/dng/ - Dueling Network General

YGO General #2731
End of the World Edition
Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
YGOPro Percy Discord (will always contain latest download links): discord.gg/ygopro-percy
● Duelingbook is a manual simulator with no judges or databased rulings

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Starter Deck 2018 (March 24th)
●OCG: Cybernetic Horizon (April 14th)
●OCG: Collector’s Pack 2018 (May 12th)
●OCG: Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 (June 9th)

●TCG: Legendary Collections Kaiba (March 9th)
●TCG: Star Pack: VRAINS (March 30th)
●TCG: Lair of Darkness Structure Deck (April 20th)
●TCG: Flames of Destruction (May 4th)
●TCG: Dark Saviors (May 25th)
●TCG: Flames of Destruction Special Edition (June 7th)
●TCG: Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge (June)
●TCG: Starter Deck: Codebreaker (July 13th)
●TCG: Cybernetic Horizon (July 27th)

No CaC unless you can provide a 1000 word-minimum essay explaining why your card would be good for both the current OCG and TCG metas, is more creative than all the archetypes in the game, would not powercreep Card Shuffle, and has at least 5 citations in MLA format.
Go to /dIg/ for Duel Links discussion.

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daddy demise and mommy ruin in percy when

>trusting facebook """rumors"""

>TFW considering running Desires in my Darklords
Please kill me. I've been infected.

Well that's a relief, thank you.

Attached: PotofDesires-CT14-EN-UR-LE.png (475x694, 731K)

just give up the meme already. desires is a very good card

Do they even need it if you're running 3 Ixtab, Trade-In and Allure? Wouldn't it be better to just run the new Lair of Darkness stuff with Terraforming and Diabolos?

Don't tell me, you've come to duel me?

I play Deskbots and I was wondering if I should replace most of the synchros with Links

>End of the World support not on percy.

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I'll report back later once I've messed around with it.
The Lair stuff actually does fuck all for Darklords. They don't inherently tribute anything. At best they can run a couple viruses but really the only one worth using is EEV. The others are side cards at best.

Attached: DarklordIxchel-DESO-EN-ScR-1E.png (473x693, 847K)

How this game would be if there was no Extra Deck cards?
This came to my mind recently,a lot of things that make this game a bit unfair sometimes is when the opponent has more powerful (inthe sense of effects, not attack) monsters than you and these are mostly ED monsters.

Who cares?

Attached: Capture.png (2120x1356, 1.34M)

The game would be much shittier.

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Designator ;)
>How this game would be if there was no ED cards
Said monsters you find unfair would be in the main deck. Alternatively, its pizza time with Master Peace

> a card that searches can be ashed
Gee dude, did you come to that asumption by yourself?

>still calling it Designator

>Said monsters you find unfair would be in the main deck
Making them a little bit hard to summon right?
It's not exactelly a complain, but idk, every time I compare two decks, it always feels that is the ED that makes the difference in who will win and who will lose (with the exception with pendulums decks like magicians), while the Main Deck monsters always feel balanced.

>every time I compare two decks
And these decks are....?

It would make the game shitter and things would be just as busted. It would also make pet decks much harder to build because we wouldn't have generic extra deck monsters to help them compete.

So suddenly I'm in love with a stranger
I can't believe that he's mine

Attached: lair.png (930x802, 1.08M)

All of them? I'm not a good player, it's just impressions I get by taking quick looks.
>things would be just as busted
Any reasons why? Just asking.

Add ties. You already have enough targets

Because rather than having good and likely generic extra deck monsters every top deck would be full of cards like this.

Attached: MasterPeacetheTrueDracoslayingKing-MACR-EN-ScR-1E.png (688x1011, 1.54M)

The fact that True Dracos existed should be enough evidence.

Because there are decks that never use the extra deck in the meta, and let me tell you, the ones that don't use the ED that become meta are powerful as shit decks, if we didn't had extra deck, you'd see a lot of decks being True Draco-tier, and let's not even account the fact that right now, there are actually decks that OTK and don't need the ED like Infernoids, Lightsworn and Mermails.

