were coming
>cut tail and get a gem
>finally cart to a tiny avoidable mistake
>try again with a SOS flare
>only a HH joins, but he knows his shit
>cart twice immediately after he shows up
>doing my best to not have him waste his time
>slay the thing, get a gem carve, and one more from rewards


That retard is bad enough. I don't know who frequents that shithole but I've been told other users enter /mhg/ sessions too. Wish they'd collectively killed themselves desu senpai.

It's unpleasant, like noticing a cockroach in a restaurant.

Gunlance were one of the tech recover from the ancient civilization.

I made private session with id 62bBZD7jD6jf
(did I do this right?)

i've never felt more sad than melding a shit ton and getting jack shit or the same shit as a reward from the stuff you melted.

Triangle + Circle > Triangle > Circle > Triangle > Quick reload > Triangle + Circle loops perfectly and deals absurd amounts of damage that ignore monster hardness when you have good shelling. Pair it with Part Breaker and you'll break the entire monster in a matter of seconds.

>plays suboptimal anti-saed playstyle
>thinks everyone else who plays weapon optimally (ie saed spamming) is inferior
wew lad
Explosions that occurred after PP is gained would get the extra damage yes. It also heals on every tick, that is correct.

No. We should cart on purpose and trip/launch them as much as possible.

If I ever spot a discord name in my party, you better believe I'm gonna player Switch Axe and fuck them over as hard as possible.

Again, this is a disingenuous argument. You can't see the vaginal opening at all in one of the images but you can see much more than just one line of the monster's cock in the other. Blatantly ignoring reality to further your narrative should result in a ban here and in a death sentence irl;

>somehow only ever fought Azure Rath in World while joining SOS
>it's always a chore
>fight him solo
>literally effortless

I don't know how the garbage that is multiplayer still manages to surprise me when compared to solo.

I helped my brother with his first Kush and it went something like 48'
I was having trouble sticking to the fuck and my brother was running full uragann armor with a fucking HBG and didnt know what critical distance was
he also fired like 30 shots into the unshootable tornado

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Nice, thanks, but what GL would you recommend? Recently made a new save, so i don't want to waste materials

It a pick dicture

Am I looking at one or two spergs with a ridiculous hate-on for something that doesn't affect them? What the fuck is it with you people?

Not sure why you're defending one but not the other when both should be purged.

Any of the current event quests good for crowns?

I agree with you, but you are arguing in bad faith which makes me want to disagree.


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because no one brings flash pods+bugs. he stays in the air for a long fucking time without them.

1 has a monster cock which is not okay
1 has a loli pussy which is totally okay
c'mon man get with the times, were you not here when muhut's shit got spammed? It's always okay if it's straight.

How do I git good with GL?

So what the most efficient way to gem grind? Not sure if I should bother doing these double monster T2 investigations that have 2/3 reward slots each or if it's faster to farm for more single monster quests that have 3/4 rewards

>go on multiplayer
>fights are now a chore
>monsters have 10x more health for every player in the quest
>tails are literally impossible to break
>mounting and flashpod threshold now over 9000
>jap bow shitter joins and carts thrice
>everyone fails the mission

It's like they wanted the game to be played solo.

This is why I'm mostly playing Bloodborn now that we have new players in. At least the co-op is enjoyable.

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Honestly there are many ways to play gunlance and there's a GL for each of them. If the style i described interests you then you should go for the Royal Burst (Rathian line) as it has level 4 normal shelling to maximize the full burst combo effectiveness.

that combo is burst shelling so you want royal burst rath gl.
theres other ways to play like with zora gl, you do the charged shelling instead

Wait a week and do weeklies
100% drop rate but 7 day cooldown

Do non-tempered investigations, gold rewards always result in 16% gem drop

You probably meant deco, so next time say that instead :^)

>friend uses his PS+ 2 day trial to play with me
>tell him to join my session (open but "playing with friends" so nobody else ever joins)
>he makes a private session and sends me an invite
>posts a quest and puts a password
>he limits it to 2 people every time

dude there's no need to to all that shit geez

Neither is ok and you should report both.
fuck furries and fuck pedos

Any /mhg/ room up?

Depends entirely of the type of GL you use and the skill you have.

