/tf2g/ Meme Fortress General

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>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
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Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

crap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
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ESEA (NA): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
OZFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (AS): asiafortress.com
Chaplaria (SA): steamcommunity.com/groups/chapelaria

>List of good Community servers


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can we all agree that weapons should be skill based and not luck based?

>he thinks hitscan takes skill

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here we go again... another "quality" thread i presume.....

Have these threads ever been good since fedoracord took hold?

They haven't been good in 4 years

you haven't even been here that long lmao

so he's been ruining threads longer than he's even been here? that's impressive.

>Bagboy's posts are so bad they traveled back in time

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The pyros... my god the fucking pyros... they're killing me.. everyone on my team.. I can't even cap mid..b4nny save us...

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Speaking of b3nny he's autistically singing on his stream

Coheed is pleb tier prog thqh

I agree with you there but why's he like them so much?

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why do people STILL pretend to not be able to pronounce shahanshah

Because it's funny xD

Prog is pleb tier music tbqh

no. the pleb is u if u think that

scout unlocks are some of the least interesting of all classes in the game.
>using a straight downgrade

buff mini-sentry


Does it even work? How much does it cost to pump that much silicone into your peenor?

still not as boring as heavy unlocks

shortstop is good

It's alright.

stock will always be the best. if ya ain't using stock you are a swine and not my nigga

I mean, I use iron banana alot more than stock gl, but i'm a shitter.
Switched back today and goddamn I forgot how good splash is for directs.

i would use stock GL if i knew how the fuck you aim that thing. I swear i tried to get used to GL for like a month, but ive used iron bomber for like a year already and i cant seem to be able to switch back to stock.

granted I was on a cp map and the enemy team was all gathered at one door, I was doing my job as demo and spamming a hallway

tf2 seems to be 99% americans and 1% east asians

so incredibly diverse then?

culturally no, but racially yes

Why didn't valve just copy paste csgo ranked into this trash game and implement class limits/weapon limits to it?

>hit a very nice airshot


>hit a very nice airshot
>they don't die

close game

Funboats or Shotfun?

Depends. Do you have a Medic constantly up your ass?

sadly no, I do, however, have good map knowledge

Then Gunboats it is

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i'm tired of living

hi tired of living
do you want to play the best game ever made? (tf2)

>thread made 6 hours ago
>39 replies
woah what the fuck

Should I just bite the bullet and buy 10 keys to start unusual trading?

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>recently picked up the original after dismissing it as a meme gun and matter of preference
Why the fuck is that not stock? I hit way more airshots with that thing. No other weapon has such a massive bias as the stock RL. Jumping feels better, shooting feels better. The rockets come out of the exact centre of the crosshair.

what does b2+2nny think about the new pyro

it's literally a matter of preference
I can't get shit done with the original because I'm too used to rocket jumping with regular RL
also if you ever need to use other rocket launchers your aim and muscle memory stay consistant

>be topfrag
>die ONCE
>both points get capped, team gets wiped, wife sleeps with negro, in three quarters of a million in student loan debt and a kidney fails before I can respawn
Wow great game there forttards when the fuck are they going to fix this

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>he doesn't sudoku out of shame when he gets fragged
fucking pussy ass bitch limpwristed faggot cakeboy

yeah im thinkign about it desu senpai


>tfw im the only pyro main that actually likes edgy shit like metallica pod slipknot nirvana akira flcl ff7 etc and a lil bit of a pyromaniac irl
>other pyro mains i see are literal fucking furries, anime cunts or meme lenny face faggots that try their hardest to not be soundsmith's le edgy kid crawling in my skin stereotypes

I guess being edgy is better than being exclusively not edgy but have you considered playing a real class

>lol it's just casual
>how can new players learn if you kick them?!
>why are you killing friendlies?!

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>maining a class
>maining the class that demands no input to get kills whatsoever

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>let friendly live
>no negative repercussions
>kill friendly
>suddenly the enemy team gets one more player

>let friendly live
>throws sandwich at enemy I'm fighting
>kill enemy
>kill friendly

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if hes playing worsemedic then hes not a friendly you dolt

1 names, 2 describes, only actual replies count

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i enjoy black cock

i had a LOT of fun today in ctf

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I get my latest memes from Veeky Forums

party rock hat

add me for pony futa erp

i had a LOT of fun today in ctf

>memes in 2018 OMEGALUL

cuphead reference


Cuckhead reference

description winrar
im rainbow dash

suomi hattu [FIN]


i own a horse dildo

i play highlander

>i wish this match would end
>my feet hurt
>the intel is this way
>has it already been two hours?
>i need to feed my cats

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Thanks lads. I'll cherish it always

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haha, good luck capturing THIS flag

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can a middle eastern roamer tell me what this image is saying

>playing pubs because I don't wanna go to class today
>play a good bout of pyro on barnblitz defense with phlog
>next two matches, play beggars soldier and shit all over any pyro that comes in front of me
>offense, switch to heavy for last because the pyros are now learning to reflect
>switch to huo-long and play offensively with med strapped to my ass
>somehow dom a third of their team with everyone out to get me
>we fall back to second and a soldier pops with med just to kill me
>beefs with direct hit at point blank and pulls out whip to get me
>same thing happens later with a pyro who even goes in chat to thank the med
>lose that round, tons of ggs from blu whose topscorer has 20 kills to my 40
Holy shit, is heavy the new pyro? Never had anyone this fucking mad before

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>some guy whose profile is 100% dedicated to advertising cheats
>tens of screenshots showing wallhacks, several links to cheating websites
>hundreds of hours of playtime in the games he cheats
>some guy with a swastika as his avatar
Reported and bookmarked both of their profiles, been checking up on them every now and then.
Take a wild fucking guess which profile got purged first.


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Cheater: steamcommunity.com/id/HTCCNKBRKYLC
Swastika guy: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242235438

wtf i thought tf2 isnt like overwatch?

>offensive play
Either you really positioned well at ramps and chokes or enemy team was unable to take out your Medic. How you pulled that out? Also used sammich or went fat scout for Medikits?
>Holy shit, is heavy the new pyro?
He recently get unnerfed, you tell me.

Enemy wasn't able to take out my med that well. I just held down at first pretty well, picking up the ammo kits that all the pyros kept dropping.

The few times me and my med got seperated they were able to push. They actually wiped us at the end, so they did pretty damn well there.

>He recently get unnerfed
who even asked for that anyway? what good does another shitty pubstomp class do?

what are the best powerups in mannpower?
also is it just me or the grapple hook feels kinda wonky and jerky

>dominate some random guy in a pub
>he goes apeshit in chat and starts trying his very best with scout & soldier to try and get a revenge kill
>finally ragequits after several failed attempts
>look up his profile, turns out he is french
>huh wait what's that
>several competitive medals
>div 2 & div 1
>mfw I'm div 4 at best and last played comp tf2 years ago

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>getting a new cpu/mobo/ram delivered by "the end of the week"
>it's shipping out of new jersey
Your stupid ass northeast weather better not delay my order. Or else I'll be slightly perturbed about this minor inconvenience.
I want to hurry up and see if I stop dropping framea and getting seconds long hitches with a cpu from this latest generation instead of 3 generations ago.

So anyway, is Pyro good on comp now or is that still the pub thing where its only good because its easy to play as against shit players?

This is literally trash in my inventory
wat do

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delete it

give me those gargoyle cases

sure add me id/stghost

i don't want to add you post your trade link

Give me the winter and halloween crates
i'll uncrate them and waste my money for you

Alright then

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check out this fucking manspread
also rate my pyro

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