But then again
>I'm not a good player
I can't really take you seriously, sorry. Even if the Extra deck brings out some power, its usually the speed of the main deck what makes the Extra deck a power house, just look at Weather Painters, they have a boss monster that lets you have three omni-negations and yet said boss monster is garbage because the main deck it comes from is SLOW AS SHIT (the real boss is Master Peace)

Attached: He-man obtains the power of greyskull.jpg (350x350, 24K)

*activates PrePrep*

i do
i wanna see if they make a fun pet deck

That's a potentially good idea. Although that SS restriction might be a headache

Just have to find the right cards to replace

best lair of darkness tech card

Attached: Darklight-PHSW-EN-SR-1E.png (300x436, 306K)

>tech card
The precon literally comes with it

>Even if the Extra deck brings out some power, its usually the speed of the main deck what makes the Extra deck a power house
Oh, I get it now. To be honest, I still don't understand what people mean when they complain about the speed of the game (I'm very bad with combos). I really need to learn more, huh.

>every top deck would be full of cards like this
Maybe there's something wrong with me because this one looks very fun.


Attached: SharethePain-BPW2-NA-SR-1E.png (300x437, 259K)

>this one looks very fun
Its all fun and games until you see Card of Demise resolve and the Draco player gets to draw floodgates

Is there a build for androids out there since Ygopro's is outdated and doesn't have Links? I wanna try out Cyberse while taking a shit, got the runs today.

No, there isn't.

>(for no effect)

it's to say that the tribute is done as a cost, i guess

>anti spell and erupt turn 1
I scoop everytime

Why Konami didn't make so that the name change would work while Demise or Ruin were in the GY as well?

Why Konami didn't make the lil Demise or Ruin Level 5? So you could use both lil one to summon a big one.

Why Konami made lil Ruin so garbage ? Attacking twice is great but with only 1700 ATK ? What a fucking joke.

Oh, fuddynuckins

It's almost like nostalgia bait cards are made bad on purpose or something.

The lil Ruin and Demise are most likely being used as tribute fodder (and considering the rest of the support wants you to run the originals, medium demise/ruin and lil demise/ruin give you big Demise/Ruin) because being able to either nuke a field without any form of disruption and/or swing like armades is damn nice.
Also, i don't think making Demise and Ruin level 5 would be wise, mainly because if you want to ritual summon these dudes, you can use a single Manju, that and Talismandra + Lil Demise/Ruin = Big guy for you.

Then again, shit hasn't been added to percy so i can't test this shit.

It works somewhat well but I feel I get hindered by the SS restriction more than it helps.

I also miss Inspector Boarder

Anyone have any suggestions?

Attached: lairties.png (922x808, 1.02M)

>use LOD to tribute their monster as the cost
>they then have to pick a second monster

>Adding Desires before Allure in a DARK deck

>he doesn't like free +1's

>+1 vs +0

>Allure of darkness in a deck with more spells and traps than dark monsters
You stupid or something?

By that logic you should be using both. Thin and plus.

You sure seem to be.

So why was there a troll, an elf, a dwarf and a human in the new world chalice card? Is that some sort of meta humour?

>he doesn't know.
>By that logic you should be using both.
yes you should

>he doesn't know
Enlight me then tripfag, what is the thing that I ignore.

>Banishing all of your Virus cards so that you can't use them in a deck that needs them to shut down its opposition
I know it's a +1 but come the fuck on guys. Dude either needs to up the Ratio of viruses or cut the Desires for Allure.
>Melody of Awakening Dragons
If you're running Desires then why even bother with this? Your only targets are Diabolos and Destrudo, both of which you arguably don't want in your hand. I do like the Ties tech choice though. Definitely keep that one in.

>Pot of -10
Is this what it's like to be a shitter?

Roll a perception check

>He doesnt know that its actually -13

>Tfw traded an extra copy of Ash I pulled back when it was $80+ for 3 copies of Ixchel when it was ~$20 plus some other adds
Think I made a solid decision, feels good.

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i was thinking more about swaping the melodies for the ties. that way you can keep inspector

you Up all your important cards to 3 if you play desires,yes.
>Your only targets are Diabolos and Destrudo,
you can't add destrudo with melody.
the card's name "World Legacy Mekkmory" implies that the card art is an memory of the mekknights,meaning they were just people im giga armos the entire time.

> If you're running Desires then why even bother with this?
Any suggestions for change. Maybe allure? I'm open to discussion with everyone desu

> Ties of the brethren
Yeah it works well but I miss inspector boarder

Even worse. So it's even more shit than previously thought.

All the more reason not to run that fucking garbage card.

