/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum
Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC

>[Singularity Pickup Summon]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC
Fuyuki, Orleans, Septem, Okeanos, and London will be featured.
Each rateup will feature story locked servants from said singularity.

>[Half AP Story Quests]
Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC

>[Half AP Training Grounds]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 2018-03-15 03:59 UTC

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO:
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW

Attached: Liz (97).jpg (1132x1200, 784K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this isn't a romulus thread

Liz Bread!

That's a big lollipop


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fellas we gotta stop willy waggling

I want Eli-chan to treat me!

Attached: 65794709_p0.jpg (1131x1600, 832K)

ples dont bring him back

Foot thread, Albert thread or Liz thread? Liz thread wins!

Attached: 1509747390631.png (800x600, 216K)

>NP1 dog
>At lvl 70 she does 30k damage to casters

Attached: 1519871497250.jpg (850x1093, 174K)

This is the least worst one.

Attached: 1503860533424.png (1181x1181, 293K)

Fuck off what Mash said

I fucking love Liz

Attached: lizlizlizliz.png (643x644, 852K)


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pls report other threads

bro I thought you would do it....

She's clearly my dog.

Attached: 1520480375448.jpg (1200x1800, 757K)

I better not see any phoneposting in here

From hell.

Mr Lusk,
I send you half the Kidne I took from one woman prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise. I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer
Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk

Attached: jack_yay.png (172x176, 19K)

I did


Attached: LIZ.png (400x400, 195K)

you're all niggers and i hate you

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Is there a single poster more powerful than the willy poster?


Attached: 1519930374634.png (1080x1536, 1.13M)

>americans return from daily school shooting
>thread immediately goes to horseshit

There is not A SINGLE post in this entire thread actually related to FGO

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Attached: 1504056882608.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Yours ain't either. You could have at least used a related reaction but you went with 3DPD Oscar.

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Attached: crippling depression.png (1253x890, 752K)

It's 2 PM on the east coast, I assure you no American school has let out yet.

In light of recent events, let's all take a moment to show appreciation for the regend himself.

Attached: FGO Kojiro Looking Down.jpg (600x338, 27K)

That's clearly my childhood friend who is also my imouto also my samurai retainer also my subordinate general also my dog who i have casual unprotected sex with

Fellas, calm down. Let's all be civilized and talk about FGO. Let's talk about the current eve

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>eurotrash trying to shift the shitpost blame to burgers

Attached: 1519943829053.jpg (640x536, 54K)

>begging for money to get his waifu
He doesn’t deserve Jannu Alter

>lizfags only show up to make new threads and spam them to the top
kill yourself.

Attached: shiki.jpg (681x590, 40K)

Had to burn Astolfo once I realized all my female servants were getting PINKED.

Pink mentalism is real.

3rd skill when!

Attached: 1548a8757954670c7ce0e6e3142e1731.jpg (800x640, 70K)

fuck off footnigger

Real Soon

Attached: 1520702704883.jpg (556x1000, 502K)

>said he used all his quartz on Umu Bride

>25 more minutes until the 15AP fucks me over and gives me monuments again

thanks for the bump faggot

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Carmilla is the strongest

Attached: 607F3CB0-A57D-43E9-8C59-DA53075D5014.png (1334x750, 2.02M)

>tamed by Martha
>villagers kill him out of fear
>is thrown by Martha at random enemies in FGO
Poor turtle.

Dragons are niggers

>Carlsbad, CA
Explain this Caliniggers.


I seriously hope he comes to me even though I have a pathetic quartz hoard

>footniggers and /fgog/ btfo

>fgog got caught in the crossfire again

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I’m going to do something real sinister to this thread

Attached: 60E727F6-3FC2-4248-9E67-49F9DBD68913.jpg (1011x938, 227K)

fuck off already willyphoneposter

Attached: IMG_20180310_113003.jpg (1282x1920, 162K)

He’s one of those fags who has more than one waifu

G-gomen onii-chan

Attached: 1496801194037.png (480x480, 313K)

>Carlsbad is the 5th richest city in the state of California with a median household income close to $105,000

Hands off the quartz, Banana.
I need them for Shuten


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Well he's supposed to be half Leviathan, and half shit spraying monster related to the Behemoth, so he was probably easy to hate

It was all worth it in the end

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>mentally ill
and nobody was surprised

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Thank you my Goddess!

Attached: image.png (1280x800, 1.42M)

bro...did you just phonepost in /alter/...

jalter love?

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Jalter Love!

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Isn’t everyone phone posting?
It’s a mobile game

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I thought you were my banana buddy?

True, but at that point he already wouldn't hurt anyone. Atleast Martha gave a hard enough scolding that the villagers changed their name to Tarascon and celebrate him once every year with a festival.


I am phoneposting right now!! Liz Love!

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Technically you can't post here with your phone while playing the game.

bros...if the shitposting is this bad already...what's gonna happen during the stream...

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Prepare to have this played when the stream starts:

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Gorgon Love!

Attached: DShrCdKVoAASo_1.jpg (252x219, 18K)

*catches your loli*
nothing personal demon...

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oh god i just realized this must be how everyone else feels when i'm mhxposting

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I think Veeky Forums will explode again

MHX Love!!

Attached: Screenshot_20180311-180116.png (2560x1440, 2.17M)

Fluffy pharaoh!

5 facts about Alter Jannu!
1. Alter Jannu is cute!
2. Alter Jannu is my wife!
3. Alter Jannu has smelly feets!
4. Alter Jannu is not reddit!
5. J/alter/!

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Redman love!

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that is a very cute liz

Attached: liz-kiyo1.jpg (1024x1280, 882K)

she's such a good girl

Attached: mhx topdown.jpg (564x778, 66K)

No, only Lizniggers are annoying on this level


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Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty, Mordred and who?

Anyone got pregnant servant pics? The good kind

Hayai Historically Accurate Jii-san of many agility and arts memes; the slayer of Jetkeks.


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Stop saying XXX Love!

Attached: 18eddf1ad3f003d86502744db2dd98f3.jpg (400x400, 217K)

Jesus I want her to choke me to death with her thighs

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>John Reddit

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Shut up Alice, nobody loves you