Hey crypto fags, there is a Telegram group that posts up pumps that are happening in real time. This is a new group they made but I've made a couple hundred bucks from them and I wanted to share this gift.
Hey crypto fags, there is a Telegram group that posts up pumps that are happening in real time...
Yo this might be BIG
Joined. They seem like they know what they are doing.
Looks good
you are all fags kill yourself
behave yourself, the telegram is full of experienced crypto pumpers and whales. Join for the gains or just leave u cuck
It's still growing
This is being shilled on here and on poloniex. I joined your shitty fucking group and I'll watch. If this is legit I'll hit it up next pump. DOn't be fags.
Just watch, you'll see man
get ready to make some great gains u fuggut
It's growing so fast bois
nigga please
isnt it amazing ?
definitely worth checking out.
>tonight on Polo
>I'm on Bittrex
Well shit.
>on bittrex
litecoin that shit to polo
Can't, Polo locked out my state.
>tfw I still have BTC trapped on the site because Polo apparently only has one guy handling all the support tickets
Already 83 members, this is getting BIG boys :D
Just hoppe don the train. Pumped to make some extra cash along the side!
Agreeing with you here, its made me some money already too
I imagine most of us are poorfags. How much can the lot of us actually pump a coin?
How'd it go
Use TOR you mong.
You guys utterly failed in planning your first pump, now you have a bunch of new gullible retards. I just watched, and was astounded by how poorly planned the pump was. Enjoy losing your money again.
Why you gotta be a cuck
What do you mean? This is Veeky Forums. You subhumans can't make money, so I reserve the right to laugh at you. Ask them about their first pump and how many people left, those still there are STILL holding bags lmao.
Wtf is this a one-time-use group? Will there be another one?
These guys are so fucking bad, what a waste of time