/lzg/ - Lab Zero General (Skullgirls and Indivisible)

Bold Princess edition

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>bold princess edition #3

Attached: 1514554652896.jpg (501x368, 37K)

We need to start removing this bold princess thing in the OP. Its like we copy-pasta too fast

>Bold Princess edition

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I don't know why you guys obsessed with the bold princess enough to put her in the op of the last three threads.
Because her design is boring.

thanks for that hot opinion my nig

you're welcome, friend!

>Because her design is boring.
you are boring

"takes one to know one"

you have a problem with her boldness?

Attached: 1519426270943.png (830x1200, 551K)

Not debu enough.

Attached: 330.png (1125x1500, 1.22M)

I like filias thick eyebrows

those are samson

I just noticed Irvin looks like Adam Driver

Attached: sample_78e23fc776f9d7c5158bfaeeb6dcdc71.jpg (850x538, 305K)

I like Filia's thicc butt.

Attached: 185749384759.png (414x372, 170K)

Needs more shit and piss stains.


Attached: disgusted-clint-eastwood.gif (240x228, 858K)

Maybe a bit of blood too.

>Bold Princess edition
>unupdated OP

you tried

Attached: 1377815192117.png (263x471, 105K)

valfags amirite

Yeah guys, it's not a race, make sure you get the actual updates in there like

More informatic newsposts

I'm fine with Parasoul's boldness, but the OP is Valentine, not Parasoul. Just saying.

they're the same person, ain't they?
just what with a different hair color, right

perhaps valentine is OP's princess

Which Indivisible would make a good guest character in Smash Bros. on Switch?

Ajna of course. She gets all the toys.

Dhar, need more anime swordsmen

I've been seeing this guy's article brought up recently, where he's basically saying that the FGC should rethink what it generally considers as "fundamentals"

SF skills being regarded higher than NRS skills is kind of his main point of contention, but people have brought up other games like Marvel in the discussion as well.

What do you guys think? What fundamentals do you think are gained from playing Skullgirls? We're starting to see players that began with SG branch out into different games and doing all right, so they must have picked up on something.

I wonder how Skullgirls is doing in Japan

Do Dagonians eat fish?

No, they eat sushi

how can they afford that?

Just made this
Is this correct? How does Painwheel even work

Attached: BE62C453-23D8-43BB-A0DD-B4E8527B2D15.jpg (720x842, 442K)

kinda just makes me want to see some big titty carols.

Actually shit you’re right
JADF pls?

Replace Big Band with FIlia

strike a pose

Attached: lewdshi.png (789x400, 219K)

replace carol with ileum

this is a good idea too

more big titty carols and ileums pls

Replace with Minette thighs.

minette thighs are common. you can find those around the corner.

But I need them more than any of the others mentioned above.

some satchmo songs youtube.com/watch?v=JbOpdqMMcKg

Attached: skulltrumpet.gif (250x227, 173K)

I guess to chime in, I would say one thing SG seems to teach, is the ability to deal with high pressure situations and plan around them. You have to learn how to read your opponent's offense to turn it to your favor, even when you're getting hit and the momentum seems against you. That's a skill that seems to carry over to every fighting game to some degree.

Like, just watching how Sonic and Sage approach their other games, I can see how they carry over that SG mentality of not being afraid to challenge their opponent's offense as soon as it starts. Sometimes they get stuffed for it, but they probably still know from experience that it's one of the best opportunities to read their opponent and catch them off guard. Opponent goes for nasty setup with Nova, but gets Jedah jabbed into a combo. Guy calls Vegeta assist for lockdown, doesn't expect Sonic to just jump into it and flip out at a higher angle, which causes the setup to fail and get countered.

Original image?

but user, few have yet to appreciate the exotic nature of cushy painwheel sideboob

fuck off fucking degenerate

post Indiv gifs/webms

Attached: Quadira.gif (737x529, 490K)

Anyone in NZ?



>you will never use a giant fluffy beast as a blanket

Best friends forever and ever!

Attached: _mikumikudance_skullgirls__say_hi_to_the_camera__by_unithelucario-d8qakan.jpg (1192x670, 93K)

Is there a hentai game that lets you use mmd models?

Not sure. The closest I've seen to 3D Skullgirls lewds are a couple of SFMs with the Valentine and Cerebella gmod models.

Which sg would make the best mother

Filia's already a caring mommy for Carol

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the irony



I want to make them both my wives

And when theyre pregnant they will do botezuri to my dick

On the playable roster, I wouldn't mind having Cerebella as a mother.
NPC wise, I'd probably like either Ileum or Miss Victoria.
>tfw no teacher mom to tell you bedtime stories of her crimefighting past disguised as attempts to make you learn basic math

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Attached: buzz.webm (624x538, 141K)


took me a while to realize that wasn't ms fortune


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will we see more Indivs on pixiv?

Indiv isnt lewd enough like sg to be of any interest to the japanese

I think they have more imagination than that. most jrpgs aren't even lewd

not to mention japanese fav SGs are marie and peacock

Attached: 1520558199048.jpg (1515x1515, 260K)

>marie isn't drawn lewdly

Is Filia soft and cuddly? I like to imagine that Carol can't keep her hands off of her, like pic-related.

Attached: SawaraseteAmika-San1.jpg (1174x1666, 386K)

she's not a lewd design tho. user said it has to be lewd enough to start with.


>she's not a lewd design

Attached: 1456724384599.gif (703x783, 1.26M)

how's that lewd? ajna's got better thighs than that.

Oh yeah she must drink a lotta milk to get bones that fine like goddamn

>exposed mid ribs
What a slut.

Attached: 62405197_p0.jpg (1505x2125, 858K)

I want to impregnate her eternally loli pussy

I had to look at this one a couple of times to get the pose

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I want to cook Filia a fine high-class meal

Why is fillia drawed fat ?

Going from thick to fat is a fine line


142lbs at 5'4" is obese in some people's minds.

she definitely looks younger than thorani
so maybe she and ajna really will get together

Left, right, or middle?

Attached: Professor And Her Piggies.png (1300x1114, 1.39M)

all of them

Left. And do you think Fukua's staying for future Skullgirls games, if any?

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there's nothing to gain from removing content