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say something rude about sylvanas RIGHT NOW

nelf cuties

nelf FEET

Exciting times, I hope.

Feet are icky.

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Is ele still terrible?

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I got my pony!

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>Yfw Billy replaces you as Deathlord in BfA

Attached: ARISE BILLY.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

do i boost a draenei or nelf mage

whose dick i gotta suck to buy me the game


Mascot is in, Friends!

Hope everyone's having a great evening! Love you all!

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God this guild seems so fucking lame.

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the more work I see these guys get, the less I think they'll be horde and the more I think they'll be neutral for both factions

with skinfur tones locked to either faction so we don't get another pandaren shitfest

If you buy BFA do you still need to buy all the other xpacks you missed over the years?


>"as somebody who earned the mop and/or wod challenge mode rewards I can say they shouldn't have been made unobtainable, Blizzard please consider bringing them back"
>pull up their armory
>did all 9 or 8 dungeons within a day


Only one way to find out just how lame we are!

Feel free to stop by, user! You're welcome to check us out!

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Can someone post the photoshop of Sylvanas looking like shes going to suck off Anduin from the BFA trailer, I've been looking for it.


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what went wrong

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>its another 900000 threads crying about no blood elves on alliance episode
i hate mmoc

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>tfw trying to find a mog for my male draenei paladin that isnt crystalforge or justicar

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>male draenei

>nevermind the BfA bias, nevermind the three expansions of Horde bias

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What's the consensus on Void Elves?

I like the normal/flex Guiding Light set.

Pretty basic but a little sharper than the BC sets

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>This is absolutely nothing like the nightelves we have in wow or wc3

What happened to this concept

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i dont know how to use this model viewer stuff. someone make me a rogue male vulpera in pirate gear. i need it for reasons that totally arent sexual

fuck off memeforged trash

brf tier is literally designed for draenei

not a very nice post
what'd i do to anger you, buddy?

thats a kinda odd pvp song playlist

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How about we stop talking about all this boring shit and discuss mind control in the game instead? :)

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>What's the consensus on Void Elves?
There is no consensus, but most of MMOC fucking despises that they were put in instead of High Elves

those morons don't understand that the belf playerbase would have a stroke and quit. it would be a financial disaster

Priests are losing it.

1 in 5000 jelly?

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Nothing makes me happier than seeing Pezinga join wowg and start posting. Whats new my love, just the usual mount farming?

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latest shit from wowhead shows priests still have it and the dominant mind talent for it

They're decent fapbait.
Racials are ok but not amazing.
Female voice is kind of annoying.
Males are purest unfiltered cancer.

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Keep your night elves away from the ale!

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what does it look like?

it's 9:11, the house is empty and i still haven't had dinner. My mom is late with the wendys'.

And I still can't decide between DK and monk for BFA.

>those morons don't understand that the belf playerbase would have a stroke and quit. it would be a financial disaster
Isnt that what they want tho?

nuohhh not feeling like resubing rn and im tryna push greater rifts in diablo rn

you would say that game is dead but the rankings have like 1000 people per class at the top with minimum 99greater rift levels

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What class are you playing?

>house is empty and i still haven't had dinner. My mom is late with the wendys'.
I hope you're memeing, if not what the fuck dude, stop being such a fucking manchild that you literally cant feed yourself.

what a dumb looking slut
i want to kick her around

Careful about getting this elf too drunk especially

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I'm not really familiar with pirate sets/pieces, do you have a particular one in mind?


Do you not prepare your own food?

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post YFW anduin is the one to die next expac, and not sylvanas.
......same post blah blah

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I think blizzard is going to surprise everyone and keep major character deaths to an absolute minimum desu

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for this season a wizard

I prefer to post MFW Genn Greymane becomes a raid boss and not Sylvanas

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no one is dying

Whats the easiest class/spec to heal on currently? I'm a new shitter

Imagine if people could leave comments on your

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Some hateful selfish cunt was developing an app like that

you could rate people from one to five stars based on ... who they were.

She didn't see the potential for abuse at all.

the app died in early development because thankfully, some people did.

thats the future that you have choosen

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Is it worth wasting my 110 boost to speed up Void Elf grinding? I never play my boosted characters but it would void my refund eligibility

Jesus christ if vulpera end up on horde i don't think i can play this game have self respect anymore

>tfw someone put you on ignore
i've played this game for some collective 10 years and this, I believe, is the first time.

like fucking pottery

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Runas was probably the only good legion character.

>horde get the better alllied race AGAIN

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is a greater rift like a mythic+? i never played D3, only D2. enlightend me pizzado

I'm literally so mad

I mean, Pandaren obviously didn't deter you. What's different about Vulpera?

>that sword
holy moly, what weapon is that?

Not Pez but yeah Its just scaling difficulty dungeons or 'rifts' as they call it in Diablo

bfa stuff

Just wait for the Dragonkin reveal. Horde will chimp out.

Cute as hell.

fox person aside, that sword and hat are aces. i hope its actual gear, and not just npc stuff

post mounts pissado will never have

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People datamined that hat a few weeks ago and it was tagged as cosmetic.

I haven't played a frost mage since like WotLK.
It seems to me that spamming flurry, at least at low levels kills stuff quicker and more reliably than actually playing the spec "right" and using frostbolt to proc Instant flurries and icelance crits.

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I don't understand the question but no don't boost your Velf, they have one of the nicer heritage sets you may as well get

>using a boost to not get the actual best thing about velfs.

No, it's quicker if I boost second character to 110 to speed up the grind to unlock Void Elves, I just don't know how much faster

that's a good question, and im really not sure.
I mean i do hate pandas, but their continent/aesthetic eventually grew on me.
maybe the same will happen for vulpera

thanks for opening my eyes user

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OH If you're really into velfs then sure boost a class you have fun with to get them quicker. Or you'll be at it for a while

I really enjoy ironic situations like this in wow.

>dis nigga mailed me an ice cube

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More impatient than anything. How long's a while with one and two 110s respectively, anyway?

What happens if you create a character, don't start it, then boost it to 110? Where does it start your character off? I imagine not in the starting zone...

thats not how you use ironic

Do what?

Are people worried about being perceived as furries for liking Vulpera? I wish these things could be innocent again.

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At least with one you won't have to go through the leveling process twice, It isn't so bad once in a while.

But depending how much time you have to grind will be what limits how fast you'll get there. If you have plenty of time it could be under a week- Grinding out Argussian Reach will take around 2-3, I'm not sure

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Is this a brap picture?

it's not about being perceived as a furry it's more just that they are cringy in and of themslves, same thing with pandas.
though I will admit the vulpera seem much more dignified than pandaren


>tfw only play druid to run around as a memekin
i fucking love chicken form


>here admiral breath in some braps
>ty blood elf lady