/owg/ - Overwatch General

>Brigitte, a hybrid support / tank hero, is now on the PTR
[YouTube] Developer Update | Introducing Brigitte | Overwatch (embed)
[YouTube] [NEW HERO – COMING SOON] Brigitte Origin Story | Overwatch (embed)

>also, everybody gets a free StarCraft-themed Widowmaker skin
>simply log in to Overwatch between now and April 3rd to unlock it

>Latest PC patch notes

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks, and basics
pastebin.com/Qf2AKa8R (embed)

>Hero item checklists for all events

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why bother if you can't even copy links right?

Here comes T.Racer!

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>Comic Sans MS

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Yo, I know I fucked up. I switched browsers today and forgot to disable something.

nth for /owg/ league

>Blizzard doesn't write good love stori-

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would you fuck a woomy, /owg/?

My heart, user. his roboboipussi is barely covered.


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He's the only non-asian cute boi left in the league.


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so they want to release cocco/taimou but not seagull? the guy who has had all his niches filled and does nothing?

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>OWL is actively selling people

jesus christ kaplan is a warlord

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Seagull's got one niche no-one has covered yet.

Making dank settings videos.

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if brigitte doesn't fix dive im uninstalling

there's also a best skin edition

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Play something other than comp you dumbass

She'll make it worse, user. Mark my words


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Why is girl love so cute?

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Maybe they've been training him on shit. He hasn't streamed or anything in a long time so maybe he's been dedicated.

Because you're a nerd that knows nothing about lesbians and fantasies about it

i tried too hard in QP and now my hidden MMR is too high to be any fun. FFA is the only part of the game that is still fun but it's dominated by mcleftclick

Which OW Contenders team are you rooting for?
>Gladiators Legion and Last Night's Leftovers

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Because 2d girls are really cute

He's been learning D.VA. To try and fill Mickie's gap.

I read a pretty good Lena x Amélie fanfic a few months back and started liking this pairing. I think it's the fact that their personalities are polar opposites or something.


>Brigitte makes it nearly impossible to kill anybody now without instant big damage
Wonderful game, Blizzard.

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QP MMR is busted. I'm a shitter but if I play one good game in QP my next 10 games get filled with masters and above so I just get repeatedly stomped until I finally get back to my real MMR and then the process repeats.

make mercy a black man

Shitty copycat R76 ship surviving on shitty OOC interpretations of the characters.. And it will never be canon.

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lol what, she has less hp/s than Mercy

Play better

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It's short for "relationship"

/our cuck/ Kragie can make it to owl.

You take those things way too seriously

>You'll never style on someone you dislike the way Moira does by making sex slave clones of them that will mock the original for being "free" when their master gives them infinite orgasms every night

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What does that have to do with capturing points or escorting things?

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Could you please not post Jack with the man that betrayed him? Thanks.

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>fujo gets assmad at any pairing with female characters and has to attention-whore their own ship when it wasn't mentioned at all
Sounds about right

>tfw cocco is growing an unemployment beard already
How can we save him?

guys how do i generate the most agro with rien?

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>too seriously
I was just stating a fact. You replied after all.

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>exposed navel

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who here wants to bet that Young And Beautiful aren't beautiful players at all?
That said, I'm rooting for them.

He replied to me. Or did you decide to ignore that to push your baseless agenda? Pretty funny. Why do you want to inject fujo reasoning into everything? That desperate to find a reason to hate R76?

You're beautiful.

I love Dr. Junkenstein and want to hold him in my arms telling him everything is going to be okay!

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Swing away while pocketed by an Ana/Zarya

thanks user. You too

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Brigitte live in 30 minutes?

So accepting

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Not happening, maybe tomorrow.

I have spent some time thinking about the /owg/ league and how it should function. Going to rip this idea straight from the league of another game I used to play but it should work.

Players register using their battlenet names. State what role(s) they want to play, timezone and little bit about themselves. Need to make sure their accounts are linked to overbuff so their stats are available for people to see. A list is compiled with all this information.

Each team has a captain/manager. Each team starts with X number of credits. Credits can be used to bid on players at the start of the league. Bidding should be one live event between all the captains and/or managers. Example: bidding for a gm player there might be multiple bids. Credits can be used to trade for players during the season. Possibility of a mid season draft/bidding event for players who missed out on the start. You can purchase as many players as you want so a bronze only team could have a bunch of players.

Weekly games between teams in the exact same style as owl. So you can have a lineup of many people for different maps. Match time scheduled between teams to suit their own availability.The first season should have each team face each other once. Playoffs based on top X standings.

This is still a rough idea. I have no idea how many people would want to participate and what their rankings are. Basically I want this credit/bidding system to avoid some full gm team from stomping on everyone. I already know of some problems that would occur. Ping issues between NA and EU players. Solution is maybe separating both. There could be smurf problems as well as multiple account problems. Anyways tell me what you think.

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when does brigitte go live?

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The future of gaming

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As soon as I can get her to put on some clothes and get out of my apartment.

I'd do it, just bought a fresh smurf too

>women now invading videogames

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There is a problem with linking previous stats though. I'm going to guarantee you there are people who are really rusty in this general. That haven't played in a while and overbuff isn't reflective of their actual skill. If that's how you want players to advertise themselves you should require that they've played recently. And a good amount of matches too.


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This is why korean esports will always be superior

Will overwatch achieve this amount of fast? youtube.com/watch?v=GAEOiIF8Piw

Stop posting that picture

I find it so bizarre people actually like this stupid rocket jumping stuff.

But gooks are soulless killing machines with no personality!

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I'm interested, but maybe keep it simple to start off? You in the /owg/ bnet group? We could coordinate stuff there

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So how do you kill Tracer as Doomfist?
DANTE MUST DIE MODE: Without going to spawn and pressing H

>dropped 400 SR
Am I in hell?

punch her

>ywn spend some intimate time with Moira

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I bet you think it's dangerous. Fucking Pharafag youtube.com/watch?v=kfT9_SJK1e8

Suicide and press H

Remember that you don't have to fully charge your punch

Your best bet is catching her after a blink, most of them will eat you alive though

Only if it was retard proof and didn't become the "correct" way to play. That's how Blizzard determines what mechanics get to stay and which ones have to go.

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I want to be one of Moira's dogs!

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god i hate moira players

they never heal

I want to be the other one then

Blink or catch her recall, or using your supports as bait

I've never died to a doomfist once he's revealed himself but I've always died to a doomfist out of nowhere when I try and one clip someone from a flank

Literally Genji, Moira and Doomfist all have animation cancels that haven't been removed- these cancels make them much more powerful. Doomfist would be worthless without his spacepunch.

>never heal
Wrong. I play Moira and I always focus on heals before anything else.

Nonsense, they heal themselves ;)

why do we keep getting the worst OP images in all of Veeky Forums?

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I think it's stupid and unbalanced.

I like them

n o

why the fuck didn't you tell me xQc went live?


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Hey anons, do you know what time is it?

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This is overwatch general not random twitch faggot general.

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you like taking screens of places in game we have all seen a million times a day putting them is MS paint, jacking up the saturation and adding the title? your tase is below waifu shitters.