League of legends general /lolg/

cute cute cute! edition

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liss is the worst

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ekko buffs when

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Get on my level, /lolg/.

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>ask why a challenger streamer does x playstyle
>/lolg/ "omg fuck off to reddit with your eceleb bullshit"

>make multiple posts of a gay streamer in drag cosplay
>/lolg/ "omg yaaas trap slayyyyy"

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Your waifu is SHIT
actually every waifu is compared to Eve

Attached: EVE.jpg (1350x2000, 161K)

>enemy laner is FREE
>jungle ganks me twice
>mid ganks once then donates first tower because he took a kill i had anyway

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why do people build rylai before liandries on malz,

Why rylai at all actually it makes no sense to me

>tell friend to watch sneaky's stream
>hes on break so no audio
>"damn shes cute"

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>Pick Heim
>Start Flash/Barrier
>Go spellbook with dematerializer
>Rush banner then rylais
>Switch to Smite/Tele at 10:00
>Take Drag
>Take Herald
>Split bot till 20:00
>Bait baron once inhib is down
>Spend the next 3 minutes protecting your buffed seige minions with turrets
Find the flaw.

I want to massage Janna's ears!

I want to tune Sona's instrument!

I want to sharpen and polish Camille's legswords!

I want to bake cupcakes for Cait's yordle snap traps!

I want to groom Valor for Quinn!

I want to properly clean and lubricate Miss Fortune's firearms!

I want to care for and groom Sejuani's Bristle!

I want to give Riven a place to sleep!

I want to buy Ashe a Mathews compound bow because she is thin and lithe and it's probably hard for her to be constantly drawing a longbow!

I want to trim Tayliah's eyebrows because she's actually pretty cute!

I want to wash Kalista's feet and then buy her some shoes because she always walks around barefoot and that's dangerous!

I want to buy Vayne a nice silver necklace but then have her melt it down for more Silver Bolts because she has no concept of affection or novelty!

I want to provide psycohtherapy for Jinx!

I want to attend Karma's yoga class!

I want to practice fencing with Fiora!

I want to clean Kayle's armor and help her put it on like a squire!

I want to spray water into the air with the sprinklers and Lux can shoot light through it to make a rainbow!

I want to make a big swimming pool in my backyard so Nami can be comfortable!

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Cassiopeia is pretty! PRETTY!

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oh no...

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you mean the best
>Evefag this mad and stupid

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made for breeding

>tfw no qt petite gf to pick up and cradle in my arms

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You, me, and everyone else in this thread are never going to be challenger playing in the challenger meta so who cares about your dumb streamers.

Stop, it's gay.

>tfw ur fav streamer is a sissy a trap
time to order a wig and pantyhose

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Is he wearing panties?

how many viewers does he usually get? i don't watch him so i don't know his normal numbers.
he's at 24k right now...

fluctuates between 10K and 20K usually I think

Literally not.

why are you so fucking stupid and mentally ill
kys boodrum retard

sexier than actual e-girls wtf

>win lane
>everyone else gets stomped in lane
>still trying though
>make it to 40 mins somehow
>playing cass and we have teemo and ez
>they have three tanks
>all we have to do is waveclear
>tell my team all we have to do is waveclear
>they don't
>entire team decides they don't want to play for 5-10 more mins
>we try to teamfight them at baron and we lose
>just carry harder user

is this just NA where they go to 40 mins and give up?

why play for that long if you just decide to throw

>splitting bot when our team wants to do baron
>4 people come near then just kinda leave once they realize baron is being done

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How did c9 go from this...

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>why are you so fucking stupid and mentally ill
>kys boodrum retard

Do I know you?

made for the BBC

omg....what a cute little sissy

What's in the box, /lolg/?

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>Unironically pulls off that outfit better than most people

The state of cosplayers

a ward skin shard

what is it with lol streamers being such convincing traps

crossdressing sneaky

>someone saved a full shot

also he actually shaved his legs for this damn

...to this?

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sneaky's dignity

how come counterstrike players are so much more masculine than league ones?

Name one (1) manly league pro


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lol no he never gets higher than 9k

cause """"""strategy""""""" game vs reflex + spatial awareness-based game

his eyebrows could be better, and his walking/posture need work, but other than that fucking 10/10 would destroy that bp.

i wonder if he's wearing panties and/or chastity.

i want to BLACK sneakys bp

I literally being getting just emotes from my last boxes

i want sneaky ...

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10k on average

this desu senpai
late xth for evelynn
i love her so much

It slows them so you can just follow them around and keep refreshing the aids. No escape.

>decide to be a faggot
>lose LP

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One of the best skins in the game

>sneaky's stream
Uhhhhh I haven't watched League in a while. Is this a normal thing he does now?

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Are you actually fucking retarded

Don't lie for no reason

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>i wonder if he's wearing panties and/or chastity
Didn't even think about that, makes it even hotter. I want to destroy that boipuss

his cosplayer gf helped him with the makeup

wtf im gay now???

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I want to breed Sneaky

cheers idiot

Guys, are we fucked?

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he just got bodied by an orianna with that skin lmao
riot is lgbtq2a now. all champs are 2 gay guys in a darkin's body. that's the world we live in now. i didnt want to become /pol/, but they've left me no choice

you can see the facial structure better in full cam, kind of ruins the illusions a little bit

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fuck forgot pic

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see look at all that time with no viewers
bet he barely averages 9k a day

he was caught on stream masturbaiting to sissy porn so it wouldn't be that unbelievable

Jinx's fault. Ugly little goblin

>post when I first start playing League again about how awesome she is
>get shot down
>you come around and praise her instead
>everyone agrees

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quit being literal fags and talk about the actual game

Like this fucking Akali going 0/11 and whining about our top laner (who pushed up to the enemy inhib) not helping

what the fuck is wrong with sneaky

Vasili used to be a pro.

over the past 2 years he's got around that amount late at night (11pm-2am pst) but since Tyler is back he's only around 10-13k now. He used to have no competition for late night steamers.

He usually only streams later in the evenings you chimp

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unironically I cant' fap to this

>le ult back to full health man
no thanks

>Riot advertising crossdressing in client
i wonder who could be behind this
/v/ has better discussions about the game than /lolg/

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lolg is pretty gay

and no body cares about your silver games

yeah man akali blah blah


If I didn't already know, I wouldn't question that this is a woman. He's honestly sexy AF.

>bot lane is useless
>lose game

Reminder to cum inside your support!
Pic related, cum in her!

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Sneaky pictured right there in the middle. He can't do shit without Smoothie.

graves buffs when the duskblade nerf is going to hit him pretty hard

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something something akali

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watch the first 15 seconds

>ADC players are alp-

you're the one who's claiming best waifu Lissandra, is not best waifu

/lolg/ will be the new /owg/ at this rate

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I ain't gay or nothing but I would

Maybe they'll rework him into a cute Loli vampire

actual fags ITT

I think we all know exactly where this is going.

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>my jungle hovers j4
>he's last pick
>we all ban and lock in our champs
>he locks in blitz
Thankfully my top dodged so I didn't have to. No -3 today yet.

wtf am i gay?

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Dude we transcended them days ago.

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