/fog/ Fallout General

user deserves respect edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:
>NEW! Creation Club Stuff:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta:

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:



if dubs the whole voicefiles thing was an excuse so there could be an official remaster of NV

REMOVE BETHESDA remove bethesda

They didn't can the NV remake, that one realized it had to remake VAs from scratch.

I don't spread my opinions about either of those things though, because I am indeed ignorant to them.
This shit annoys me because people actually believe it when, with the slightest bit of research, you'll find the ONLY thing these mods do that could be acted upon, as long as they aren't distributing the base games' files themselves, is that they are recreating the function of the base game, and it's unlikely they would actually attempt to act on that.

Okay, so we're going off the assumption this entire team is so daft not a single person on the team knew they would be fully within their legal rights to release a mod that points to empty directories the end user has to fill themselves, and hell they could even do so by running a little executable that extracts/patches the relevant archive files from the base game to work, doing all the work for them like, fuck I don't know, Tale of Two Wastelands.
Is that truly the assumption we're going off?

If we make a big enough stink on social media or something they might relent about the voice shit

>Is that truly the assumption we're going off?

Considering they were surprised at something that, again, every single other remake in this vein realized or were aware of?

They won't.
Literally every other project realized they had to do their own voicework. They're using this as an excuse to stop production because people are leaving the project and it's going nowhere.

Well at least Cascadia is still coming in the future, r-right?

Cascadia's an original project. What were they going to port over?

i detonated those dumbshit children of atom
feels good mang

I mean it could just be another ambitious mod that never was finished

Which is the same assumption I'm going off as well, and it's what everyone should understand.
There are going to legitimately be people thinking like this, Bethesda has done nothing wrong here, first of all, I highly doubt they even actually spoke to a Bethesda representative about ways they could go about this, second, there's no fucking need to because anyone with a half working brain knows there's an extremely simple way around this law, and that's doing what TTW does, forcing you to have the base files on your computer yourself, and then slapping in all caps "YOU MUST LEGALLY HAVE THE FILES" even though we all know that's a fucking lie.
It would be simple as all shit for them to extract the sounds.bsa, throw it in the Fallout 4 Data folder, then build their mod with every script that calls a sound (Like a line of dialogue) pointing to that directory, and when they release the mod it just doesn't work until you, the end user, extract the .bsa.

This shit's just an excuse with them using Bethesda and, more specifically, copyright laws as the scapegoat.

Bethesdrone's out in full force to defend their masters killing the only thing that could've made F4 worth playing.

>FO3 was shit
>FO4 is shit
>guys porting FO3 to FO4 will make it not shit

They didn't kill the NV remake though.

Bethesda literally didn't do anything. Stop with the shitposting.

>stop with the shitposting
the general devolved into group bullying the namefags. the general IS shit posting.

>P-please stop calling my modder heroes and I retards B-B-B-Bethesda studios shut the mod down!!

>and that's doing what TTW does
TTW isn't allowed to be discussed on Bethesda forums or otherwise, there's a reason it was taken off Nexus.

So, is the NV remake still happening?

Yea, because there's one actionable thing it does, which is recreate the function of a product, yet guess what, Bethesda's taken no legal action on it.

Wow, what a fucking shock.

You can still get it freely though, absolutely nothing is stopping you from downloading it right now, unless you like sucking Robin's cock

It's a pretty annoying namefag so that's fine.

Yeah, they're doing all the assets from scratch.

I wish someone would teach Bethesda how to make a decent game so they would stop lashing out at developers and modders that already can.

>tfw Grease Gun mod still doesn't have 3rd person animations

how hard is it to animate 3rd person animations for a bethesdo game

no one dares to disturb the wardaddy/haru/hitman monopoly

Try harder.

Is it morally acceptable to kidnap raider women and turn them into sex slaves?

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Jesus, fallout 4 is so frustrating even it's modding frustrates me. Starfield better have greatly improved engine otherwise i'm done with shitfesda

Yes. Give them a good dicking and a good life.
Educate their children to be respectable people and in turn help others in the wastes as you helped nurture them.

>Getting better at anything

>he thinks modding it is hard
user, Bethesda games are the easiest to mod. It's not the game, you're just retarded.

Bethesda has kept the same engine with minor changes.

how many bjs do they need to make 3rd person animations for me

>Modding so simplistic these days it's just click to install and done
You're fucking braindead, m8

People still fall for this meme? lol

It's getting community voice acting, a fate worse than death

I was talking about Fallout 3 in F4. Modders turned fallout 4 into a fucking stalker-metro with their endless stream of shit like russian attire, AKs and so on. F3 in F4 was the only good thing about fallout 4 modding community cuz F4NV is been developed by a bunch of retards that already managed to kill their project once and i won't be surprised if it'll happen again

Yeah because no one can replace felatio gay as veronica amirite

Why do I have to become the leader of everything. Motherfucker.

In FO3?

I know right, you've never been good at anything in real life.