>Maybe allure?
Yes, run Allure.

here's an example

Attached: example.jpg (491x378, 95K)

>Triple Desires
>Triple Dragon Shrine but no Foolish Burial when the deck uses no normies
Fix this

meant to

>He doesn't run 3 desires in any deck that runs a lot of 3 and 2 of's
you only don't run desires if you have 1 of in your deck that are important combo pieces

It's like you want to open multiple Desires or draw Desires with Desires.

>tfw the Archetype you like is shit
>tfw you're forced to play an Archetype you hate because it's more viable
What the fugg

What are the archetypes?

You are a smarter man than I user. I didn't even think of that

Oh, so many. Norse gods, Meklords, Arkana, Worms, Ice Barrier.

Instead I play Spyrals and Pendulum Magicians.

>Norse gods, Meklords, Arkana, Worms, Ice Barrier.
>Top animeme archetypes

Why do you love Inspector Boarder so much?

Ah yeah pretty much all of those are unplayable even by pet deck status.

Attached: MajestysFiend-CT12-EN-SR-LE.png (310x450, 377K)

They make the idea seem cool, but them you realize they just work on that "dream" scenario.

Yeah, Allure and then up your Virus count in the main deck. You also technically don't need the Terraformings in this deck since Ahrima has a search effect for it, so you could cut those if you wanted. Try running some more level 3 Fiends, like Tour Guide or Kuribandit. It'll give you more targets for Ties and allow you to go into Cherubini/Dante easier. Also, I like the Infinite Transience in the deck as a tech against Pendulums for a turn, but side it out in favor of your virus cards. Under the assumption you get EED out onto the field with Lilith's effect, you're not going to need Infinite Transience for its board effect and you have to set it in this deck most of the time due to needing cards like Lair out on the field at all times.

In short, cut Melody and Terraforming for Allures, Tour Guide, and whatever Level 3 Fiend you want to run as a tech card and side out your ITs for your 3rd Full force and another Virus card of your choosing and you should be good to go.

Is this still the best vanilla 1 tribute monster?

Attached: SummonedSkull-MIL1-EN-C-1E.png (310x450, 364K)

I only got back in recently so this is the first deck I'm building myself without net decking.

That pendulum engine is interesting. Do you place dragon in lend zone, summon gate and then summon the other monsters?

frostosaurus is better. more atack/defence. searcheable by oviraptor/fosil dig. fodder for uct

Doesn't having less than 1.5k def make skull better for being searched?

Witch of the Black Forest isn't a thing anymore.

>The main theme of Yu-Gi-Oh is friendship
So tell me /dng/, have you made any friends thanks to this game?

Attached: DMx001_Friendship_symbol.jpg (479x479, 89K)

to slow.

Do you place dragon in lend zone, summon gate and then summon the other monsters?
the main ue ofr that engine is to be free special summons,but you can place the other pendulum if it would benefic you more,but that's a rare situation

yes actually.

and ruined all because i started omega/ slayer them

Haven't played ygo ever since Links came out. What's the newest meme out there?

Not him, but you can. It's mostly used for a dump target on Dragon Shrine and then Darkwyrm can SS himself from Grave as long as you don't control any monsters. This gives you tribute fodder for Ahrima and Lilith, whom you can summon since you haven't Normal Summoned yet.

the relentless turbo

rogue decks topping YCSs

>Cyber Dragon [Sieger]

Attached: ba6.png (326x244, 174K)

>tfw running a 60 card deck is an automatic +20 in card advantage

I know this is shitposting but I refuse to believe there are people who think desires is a neg

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Yeah I'm gonna be going to ycs with 3 of them

Alright, /dng/, how in the fuck am I supposed to build Wind-Ups? I wanted to play them at my locals since Zenmaicon is coming out in FLOD and I have no idea what I'm doing with this shit. Since Zenmaity's gone, there's no more Wind-Up loop I think? I assume I'm just supposed to spam Links with them now but I have no idea where to start. Any ideas/advice?

Can't be done in the TCG until Carrier and Hunter swap places on the banned list.

>how in the fuck am I supposed to build Wind-Ups?
Build them as a link spam deck,simple.

You're throwing away ten cards. How is that not a neg?

How many cards do you have in your hand before and after desires resolves

Yeah, 3 of them. Our shop hasn't been approved to be an OTS yet, so we travel down to the nearest one every Sneak Peek and buy a bunch of packs and compete. I regularly hang out with 2 of them as well.

That is not how card advantage works. Pot of Desires can absolutely wreck your deck, but it is a plus in card advantage.