/d2g/ - Dota 2 General (Plus)

Minor Patch: dota2.com/news/updates/37719/ (7.10)
Most Recent Update: dota2.com/news/updates
Developer Forum, Suggestions & Bug Reports: dev.dota2.com
New Players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide
New Players (non-poor): dota2.com/plus
New Players (League Refugee Edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com
Blog: blog.dota2.com
Lore: dota2.gamepedia.com/Lore
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Guides2: dota2.gamepedia.com/Guides
Cosmetic Simulator: dotaloadout.com
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 Analysis: datdota.com
Personal Statistics: dotabuff.com
Personal Statistics2: opendota.com
Personal Statistics3: stratz.com (beta)
Hero Stats, DPS Calculator & Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

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i bought 4 dota plus subscriptions

the learning curve is too steep, either theyll play long enough to want to know all this information or they wont

>minor patch

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Remember when compendium had really nice, thoughtful rare items, no gay quests ruining your games, special items only for those who supported TI that year, actual huge stretch goals that the whole community got together to achieve for everyone and made Valve filthy rich, and earning battle points just for playing some good old fashioned Dota?


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there is only so much a person can take, majority of players are already playing dota just because of habit, but if they keep making shit marketing decisions to fuck up the game even more people will leave and never look back

who else /priorityqueue/ here?

based crusader elder titan offlane chad

suggest 1 (one) new feature that gulagitess won't be apeshit mad about

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ill buy an entire year of dota plus if you can justify what little work valve does on dota 2 in the first place

because if you honestly believe that they're going to start doing even more work on the game you are the goyest of goys


this website absolutely sucks. it pretty much always recommends pl and ck without fail even though they cannot possibly always be the best pick.

i for one am grateful that overlord gabe has provided for us a superior draft helper. :)


ah yes the biggest anti climax ending in dota history. how could i forget

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Selling points from literally lootboxes was the most jew thing ever. Not to mention seeing whales with lvl 900 compendiums in 2k mmr.

>there are 3 threads
but why?

my number one fan!

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loli pugna

I want to move to league but the piece of shit just won't finish installing/updating no matter what

so I guess I'm stuck with dota forever

brb buying plus

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Ourguy clq is streaming!

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There's only one choice then

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We alive gaem

P2W synthetic sharpness subordinate

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rolling back to a good patch


ah yes

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woa... you are really good.... how ?

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>want to buy plus
>its equivalent to $17 in my country
>tfw poor

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>no u

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The Dota Plus reaction has me aggravated.

Valve delivers a cool featureset. Gives it a reasonable price.

And then the shithead P2W circlejerk dreadnaught takes off.

Godamn you people.

what hero is that kek




What do our ecelebs think of dota plus? It's the only thing that matters to me and I will adopt whatever their view is.

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it's only 4 bucks

i for one love i

4 bucks a month to get your game to the next level

this isn't p2w

it's p2nextlevel

stack hard camp and get bonus damage with spirit
hit people for 200+ at lvl1

stupid anime

why the fuck do these monkeys on USEast act exactly like you would expect some degenerate off d2g to act - fucking nonstop calling gg and crying about every little detail instead of putting that energy into winning

oh and my second game in and i lost because my mid player picked huskar because dotaplus told him to and he got dumpstered vs od

/d2g/ plus users only thread when

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he is literal crusader
could go mid et rushing bfury and easily still win

only thirdies and chinks play on USE

>not stacking the hard camp, small camp, and medium camp on dire safelane at the same time

step your game up

>good patch
which is?..

>cool features
>p2w/p2be dumb
>bunch of stolen shit from less successful games (but for a subscription LOL)
>reasonable price for what should be free

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>tfw dota plus is reverse pay 2 win, by filtering the brainlets that can't think critically/analytically and have to have others make their choices for them

the riot shills are go absolutely bonkers with the p2w meme aren't they

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we are data driven dota now
brainlet homebrew build should get out

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medium and easy can be farmed early by enemy

expect dotards cant even agree on which patch was good

Listen to me, and I'm being serious here.

