/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Last thread:

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Apologies in advance for your thread being deleted OP


haaaa linde's feet



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This thread ruins everything
Fire Emblem, imagining, bread, you name it this thread has ruined it

Anything tonight? Or just more dedposting?

how many times have you been chrom'd inside

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big tits

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The next seasonal banner is Archanea and it WILL have Marth on it.

>tfw when people are foddering the unit you failed to get.
150 orbs wasted, and im seeing Morgans murdered everywhere. Ist not fair bros.

how many breads have you eaten in your life

Severa! Sweet & cute face!

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Rubbing cock in between toes

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>~$200 still no Morgan

Misha's great
I'm going to replay Thracia, last time I played blind and didn't know about getting a ton of stamina drinks, should I grind for them this time and just use my favorites?

What are you doing, get help.

>triple 0s
oh no no no no no
the spic is gonna call his discord friends to get your thread deleted, i'm sorry user
he and his buttbuddy mods only allow nufe titty monsters, didn't you know?

You can't ruin bread
It's bread

Small time.

Big butt too! Kagero has it all!

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+Spd Morgan pls come home

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How do we fix FE's shitty stages in Smash? Arena Ferox is a good start but it's stuck on 3DS.

Fates opera house?
Sluice Gate?

Time to get a refund

Honestly, I'm surprised how annoying the words "bros" has become.


fMorgan or mMorgan?

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>instantly deleted
Damn the mods are on point tonight

So what FE stages should be on Smash?

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I mentioned this at the end of last thread but IS seemed to have created a bunch of lord alts at the start of the year so Marth and Alm alts seem likely


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As reddit as it might be, "OH NO NO NO BROS WTF" posting still makes me laugh, especially when it's regarding disasters like the direct.


>starting to get to the point where I need online resources to calculate potential arena scores

this is getting a bit less fun

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dragons gate from fe7 could be cool
a fire dragon would come through the gate and be a boss like metal face was in wiiu

why? what is even funny about it?

If she's +ATK you can build her like mine and watch her solo Sigurd and most low ATK/DEF reds.
If she's +SPD, I wouldn't know how to build her aside from Desperation. The only +SPD Titania I've rolled was -ATK, which turns her noodle arms into wet noodle arms and was my 2nd merge.

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I wanna paizuri her

Which unit you will inherit the Halberd /feg/?

Awakening or Fates final map

I want to recruit this manakete. Loliketes are shit.

Make a huge interesting background that's a battlefield. There is a war going on and you can see units fighting. Occasionally the background zooms into a fight to show a battle between units like in the games.

The player stage consists of a single floating platform.

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Imagine bread with Fire Emblem.

Like most effective weapons it's probably best left on its original unit. Forge it for more mt or to ignore buffs and Gerome can probably oneshot all the blue and green Cavs and maybe the squishier reds like B!Roy

The field where corrin decides which path he takes
The alter against validar in awakening

>My axe units are Raven, Sheena, the two hectors, Titania, Cherche, and Camilla
>All of these either want their prf or a slaying/silver axe
I honestly don't know, I run into cavs less than armors now and none of them can hit BLyn so what's the point?

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Well good for you. I'm just pretty tired of ironic shitposting.

>>>The field where corrin decides which path he takes

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Post Marths
I got a +spd-res one and i want to +10 him in the future

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There's no reason to because horses are fucking trash.

>Misha's great
As a character or as a unit? Or just "she's hot"? From what I was told, nobody in Thracia really gets any characterization, so I'm always looking for reasons to get me interested.

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Post your incomplete projects

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fite me

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It was a throwback to the Prayer/Miracle Sword she comes with, but hey, that's a funny coincidence.

Oh right, the wind tribe place would be fun

Post thicc

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How come we keep getting sword cavs but we haven't gotten an axe cav for almost an entire year?

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I only need 3 more copies to +10 her. Hopefully the TT are nice to me.

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I'll give him a drive seal soon but so far he's been excellent

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My current Marth

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>desperately roll for NuSigurd
>pull this instead
>-Spd/+Res, literally the opposite of my initial Wayu
What do?

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Is sheep thicc?

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>tfw got her on the second pull
I was trying for CavCrumb for my Falchion collection and went for the blue on a pull with no reds.
Forgot to check her IVs, though.

>man hands

give link to buy NOW

we need my nigga Kieran

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Triangle Adept is the best skill.

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>It's a battlefield
>Occasionally units from the fight show up and cause stage hazards
>Cavs zoom in and hit any enemy in the way like the TP Bridge boars
>Mages launch fireballs at the stage
>Dragons breath flames/ drop boulders
>Armors slowly walk through the stage and hit anything in their way really hard, take a million hits to remove
>Arrow rain that hits the tops of platforms
Just some ideas.



Merge her, dont you want your waifu to be stronger?

No one actually wants Flashing Blade besides her

Axe Cavs are generally rarer but I'm still mad that they had a prime opportunity to introduce Kieran but the banner happened to coincide with IS deciding 3 characters is going to become the norm

What's the most aesthetic blessing for YTiki? +ATK -RES, Lightning Breath refined for RES to patch that up

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This is my wall
Please say something nice about her

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>immune to powercreep at the low, low cost of one Roy

it's a good skill but that quote is really funny to me

Give Flashing Blade to Arden.

Because the amount of axes in mainline FE is dwarfed compared to other weapons, especially so when you only consider units IS thinks would sell.

>no Walhart GHB with the new awakening units

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I'd eat that mutton.

Does anyone even need Flashing Blade? I feel like it's in the same boat as Heavy Blade, in that it is/would be better as a seal instead of an A Skill.


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