/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Dead mascot edition

Next expansion - Dawnbreak Nightedge
Reveals so far

Latest expansion - Chronogenesis
Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General


>New Arena Mode: Grand Prix
>March nerfs/restrictions - No cards
>Rotation, formats, new class

Official Website

Official deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links


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Other urls found in this thread:


Discord mascot.

1st for dong

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I love my pure wife Arisa

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how to grinder dirt


>implying dingdong is discord
I want shitposter(s) to leave.

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Hello, slime.

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I want to ding her dong

My wife.

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>replying to non unique posts
You just gave attention to one of the most obnoxious falseflaggers in this thread. I just wanted you to know :^)

That's quite the leap in logic, ESL-kun

Get a trip so I can filter you.

>oracle into oracle oracle

Attached: 2018-03-12 13_38_54-Shadowverse.jpg (1920x1080, 2.1M)

Why didn't you play around it?

Yeah, only you can bitch, spam, ask for braindead nerfs, shitpost and so on in this general. Valid argument, damn son.

um excuse me, this is a safe space
dragon is immune to criticism here

>almost full board
>12 hp on turn THREE
Entitled unga bungas.

>no leaks
dead game

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I need the Arisa leaking pic.

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Is she about to give birth to baby slimes?

Elfs are lewd

Name a play that doesn't lose to Levi.

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Your fault for overextending :^)

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Gotta believe in the heart of the cards and pray that he doesn't have it

sacrifice angel and preevolve KNIGHTO

>opponent won't let me boardflood in peace it's not fair

Be happy that themis has rotated out

at least themis isn't one sided

Themis is balanced compared to the old(young) man of one-sided board clear and 3 damage to face

It really is. Aggrotards want to play a simulator and have free wins and get mad when they don't. Literal Bandwagoners.
>"Diabolic was totally fine, by the way"

goblin evo + cyclone blade

>still take 7 damage to face and lose board control completely

Card reveals where REEEEEEEE

All you need to cuck levi is a >3hp unit which isn't much to ask for on turn 6. Not saying levi is ok, just that themis was more annoying

Sent ;^)


One concede needed, thanks.


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>play something to counter levi
>pre evolve it to trade evenly at the very least
>lol mutagenic
>levi next turn

Cover those cow tits.

Nice new expansion Shadowbabs...very nice...



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Thanks Aldos!

>into nothing
Still hope you lost that, aggro tard.


>New keyword: Rush
>Works exactly like it does in shadowverse
Why is this allowed

I think esl dragoncuck meant "anything loli is instantly discord regardless of viability".

Literally copying sv at this point. They couldn't even think of a synonym.


please prepurchase now, for only 50 bucks

How creatively bankrupt is blizzard

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>sv copied blizzard
>blizzard copy sv

Didn't we just steal Choose then?

It's like marvel and dc

That Spiderweb Imp is OP. Nerf its atk to 1.

What the fuck is start of game on a 9pp follower?

sureeeee... it come from HS

Nobody stole anything. Those mechanics aren't original in the slightest.

The odd-cost card stuff is stolen from DQR, it's a popular deck there.

Minea's deck to be exact

SV mechanics seem more inspired by MTG mechanics in general than blizzard's twists on them

I guess I should have said that "stealing" kinda doesn't mean anything.

Of course, MTG PROS run this game

Unironically true.

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Have Cygames responded to this somehow?

I can't believe they used even the same word

Neither Cygames nor Wizards of the Coast responded despite the bombardment of tweets in multiple languages.

They are probably going to comission a new art and fire the artist who made this one.

>plays greedy
>loses because of it
Is there a worse feeling?

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They have been silent for days now. Probably whipcracking their betatesters to make sure all the commissioned arts are not plagiarized

HS update, time to play SV.

I dont mind card games copying good mechanics, its the god awful HS fanbase that's going to look at SV, cry weeb when HS's art is fucking awful and say SV is a cheap knock off.

>Elf Twins
>Elf Twins

High IQ gameplay with no nerfs needed

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Both companies are probably familiar with chink plagiarism at this point, the art will be replaced with no big drama coming out of it

That's nothing new

Got any videos with fun ding dong decks?

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As long as HS doesn't copy evolve, it's fine. Blizzdrones love eating shit, let them be.

What are the rewards for playing ranked in this game?
You get something if you're in the top 10,000 at the end of every month?

only when they decide to give reward. so far every month except every first month after new expac released

10 packs from newest expansions and 2500 vial. Since this game is dying, the benchmark is pretty low these days you can get it with minimal effort

They don't win because of these cards. They win because of Elephant and Jungle.

The elephant is just the finisher.
Them clearing your board for free is the moment you lose.

Score rewards that reset every month (includes gold, packs, vials, sleeves and emblems). Grandmaster players get 10 upcoming expansion packs, a flair and a sleeve when they reach GM (GM players go back to Master at the start of every expansion). Every month, the top 10k Master rank players (GM counts as Master) get 10 upcoming expansion packs and 2500 vials, while the top 1k players get 25 packs, 1 Seer's Globe and 5k vials.

How do you even get that many ding dongs?

Sorry, not "every month". The top 10k/1k rewards usually only happen at the second and third months of each expansion.

>New mechanic "Evolve"
>Certain minions can now evolve and trigger powerful abilities!
>you can evolve only 1 minion per turn

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they finally believe evolution theory. all hail darwinian!!!!

How do you get into Masters easily?

Play ranked with the most recent tier 1/0 deck

Apples, urds, and twilight queens I'm guessing.

No, because I always play greedy.

Choose one of the 12 decks and play

Is Support Cannon the 13th deck?

more like the 130th deck

hi kmr


thanks for the mechanic shadowbabs it will be of more use in a relevant game