/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Last thread:

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15 minutes, did you make it?


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Who else /fodderbanner/ here?

Attached: 2018-03-12_17.42.52.jpg (1422x2527, 2M)

This is the shittiest thread I've seen in a while


When are we finally going to get a flying and armored staff?

Post the biggest, thiccest Fire Emblem butts you've got please.

Attached: 1514456459153.jpg (600x800, 93K)

On time

No thanks.

Here you go

Attached: tsunbooty.jpg (2508x1697, 832K)

I want to marry Micaiah!


Attached: Screenshot_20180312-184945.png (1080x2220, 1.47M)

link full

Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with her! Seeing her pretty smile fills me with joy! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! She is perfect in every single way to me! I love Felicia!

Attached: Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg (1135x637, 125K)

I adjusted the calendar for ET so hopefully less people are confused with the dates this time around. It's a bit rough around the edges since I didn't find the japanese calendar, so please bear with it.

Attached: FEH_March2018(ET).png (598x780, 519K)

Attached: dea65bcec2002182319fbc5ebe3d1cab.jpg (715x1000, 239K)

Have you decided upon what team you'll be running for the Tempest?

Attached: tempestteam.jpg (396x93, 29K)

Awakening maps got moved to the 29th or something

Rubbing cock on toes and finishing inside boots

Attached: Full_Portrait_Athena.png (1600x1920, 2.11M)


Attached: 1511947587651.jpg (740x753, 61K)

Lucina is ____

Olivia, Cherche, Hinoka, a healer?

Problem is, I need to be able to reliably fight Grima.

what the fuck is this

Attached: 9519B5E6-A5AF-4A7A-A611-0AA97ACD5773.jpg (441x326, 140K)

Micaiah's branded legs.

Got all I needed the other day, based color memes

Attached: Screenshot_20180311-123429~01.png (1440x1103, 1.39M)

Can someone post next season's bonus units?

Attached: 1494639722382.jpg (700x700, 109K)

It seems like it was simply removed, so just ignore it.

Seriously, those knots would get loosened every time she bends her knees.

Cherche Crumb Morgan and healer. Still deciding which imouto to bring my Elise is already max HM.

Attached: Screenshot_20180312-185527.png (1080x2220, 2.23M)

New thread, new resolve!

Attached: 898px-Full_Special_Azura_(Happy_New_Year!).png (898x1024, 998K)

She got really tired of her boots slipping off

Christ, I wish my opponents ran teams like that.

>9976 rank for AA
Christy that's close, but hopefully safe now.


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On-time thread

I wonder if she ever plays Hanetsuki while flying.

Attached: air rally.jpg (832x456, 48K)

0.1mb update
What is it?

I made it back into tier 20, but that's never difficult for me. My Hinoka is unmerged so I'm probably going to drop again next week.

Also can't seem to 5k(in points or ranking) in Arena Assault anymore, so I'm stuck in the +19 goodies range.

I'm half considering tossing male Morgan a basic blade tome for dealing with Grima since I have enough 4* Tharjas with shitty IVs


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No idea if this is good or not.

Attached: IMG_3222[1].png (750x1334, 1.7M)

To change the rollout of the Awakening Warriors maps because they don't actually know when the DLC is supposed to come out.

I'm going to try out the F2P team and see how that goes. I might have to slip in Maskcina or Genny since none of them are healers though.

No thanks. (2)

That's my daughter

>Oh wow what a cool new unit! Can't wait to try them out!
>1 week later
>Hone X/Default if infantry
>1 week later



Attached: uOVUfOq.jpg (1123x1573, 244K)

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Imagine pumping Genny's shit hole full of your thick semen as she makes beeping noises.

Attached: 1505782899251.jpg (955x1024, 75K)


>early Nanna thread was deleted
>Reinhardt thread was deleted
Do the mods hate Thracia or something?

>no arena awards


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>The Reddit "mmm cummmmies" early thread won
So this ... is the power ... of nu/feg/

>last thread was posted at exactly 750
>gets deleted for mommyfags thread
Epik moderation

Mommy cummies...Epik

both threads were reddit don't kid yourself

>TFW cucked someone out of their 5000th place at the last second

Attached: AAAAASSAULT.png (716x1219, 1.18M)

Uh, I didn’t get any arena awards?

If the FE4 Remake has an MU, how many of you would unironically marry this big lug?

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It's weird to think that Lucius is probably nearing 30.


so this is the power of Cumilla cummies... epik

shit, that means you got arena banned

Well this gives me a good reason to go out for a bit

It takes ten minutes

Heroes art book coming out


True orb drought.

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why roll for pngs when you can buy them all at once?

/ourgirl/ will be back soon.

Attached: cute seth.png (550x777, 420K)

I would marry him to Tailtyu again. Vantage tanky as fuck Arthur was funny, even if his magic suffered for it

>mods enable early threads
kys you don't deserve any hotpockets faggots

>Pure Joy

Attached: 66544831_p1.jpg (898x763, 515K)

>Final rank was 9996
Haha /madeit/, the score cut-off was 4932 this week btw.

What, and Reddithardt was better? This is simply the lesser of two evils.

Look at her! She knows what she's doing, leading me away to a quiet place so that I can take advantage of her to sate her lust!

>Cumilla thread ten posts early
>Reinhardt was exactly on time
>Cumilla wins
I wonder what convinced the mods

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the mods are doing what they're supposed to do.
it just happens that the earlythreadposters are also jugdralposters.

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This is why I want to try something new. In maybe 3 hours I'll try to get you guys to choose which units I'll use for my main team. I'm getting tired of DC on everything.

This are the best seasonals of the game prove wrong

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I will if I ever play as a girl for some reason. I plan on marrying Briggid.

Wonder how many volumes it'll have due to the uncertain amount of time Heroes will last.

>click on Arena
>no orbs & feathers rewards
>Arena is closed

Reinhardtfags are more obnoxious than Camillafags desu

i gave eliwood his valentine alt's eyes

Attached: Eyeliwood.png (1600x1920, 2.88M)

Only Ririna is good.

Shouldnt have cheated

>the lesser evil when compared to anything that isn't Peri or Corrin
Who do you think you're kidding, user?

Attached: (lolanna.png (1082x946, 840K)

Oyakodon when?

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Attached: celica_razing_the_night____fireemblem_fanart__by_embernaga-dbxd9sq.png (1400x1500, 2.68M)

Fuck those are adorable

>using pedo logic

Oho, fellow brother.

>Because the battle lasted past the end of the season, the results were not counted.
No! I was so, so close! That must have been but seconds away from success! No!

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I regret not going for Lyn. Her art wasn't perfect but it sure woke up some nostalgia within me.