Western Gamers are trash. They have the best of the best, but also the worst of the worst. With absolutely no quality control. So any particular handful of westerners is only guaranteed to be shitgarbage.

I LIKE when I'm on a team of only BR's or Russians. You know what I do? I communicate with pings and clicks, as t hey are a universal language and I can still communicate perfectly well with my teammates.

Not one time ever has typing words in the chat bar led to a better game experience, just don't engage with them at all ever.

I live in Central U.S. so I play with Western players all the time. It is no better of a hell.

>tfw 4$ is equivalent to 1 month of slavery here
do i buy dota plus, or do i buy food


everyone agrees the game was better before 7.0 and before the rubberband, so what are you talking about?


I wish, every asian I've met is some poo-skinned pajeet.

The game was perfect at 3.0

>tfw my LAN friends told me to buy plus because I am a dumb noob

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7.08 was the best patch retard

most of them will be neutral about it, or rather appear so but deep down they will hate it as they see a game they commit to and live for get worse and worse every single day.

you mean the FREE win for dire patch

USW has been infested with pinoys and aussies, for ages

also everyone agrees that TI4 finals were worst and memeback was introduced to fix that

it would be nice if there was not a "buy dotaplus" text every time i click on something.

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>pay to win

More like pay to lose lmao. Go see your youtube recommended videos, that's the power of machine learning. The same flawed technology will suggest you items.

>false flagging valve drone

If you think dotaplus is pay to win, you should buy it and prove that it works with 95% winrate.

well i guess its time to move to fortnite
ty for all the shitpost here lads

just buy it then it's only 4 bucks dude

told you dotards cant agree


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>New Players (non-poor): dota2.com/plus

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I dont think ecelebs even play dota. The most popular dota2 streams hardly play dota2 most of the time.

> tfw watched one dota video 3 years ago and now your feed is full of dotacancer

4 dollars is like 12-14 soles. even a fucking school kid can get this much money in 1 or 2 days

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You'll be back

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not with 5 stacks

thats right, dota streamers have pretty muched ceased to exist. no one streams anymore and the only streamers left play other games in addition to dota which they never used to do

>el venezolANO


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The Plus Assistant features are actually really nice. The stupid part is that there's absolutely no reason these features should be gated behind a paywall. Item builds hardly actually matter, but it's convenient nonetheless for shitters and those who do not play enough to follow the latest meta item builds. The hero counters seem maybe a bit broken though, because I'm quite sure no player below 5k has any idea how to even counter like 75% of the hero pool.
All of the other bullshit is fine, and consistent with what Valve has done with the past, but Plus Assistant is literally blocking core features of the game for no reason.

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yeah, good luck stacking that without some aoe slow or kunkka

Why havent you bought dota+?

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Why is DOTA PLUS locked behind a paywall when it can help only for new players who wouldn't pay for it in the first place?

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damn that was a good post
i wish i was there to greentext "this level of projection" at him

The game coordinator is down.

The per-hero stats that already exist seem to have been wiped.

The client is filled with fucking advertisements to a subscription-based service.

It's over guys.

Good feature.

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because fuck you pay me

look at her left knee

This, but unironically.

>I expect day one tech launches of anything ever to work 100% smoothly.

This isn't even valvedroning. Our tech infrastructure is held up on dreams and duct tape, it's a miracle it works at all. Every single large scale software deployment should be a trainwreck. It's fantastic if its only mildly annoying.

If it was like a $40 one-off payment, I'd probably buy it desu. But not as a subscription, that shit's aids.

>the venezuela spammer is back on queue to defend valve again as he does every day
is he being paid for this?

I will wait a week to buy jewplus
Since reddit is crying about muh p2w it will likely get changed during this week to please the upvoted comments.

Considering each set is 75k shards, valve expects you to spend a month or 2 doing it, so the question remains, what about the remaining 10 months?
Will they add content each month?

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>be new
>spend last 3 days studying items, builds, heroes and the metagame before I play my first game in ranked
>dota+ introduced today

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it gives nothing beside the exclusive sets

>monthly content

name a single time valve has ever done this

Leave while you still can

Skeleton king.