Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1714: Wub Christmas Wooby Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/!: Current Events
JP: KotoMaki Score Match/UR Nozomi Scouting
EN: UR Wooby Scouting

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love Kotori!

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Umi is love.

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What did you get with your scouting ticket?

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Reminder that Umidah saved SIF EN

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R Chika

cute wives

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Cute innocent Wooby >>> le epic rebel woobs

Chika loves her shiny senpai Mari!

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I didn't rank high enough to get one.

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I'm saving it until the end of time.

i want to hug_ this tomato!

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congrats on the cute wub bastard

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I wish I was Nico.

Birthstone Eli. Another seal for the shop.

I love Eli and You!

4th UR in a row from blue tickets and my third angel Mari how have you not all fallen for the 5 ticket meme yet?

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I'm saving it for my wife's next UR!

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Biggest UR miscasts
>punk rock Wooby
>little devil Umi
>wedding Honoka

Post cute Panas!

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because my last 5 scouts were SRs, now I'm returning back to 25BT, then I will do 5 times 5BT again and if I don't get any URs, I do another 25BT and so on

>little devil Umi
But Umi is top semen demon.

This looks fun

I got 8 SRs from BTs in the Ultra Mod. My luck doesn't even work on hacks lol

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>third angel Mari
I hate you.

Remember to hand gargle.

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I agree. I can't even get 1 Angel Mari. Then again, Mari hates me so I'm not even surprised

For magnets.

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I like Dia’s singing but literally everything else about her is complete shit

Don't worry you'll get one some day. I'm happy to have all 3 of mine.

Dia isn't Nozomi though

Thank you.

>missing 5 Mari cards on EN
>Angel Mari is one of them
>everyone but you can pull multiple copies of it
It hurts.

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/Big gains/ bros ww@

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Kys honknegro

>tfw Angel Mari is the last UR I need of her to get tricolor
>tfw I desperately need Cool Scorers
>can't pull her no matter what I do
RNG can be so unfair.

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>not having all of your raibus URs
Surely you're not this much of a lucklet, are you?

Honoka has a lot of URs and some of her promo ones are not even in the game

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I have all but 1 of them. She'll be mine someday.

I just need Valentines Mari to get third years tricolors. I really hope I manage it before Allstars.

My luck doesn't affect the status of our marriage so I don't mind much. I just do what I can and save up all my gems for her, because I love her!

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I'm sure we'll both get her one day.

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I hope so too, user. Good luck.


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Kiss Umi


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You’re so fucking sad lol

Promos don't count.

Please don't bully me

Does anyone have 2nd year 9/6 centers? I'm fucked without them

I have all her SRs, that must count for something, right?

Still way to many URs

>only got 3
>sold 3 perfectly good UR seals including one of my raibu for a girl i don't even like to minmax, ended up not actually needing that center skill

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I have pool Honk and Fruits Umi. Only ever set them during events though, if that's alright with you.

>7 out of 10
Hopefully I can get some of the missing in 2 days.

I'll be able to wait, thank you

>not waifufagging and minmaxing at the same time
*laughs in cool BiBi master race*

Sorry, I can't hear you over Smile 2nd years master race.

>master race
*laughs at user*

Nice cope.

Chuuni keeps giving me the same UR. I’m saving for her new UR though.

Alright, just tell me which one you need to tier an event and I'll change it accordingly.

>having a waifu from bibi
>not printemps, cyaron, or azalea


I'm glad I have you added already, but I forgot that the next event will be a score match - sorry about that. I usually tier with Smile

>Nico is the points reward
I hope the cutoffs are low.

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What is this level of patrician taste? Are you a god?

>kids are at school
>comfy thread

but beware
lunch break is upon us

>kids are at school
>spring break

I thought Nico was tier?

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The high school two blocks from my house is still full of kids

Don't they usually break for lunch at like noon? Shit, they're probably out by now, or will be in like an hour or two.

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Nico is the tier reward

Pure and Cool, yes
don't ask me about my Smile team

Oops, I meant tier. Gomenasai.

That and spring break was last week, not this week

>middle of winter
>spring break

I want to die

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That's just embarrassing.

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I feel you, user
I've been cool memeing my way to T1 score these past events and now Score Match is upon is

Please confess your sins here, lads

I unironically like this card because I think she has cute feet

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I like this card because she has purple eyes and shes casting a spirit bomb thing.

I might be able to meme my way into tier 1 with MMR but
There's no telling how this will go, not to mention NEETs inflate the already congested tiers. But I'll do it for Nico

Based Maribro

That card is so nice. One of my favorites.

Reconsider your life choices.
I couldn't sell a card that I needed to get one of my favorite URs in the seal shop because she was too cute to seal.

>there's no way to know who's hacking on a SM
can't wait for the wild ride.

I care more about having good cards of my "raibu" than any cards at all and don't care if I seal her Rs, SRs, SSRs, and weaker URs without a second thought

will aria come back to life for the sm

Better hope that KLab do something about the modded apk before the event starts.
They won't.

Stay mad, you dumb roastie

Is that how school worked in Mexico?

Why in the actual fuck is "minus" blocked by the filter? How is that offensive?

I don't mind sealing good URs if I can idolize my favorite raibus with them.

i couldn't give less of a shit about minmaxing, i just want cute cards