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>finished all my elemental bows other than dragon
>have my good elemental set minus decos
>can easily kill elders in less than 8 minutes as a casual player without any dps boosting items/mantles
>suddenly bored of the game

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If you love Nergigante, you're not a furry or a scaly. Your attraction to his raw dominant aura is simply a matter of refined taste!

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Honestly just kys. There is literally no reason to act this autistic. Literally none.

So how does the whole ATKBoost Deco farm thing go again?
Can I get it via normal savescumming or is it faster to farm T2s?

Alright thanks, i'll give it a try

good feel but also bad since xeno gear/weps are useless

>no effluvia mantle for the vale

Blunder of the century crapcom.

Then just fucking tell him instead of complaining here

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If you like Nergigante your a Barafag

I've played for over 20 hours after beating double (tempered?) bagel dudes. I have found zero tempered monsters/investigations since then.

What am I doing wrong?

Vit mantle/health booster shit on it, but I get your point.

not to mention having 4 players makes the monster ping pong everywhere and almost becomes unpredictable. having more than 2 range fucking makes this worse.
and people still dont bring flash pods

Play a melee weapon. They are much more fun
t. 450+ hunts with bow

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>do elder melder exploit
>finally reach to the roll that has protective polish
>its after 63 rolls
how the fuck do i skip all that?

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>Whoa the projections. Stop trying to lecture me on math with a gimmick set. I've been using CB properly since 4. It's like when someone tried to argue that WE was inferior to artillery novice for Apex Rajang. Cut the shit and pay attention.
Yawn, you can keep your projections on yourself. You're the one that started this drivel in the first place. Using the A.Rajang comparison is being disingenuous at best. As the situations vary, if anything you'd advocating for more affinity would be identical to those advocating for Art Novice over WE in 4u.
>No, you're supposed to have an SAED ready for every opening
Because you play a sub-optimal playstyle doesn't mean everyone else should. I don't really care if you're trying to pretend the game is 4u and play in a 4u stylized way; but pretending that YOUR way is better than the OPTIMAL way is retarded. Way to prove me right about you being angry with your hissy fit rant though.

>I don't give a rats ass about healing on CB
Clearly as you don't give two shits about playing optimally.

>I also use protective polish right before I start a fight, to use it as a timer :^)
I can't even tell if you're retarded at this point or baiting, but based on your previous replies; I genuinely believe you run polisher on your CB. You really shouldn't be allowed to post advice on Charge Blade, let alone advice on this board

>I'm aware of this
Then why were you pushing for it so hard? Nice backtracking.
>What happened to /mhg/
Retards like you who think the way they play is how the weapon should be played over optimal play.
>he gets hit
I don't think you even play this game, yet you talk trash. GP still causes chip damage, Teo has an aura, Vaal has an aura. Monster stomps cause minor damage.

Again, people like you shouldn't be allowed to post advice; especially when they don't know what they're talking about.

Bow is really fun. I played GL/Hammer until xeno.

I want to save GS for the pc version

Nooe, only marathon missions.

Do Gajau investigations

You do quests like a good cuck :^)

all these bow charge, pierce, and i have no clue what else but apparently sought after ranged decos but i have no motivation to play like a shitter...

that's still 45 quests i gotta do. fuck


Well, RNG is a bitch.
I got lucky on Polish and Tenderizer, but ATKBoost might take me a while, especially since I need 2

So this is the power of... the discord

Immunity Mantle you fucking morons.

3 Tzi tzi event quest for their crown. Make sure you have stun nullify.

It would take less time to just do overtime or something and buy a new copy to do the dupe and play through the game again than getting 2 attack jewels.

I have no real argument against this

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I bought it physically, so I could deinstall, unplug internet, reinstall and do the dupe, I think.
I just hate cheating, so I'm probably not gonna do it.

Can someone post what you can get from each streamstone in the wyverian ritual? thanks

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This thread is cancer.

what anime are y'all watching?

Already got his crowns from coral waltz. Also you can kill them one by one if you aggo them separately with rocks.

>I bought it physically, so I could deinstall, unplug internet, reinstall and do the dupe, I think.
Not with your current save file.

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Ah, makes sense. Eh, gonna pass.

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