/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2909

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Stream summary

>Recent news
4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that.
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March
What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal
SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: woofwoofwoof.png (843x1034, 766K)

Please don't lewd my daughter Yaia.

My cute onahole

I don't think you drew that image. Please do not post it. This is a fucking imageboard.


>earth's savior is a tiny cow

Attached: 1515432804951.png (158x160, 64K)

AVOID !!!!!
bought id 11001794
old id 18142832 !!!!
AVOID !!!!!

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But she's my daughter

What's my light team for GW?

Attached: Granblue_2018-03-12-21-35-18.png (1080x1920, 1.8M)

Re:Zero was okay.


Attached: WINND.jpg (1094x1004, 151K)

Hardly have any wind characters, is birdman and gawain worth a ticket? All my gold bricks went into earth and water so wont make any wind jews.

/gbfg/ told me to get the nuggets but what are they for

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Fine, I'll draw it

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Is this going to be a thing from now on?

Attached: Magic Intro 7.png (600x400, 148K)

you use them to get gold bars, then you use those gold bars to uncap your magna weapons

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>video starts off with Miserable Mist missing its Def debuff despite being on-element
This will literally never stop pissing me off.


>sword proficiency, 2k heal on ougi in a stamina element and fucking 75% normal mod
How can they improve her further?


During burger time this general gets way worse

I hope so

Just play Chaos Ruler dude.

You realise the person who made it probably made it to specifically post on Veeky Forums right? I get you retards only browse Veeky Forums but shit's been going on for over 10 years now. I even make lewd edits of airing shows occasionally and see them posted around here.

Don't tell me what to do.


b sure to like comment n subscribe thx

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Get them to make gold bars. Use gold bars to make Eternal characters from Revenant weapons. Do not use them for anything else.


>Gain Super Happy Mealtime, boosting ATK by 30% every turn (Max: 255%).
At high HP, Super Happy Mealtime boosts TA rate and gains a drain effect.


Sugoi na

Attached: 1520390166128.jpg (640x529, 74K)

>The extension communicates with it using Chrome Native Messaging, so it will be running in the background while the extension is in use.

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Use them to get gold bars, they arent useful for anything

Wind bros... what else should I get for Siete?

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Go back to school


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ummm but gbfg told me six was shit so giving her his buff is obviously bad????

You did not take that photo yourself. Delete it now, phoneposting retard. OC only.

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been farming hollow shit for like 1 hour and a half, and now i'm fucking tempted

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Which one is it

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Attached: you.png (1300x1080, 783K)

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>get hit
>damage cut in half



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Woo Hoo! Good day!

Attached: Wedidit!.jpg (484x688, 85K)

Yuropa will make Pub at 40%


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Post el donte

BAD screenshot

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thats why you have the guns

When in doubt, use the wiki.

fucking nice lad

Grats user, I'm 44boxing her next gw

Cute daughter.

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Don't care!

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How do you even use funf? As a onahole?

Attached: 1505432973684.jpg (650x650, 52K)

WHAT! She is a cute daughter! Go away

010AD7 yurop train

>tfw burnt out

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03269C28 hl baka!

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>uno has the best defensive skill in the game, the best offensive skill in the game and one of the better buffs in the game
>funf has the best heals and uh....
defend this

>muscle memory cancelled friend request for rank 78 grimnir cutie

Same. Already told my crew I was probably quitting after Xeno-Corrow. I dunno what triggered it but I woke up on Saturday to a sudden feeling of "I don't want to play GBF anymore" and a realization of how I could better use my time.

Nobody said she was better than Uno. Stop.

Fuck off yawn.

1st roll should i keep going?

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I get burnt out every few months, and I just need to take a break. After fire gw I had no motivation to even log in for like a month, it just happens

Yeah just stop and dont use the rest of the rolls genius

thank you wageslave TOOTs

Attached: 20 rolls both rainbow.png (636x413, 292K)

Grats on your La Coiffe dupe.

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What do you have to lose?

No its not.

Where is the 9 rolls left thing.

stop using your crystals you cant have more fun than me

Why does kmr hate light and dark so much?
>no seraph
>null element enemies have a passive 20% damage cut against light/dark
>no 120% summon, just ubhl summons
>harder to start out as compared mainwheel eles
>magna 2 raids released AFTER magfes is over
>the free magna weapons for light and dark are the harp and spear, which will get replaced in the end

it being followed immediately by cerb and another gw probably didn't help

Is the anniversary cagliostro skin worth it?
I'm seriously thinking in getting it, but I already have the xmas one

>get 3 ssrs
>they're all trash

>1st roll
You're doing something awfully wrong but you got baha and djeanne so who cares?

Sounds like a good stopping point until golden week at least.

>no 9 rolls left graphic
lying cunt.

Isn't it supposed to say 9 rolls left?

My comrade Vira is so lesbian

Attached: djeeata x vira 02.png (1077x768, 1.23M)

Sounds like Lecia-speak.

>anniversary cagliostro skin
wait what, picture?

it was my last roll but i wanted to be EPIC, sorry gamers you found me out.

I got grimnir, vira, and 2 odins tho before this

JK cag

Post crate

Attached: It's okay I guess.jpg (1053x786, 199K)