/4ccg/ - no /an/ime edition

prev: >Wiki

>Stuff you need to read:

>Where can I watch the cup
smashcast.tv/the4____cup or the wiki front page


>Anthems and Goalhorns

>Archived games:

>Event Calendar:

>Upcoming memevitational(s)

>PES 17 Info:

>PES 18


Attached: anime getting run over by live animals.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for no anime.


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I'll never get over Accel's little shuffle to the left to let Kei-tai dribble the ball in

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fuk dag

fuk ramen

9th for /co/ winning summer

>thought for sure this was Namori
>iqdb search says it's not Namori

I've been bamboozled

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>page 9

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I want to cum in a cute boy.


Where the fuck are the auties?

There is literally nothing wrong with hand holding.

It's perfectly fine when done by a married couple in the privacy of their home.

Fucking disgusting, get out of my 4chins you degenerate

How fucking dare you say that on our Christian board

Why do we have so many retarded weebs on /aesco/, but only a couple of mentally sound lads?

VGL friendlies when?

>mentally sound lads
That are also weebs.

weebs run this shit

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Stop posting your noname buttbuddy, discord autist.

>it’s another episode of /4ccg/ becoming autistic and bitching about /aesco/

If you think it’s shit, then become an aesthetics person. That’s on you nigga

Hear my plight, for it is not aimed at /aesco/ as a structure, but at the mentally deficient anime autists.

>anime is the problem

You go on an anime site for fucks sake. You don’t expect people to be autistic here anyway?

>this tired "anime website" meme again
Doesn't even warrant a (You).

Attached: complaining about anime on an anime site.jpg (600x450, 61K)

Hello r*ddit

>"hello, reddit" he desperately cries, oblivious to the fact that there are people that dislike anime AND don't go to plebbit

>he replies said quote, but to no avail he cries away, knowing that he’s an outcast on this massive site.

you're both dumb, stop posting

>doesn't like anime
>goes to an anime website

> nothing wrong with hand holding.
You sick, twisted, fuck.

>anime website
It has an anime section, but it's not an anime website. And don't resort to posting screenshots of a person who frequently contradicted himself.

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because Veeky Forums

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>I wanna discuss sports and post women with big butts
>the bulletin board structurally identical to a Japanese image board website founded by a weeaboo and run by a person that doesn't speak a single phrase of proper English should suffice my needs

>structure of a website should somehow influence the type of content that gets posted on it

and yet you still act surprised when there's anime

Hi Roo.

>mob mentality
>anti authoritarian
>generally unwanted
>contribute nothing
is /sp/ Veeky Forums's antifa?

>/sp/ is anti authoritarian
What did this anime autist mean by this?

Where the absolute FUCK are the auties? They were supposed to be done by Sunday!


Reminder that /a/ and /sp/ are just tsundere and don't know how to express their love for each other

>anti authoritarian
wew lad, and that's /pol/ anyway.
He does it for free

That's not politics though. Authoritarian is a political term, while janny is an anime autist on a non-anime website

They will this spring

Can we please rig /a/ and /sp/ in one group? It's time.

>t. /sp/

>non-anime website
And why should those websites matter here?

/a/ will beat /sp/ like every time they meet

>waaah Veeky Forums is an anime website
Janny pls.
But /a/ is shit now, though.

user ...

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bracket Scandal

>But /a/ is shit now, though
Yet they've finished higher than /spee/ in their last 2 cups together, so /spee/ is even more shit?.

>implying consistency
>implying /sp/ isn't even worse shit

check the fucking match history

>the weak should fear the strong

Why do westcucks like to think their opinion matters?

Shit lets talk about the 4CC core dead team interest poll!

Results: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffMIo6Xl5Blp0sK5IfxP__hZJ1F56wGjHpvBuZ_lKcTlDhSQ/viewanalytics

New Teams Actively Seeking Approval
33 (72% wanted) /aco/ - Adult Cartoons
24 (52% wanted) /bant/ - International/Random
23 (50% wanted) /qst/ - Quests

All three new teams most likely to become liv seem to enjoy pretty broad support for existing. Now keep in mind that this poll might have gotten passed around their boards but hey, you're 4CC core no matter where you are if you give enough of a fuck to vote!

Supported Dead Teams
23 (50% wanted) /3/ - 3DCG
21 (46% wanted) /t/ - Torrents
20 (44% wanted) /cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
19 (41% wanted) /adv/ - Advice
16 (35% wanted) /diy/ - Do-It-Yourself
14 (31% wanted) /gif/ - Adult GIF
14 (31% wanted) /w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

People really want to see Ratboy again, this result was really striking.
Also free my nigga /t/!