The shooting in the hallway stops.

You thought your base was secure. No one could have gotten into the Institute from the outside. When you became Director, everyone told you the topsiders weren't going to be an issue.

The door to your office attempts to open, but gives a negatory beep, indicating the lock is engaged. The lock you engaged.

They were supposed to be stupid. How did the wastelanders even get here? Did they do the same thing you did? Impossible, you killed Tinker Tom, Sturges, and Ingram to cover your tracks. Everyone who originally helped you into the Institute is dead behind you. How did they do it? The tunnel...

A loud metal crashing interrupts your thoughts. Metal impacting metal, The door creaks under the impact, but holds. A second passes. A second crash, this time louder. The banging gets louder. It sounds like a blunt metal object is being used to dent the locking mechanism.

This is impossible. Every Synth in the building was sent to stop the intruders. How did they defeat your security? Why didn't we have better plans for repelling an attack inside the facility? We spent all out attention on other things. We underestimated them.

The banging stops. The door opens with a hydraulic hiss. The sound you've heard hundreds of times, going about your day. This time, it's the last sound you wanted to hear.

"I've come for that interview.....Blue"

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I just touched a car and died.

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Brool story co.
Made me chuckle.

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>like nanny curie
>but also like synth curie
>don't want to have to choose
>end up not using her at all

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Make Curie a synth and keep Ada as your nanny mistress.

I dislike her fucking accent. When I turn her into synth and get her perk can I brutally murder her and keep the perk?

I loved curie's voice acting. I bet her voice actor is a slut in bed.

Genuine question; are there any good event-based sexmods for FO4? As in, if a bunch of Raiders knock out/kill my character, they proceed to rape her?

If they csan put her in a synth why can't they just copy her person and voice? Or they have the same problem with voice files those modders did?

>get into combat
>Codsworth justs sits next to me behind cover shouting combat barks

good AI

>Copy Curie's AI
>Write it into multiple synth bodies
>Have your own Curie harem
Why not?

>pathfinding is so bad npcs teleport every two seconds

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good thing she will never stand a chance

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I want to make a mod that adds the choice to keep her a robot.
Theres one already but its really barebones and plain ol' glitches out Curie if you try to talk to her with it installed.
I want to change her dialogue too so she talks about being a robot, maybe do a little quest too.
Fucking wagecuckery doesnt leave me a couple of hours a day free. I cant work on shit

didn't mean to put on a name, was triggering someone else in another thread

Not a problem, user

How do i get New Reno to turn into the Enclave, i went down the tree that mentions them and seemed to be putting them in charge but the options down at the bottom are still greyed out?

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>weapon switch delay still unfixed after 2 years


I am more concerned with the delay between first person and third person view.

I am terribly annoyed with maglocks that take ten seconds to disengage when unlocked from a terminal.

Friendly reminder that synths aren't human and the Brotherhood of Steel is justified in wanting to destroy the technology that creates them. AD VICTORIUM!

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hold tab

Tried that, doesn't work.

well damn dude i'm shit outta advice

>Modder is a Borderlands fan

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Do you have a choice to NOT use computers here?

It fits with FO4 so it's fine.

It doesnt, fuck off

Sure, just bring your mom over so I can have a good time.

>underestimating someone who clearly has become the player-character of fallout 5 and has been sent to kill you, the evil institute director, and final boss of the game
You've already lost....

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>start new game
>get to diamond city
>have to wait for piper's 8 hour scene at the gate to finish

I fucking hate this video game


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Whenever I equip a molotov I CTD. I barely got out of the vault.

Pls halp

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>legendary item found
>it's a piece of shit on a stick worth 100 caps
>no option to leave it where I find it

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Last time I played I already had a jetpack installed on my power armour and I just hopped the fence to skip fucking piper scene.

>Take out gun
>Smack her with it
>Gate auto-opens

Why does anyone like this shit? Fat people are are disgusting.

waifufag cancer at it again

oh snap xD

>Fat people are are disgusting.
Anyone else wanted to purge Vault 81? One of the fatasses there insulted muh best boy Hancock while being an obese abomination himself.

Stop using Darren's mods.

Are the rips for nv from gunetwork legit? I don't trust this shithole.

are you fifteen or a woman?

Of course not. Its full of gore and pedo porn.
What else would you expect from the vile anonymoos den of the deep web

To be honest? I'm a 23 years old male. Also a computer Illiterate.



>*bong* "sweet"
>junkie's walking cane

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don't equip a molotov
problem solved

But molotov is the only useable grenade, when you use other grenades enemies just run away from them.

Just got back into fallout 4. Are sex/kidnap/rape mods still not a reality? I tried loverslab, but everything is from like 2015-2016 and unfinished and I didn't find anything in the sticky.

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For some reason the molotov I picked up out of the crate just outside the Vault is only lsted as a statless "Explosive", I think there are some files missing, pic related. What can I do to fix this?

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You fucked up with your modlist. Fix it.