/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #314

VS. A whale in PvP edition


● Latest News
>A new minibox "Rampage of the Forest" has been leaked with new insect and plant support and many other useful cards
>Syrus is now roaming Duel World (GX)
>The D.D. Tower: Wind and Earth Dimension has begun
>A 'superb' legendary duelist will be roaming Duel World mid March
>Jesse Anderson will be obtainable late March

● Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

● Future content (No release date but it's in the files)

● Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

● A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively
>Don't get baited into buying the box Land of the Titans. It's bad.

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Rebecca when?

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Fuck that filler, DUKE "Dice Dick" DEVLIN when?

Imagine losing to this h-haha

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Custom backgrounds for players when?

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Reminder that brainwashed Alexis is the hottest and best Alexis. She became enlightened, cleansed and purified.

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>that deck

who in the FUCK

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Just finished watching the second season of GX. Does this shit ever get good? Only character that's any good so far has been Chazz.

Is Karate Man /ourguy/?

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GX is trash, skip to 5Ds

not even close

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>has a fake afro

No, but I am still gonna complete this tower 100% to get his icon.

what the fuck

If you don't like Bastion then just stop posting anytime

You made it through? I’m getting sick of hearing bubblemans and fireavion whatevers effect, plus everyone teching pot of greed

crowler becomes based soon
otherwise no

pick your poison

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There is not enough Bastion desu. Anything is better that seeing bubbleman get summoned for the 6th gorillionth time

Demise when?

they changed the roles of jobbing syrus and based bastion to jobbing bastion loser with no dignity and somewhat competent syrus

Just read the manga instead where Chazz is the Chad he was meant to be, Bastion, Syrus. Alexis, Zane, and Atticus aren't shitty characters, and Jaden is a fraud hack that uses a pro's deck for the most of it

The zane fight was the worst offender for this shit, also everyone explaining fucking piercing damage

>use restart
>draw the same bricked hand but one
>draw that card in my first round anyway
This shitty game sometimes.

It's a fucking Duel Academy, of course that anyone who isn't a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck is going to use the it. Even the spirit monsters use it, greed is good.

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Alexis was pretty shitty in the manga. That fucking chazz/Jayden duel was top tier though

Why don't you like Jaden's golden boy? Would you really prefer more Neos?

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>new duel
>the same exact thing happened with the same exact hand
This fucking game I swear.

I would love Neos than that one trick

>mfw that panel
you know the one

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jesus christ the underwater duel where Jaden used fucking Neo Bubbleman to win almost made me blow my fucking brains out.
I was actually having fun with the episodes before and after that, even the obvious filler, but that one fucking killed my soul for some reason (Neo Bubbleman didn't help either).

There are only two kinds of people who watch GX. The Chazz it up chads and the Manjoume thunder cucks.

>There are people who prefer Neos over Wingman

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It would be cool if each field spell triggered a custom background. Obviously they could be disabled for the battery oriented, and they would auto disable when both players have a field spell out


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Is this image still relevant?

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>Fuck that filler
That's Yugi's job

Fuck you, Flame Wingman is baller.

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so since they are giving nostalgia archetypes/monsters some love, when are Neo Spacians getting anything make Chrysalis a single card and a painful desicion for them ffs

>Be the Jobelisk Queen
>Lose to Jaden
>Lose to 1st American Exchange student
>Literally get OTKed by 2nd American who topdecked the last Exodia piece on his 1st turn
>Lose to Jaden again
>Lose to Chazz
>Only duel you win is with Bastion tag team and even then you nearly lost.
Alexis was made the biggest jobber ever in the Manga, more so than the anime could conjure up.

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>when are neo-spacians getting anything
They've been dead after GX ended, there's no saving them. We'll get Frog support though, that'll be awesome.

change furry to aliens and heros to SSA

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but she's 8

I’m getting so specifically tilted I might just set my computer on fire, not gonna get kog this season

>only 1 win
>not even a solo win
jesus christ do they just accept any woman into duel academy regardless of their skills

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did someone say frog support?

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GX Manga is superior and also has the best HERO cards.

Neos were never relevant. That image was made by a shitposter. At least he is right about burnfags though.

>fucking terra firma as a boss monster
>stratos is a garbage card
no thanks

Just to make my night, gonna kms

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She probably had other skills if you know what I mean.

I'm not sure this icon is worth the pain in the ass it'll take to get

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T-thanks, D.D. Guide....

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>be humiliated and exiled from the school only to come back and dominate it TWO TIMES OVER when he returns
>turns his brothers to jobbing mincemeat when they try to take him out
>plays ojamas just for the sake of putting peoples' shit in for saying they're weak
>has focus on most filler episodes but gets the most character development out of it
>anime apex was BTFOing Aster with motherfucking ojama yellow
>is more of a main protagonist in the manga than the main protagonist
>has a better win/loss record than Jaden
>got shot five times in a duel and still won
>manga apex was BTFOing Jaden and then some
Name a better rival.

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12, but that's besides the point.
She's too young for now, but time will take care of that.

how do you get said icon?

time to build magnets deck

that desperate chopping motion kek

Reminder that the anime is canon, not the manga. So Chazz is truthfully a jobber who's only able to take out 3rd rate Duelists

>B-but Anti magic arrow is better!

Lol poorfags on suicide watch

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So is there an auto-duel deck that actually works in >30 floors or do you actually need to manually duel?

they're both good though
trunade is better against shit like floodgate
but AMA is better against shit like SSA
I'd rather counter a deck than counter something I can just play around

Trunade is shit, enjoy wasting your gems in a shitty hard that is not going to redefine the meta in any meaningful way.

put your time and energy into fighting these brand new broken cards in the tower so you will be interested in paying your HARD EARNED cash on gemmies for them in the next box GOY

>Activates Hey Trunade
*Blocks your path*

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Change the frogs into Mako and Weevil and make the burnfag Yami or Chazz

>GX episode 140

1-2 Knight of Red lotus
9-10 1900 vanillas
2 Painful Decisions
2 WoD
2 Super Rush
3 Econ

Soon you'll see the best episode on the whole show.

Yubel vs Zane. Assuming you're not a dubnigger.

the real truth is that they're both situational at best and you're rarely even going to want to put 2 in a deck
neither one is a real staple like Econ, MW, WoD, Floodgate, SRH etc...

>laquari on the field with 3 backrow
>you activate hey trunade
>i chain mirror wall
>since its not set anymore you cant do shit
>you end
>either pay or destroy and set them all again
heh... nothing perssonel, kid.

nobody is going to run rebound in their deck ever

>a brick against everything else

I only watch anime with superior american voice acting, sorry weeb!

>Yubel vs Zane
It's not the best, but it was good sendoff for Zane until he came back for literally no reason.

>implying I don't just sit on the toilet shitposting on Veeky Forums all day at work

It's more how persistent Zane was with his various and constant combinations, and the VA was god-tier.


Fuck getting 100% with this miasma shit.

I'm gonna tell your boss on you :^)

This is how GX will truly conclude one day.

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>will truly conclude one day
It ended ten years ago. It isn't canon, let it go.

Add please.

>Prismatic Des Volstgalph

Is it any good?

but user, those are all subtractions


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>new box is literally the best mini box every released


>What is Servant of Kings?

her mouth is full already.

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the only thing im interesting is arrivalrival for my six sam