Supported New Teams
20 (44% wanted) /trash/ - Off-Topic
16 (35% wanted) /qa/ - Question & Answer
16 (35% wanted) /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests


The Zone Of Comparative Irrelevance and Memes
12 (26% wanted) /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women
10 (22% wanted) /vip/ - Very Important Posts
9 (20% wanted) /hm/ Handsome Men
9 (20% wanted) /ic/ - Artwork/Critique
9 (20% wanted) /j/ - Janitor & Moderator Discussion
5 (11% wanted) /hr/ - High Resolution
5 (11% wanted) /news/ - Current News
5 (11% wanted) /r/ - Adult Requests
3 (7% wanted) /hc/ - Hardcore

If you're not a blue board and never had a team you weren't shown much sympathy. Other signs of low support were teams that had concepts hard to build players around and also total memeshit I added to the poll just because I could.

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Flipbot Tech is still sifting through 170 votes to stamp out everyone who even glanced at voting for /mlp/ for something, rig it so that /vp/ and Veeky Forums both somehow win Winter auties, and generally be a bigger cuck than Tony and Anthony Burch combined. It's a pretty long process, please understand. That or he's a lazy fuck who doesn't even remember that he's making auties polls now. Probably that one. But I genuinely wouldn't rule out some /mlp/ memesters getting their votes thrown right into the trash, it's happened before.

don't forget hypocrisy and blind actionism

>/w/ support above 20%
NOT MY /4ccg/

the net result of this poll is I was reminded that /hr/ and /hc/ are actual boards






>when you realize almost everybody in /aesco/ watches anime
lmao the weeb state of /aesco/

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porn board never won a cup before


Still hasn't.


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if you want pes 18 any time soon you start watching anime aswell

Watching anime gives you aesthetics powers

>implying culling the /aesco/ is not the morally and rationally superior choice
I'm now fully convinced we should ditch the circlejerk of anime autists and move ahead.

Define 'porn board'

The 'anime autists' are the ones doing the moving ahead. Without them there'll be nobody to move and nwhere to move.

>getting triggered over anime in Veeky Forums
>the absolute state of /sp/

You don't seem to get me, weeb. I'm saying we should ditch the aesthetics made by anime autists and move forward to PES18, since it's available.

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it's board where you can post porn, duh

At the risk of taking the bait, I decided to go through each board's catalog to see if I could find at least one anime OP each.
Almost every board has (or had until minutes ago) at least one anime thread EXCEPT:
/an/ /sp/ /asp/ Veeky Forums /p/ /mu/ Veeky Forums /diy/ /news/ /s/
Didn't check but I'm sure they had none: /hc/ /hm/

Even boards which you would expect (as a crossboarder) to have zero anime but did actually turn out to have at least one anime thread:
/co/ /tv/ /gd/ /trv/ Veeky Forums /soc/ /hr/ /aco/

Other notes:
Veeky Forums is literally just financial /r9k/
/mlp/ didn't contain any actual anime but still had some anime-styled art

In the "non-anime" boards where you would expect some people to be mad at anime (if this thread is any indication) I only found a few instances total on boards which were expected to have little to no anime one of which was somebody calling out OP for admitting to have sucked dick thanks /k/
Somehow I don't think I can believe most of this site is as anti-anime as some of you fags think it is. Most people seem to understand where the fuck they are on the internet.
What could be happening is that all the dumb /sp/ and /tv/ fags leave their homeboards and find more anime than they are used to (read: any amount at all) and feel the need to cry and shitpost about it since that's all they fucking do.

You know what I did see far more often than not? Fucking Wojaks and Pepes. I'd cut my dick off if you were able to find a wojak/pepe thread that wasn't an awful shitpost. Why do people not complain about that shit as much as they do about the dreaded cancerous anime they love to complain so much about? Is it because everybody already agrees that its shit? Maybe if you're so tolerant to literal irredeemable garbage posting then you ought to shut the fuck up about the weebs who happen not to be shoving it down your throat fucking constantly.

Bait-taker out.

>/myboard/ is on the first list of the post
Feels good being not being a juvenile autist.

I merely checked each board on the front page starting with the top of the leftmost column

>playing with PLACEHOLDERS
>catering to esportsfags

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hmmm fresh pasta

>on the first list
>first on the list
excuse my reading comprehension failure

Why must everyone feel like it’s necessary to say “anime is shit” yet don’t bitch about frogs and wojaks?

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>/s/ will return and destroy the weeb menace

>/u/ isn't a porn board
There is nowhere near as much as there used to be, but there are still explicit threads. Unless of course you don't count cartoon girls as porn

>go to 4cc discord (implying that's not infested by anime fucking shits as well)
>find out there's already a nigga getting triggered

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>would rather have Wojaks and Pepes
>not being a juvenile autist
Yes. Quite.

>inventing things
Where did I ever mention wojaks and pepes?

> bitch about frogs and wojaks?
But I do

>(implying that's not infested by anime fucking shits as well)
I wonder why that is

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