How can one ideology cause so much butthurt for 150 years now?

How can one ideology cause so much butthurt for 150 years now?

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probably because it caused actual hurt (and death) for 150 years now

How has one ideology managed to fuck up so many times?

Given what you know of the 20th century would you participate in modern day socialist revolution? Can you blame people for being wary of it, even if they have a meme tier understanding of it?


>he believes anti-communist propaganda and completely discounts the slaughterhouse he currently lives in, let alone the piles of bodies his civilization stands on

yeah, but at least my slaughterhouse managed to make my life really comfortable and easy even as a general pleb.

my senpai what the fuck is democratic confederalism

Every time I come on Veeky Forums there's a thread for griping about communism
At this point, it makes me want to be a communist.

Let's join the cpusa comrade.

But ironically :^)

It's uh, difficult to explain
Ocalan ended up reading a bunch of bookchin, which is funny because "reading a bunch of bookchin" is something you won't often hear, probably even from bookchins own family. In a nutshell, kurdish villages would generally control their own local affairs. and relate to each other as village assemblies. Ideally, by making municipal politics the core of political life folks would, y'know, actually give a shit about politics. Furthermore, in the context of turkey and Syria before the war this meant the formation of closer knit, organized kurdish communities, though not quite as much coordination at the national level. It's something of a retreat from the marxist days and method of organization.

killing like 150 million people will piss off a lot of other people

Yeah, the winners write history.

Soon enough the west will go socialist on its own accord anyway and things will start to get more interesting.

as opposed to the 350 million of capialism

no, dont

you'll be on a fucking watchlist, ironically

And yet all of those governments collapsed

>Hugo Chavez
my fucking sides

sounds like soviet councils but in hotter locale and less purges

Soviet's were occupation based. There was a soviet for the factory, the shoemakers, a village soviet had meaning insofar as a village was composed mostly of peasants and other agricultural labourers. A village council for ocalan would be, well, just a regular village council desu.

Capitalism hasn't even killed 10 million people. Get a grip tankie

I thought a "soviet" was a council where all workers unions came together to decide stuff

So you're saying, soviet councils were just individual unions? Like train worker soviet? metallurgy soviet? There was no soviet soviet?

>Socialism killed 150 million people
>Capitalism has not even killed 10
It depends, if you do what anti-communist historians do and count population deficits due to people not being born as the same rate they were previously as deaths then 7 million people died in the United States during the Great Depression alone.


The worker's council (soviet) is basically at the heart of most communist/socialist government organizations, so that's to be expected. The Soviet Union was something of an anomaly in that they abolished said soviets, which unfortunately set a terrible precedent for how workers were actually integrated into the governmental system.
The biggest thing is that Democratic Confederalism really focuses on the autonomy of those individual governing bodies in a way that's about a stone's toss away from being full blown anarchist. Due to Bookchin's political developments throughout his lifetimes, Libertarian Municipalism (the foundation for Democratic Confederalism) basically took the organizational strategies and federated structure from anarcho-syndicalism but took the union-centric focus out and left some traditional state functions intact.

There were soviet soviets, I mean the legislature was the "supreme soviet", but these were usually bodies composed of the workplace soviets.
Yes and no. Unions do not currently have any constitutionally delegated politics powers. But I guess unions are a workplace thing.

>socialism with a human face
That's some grifter shit right there

>150 years old

>he thinks OP is talking about the Soviet Union

Yeah, that must have been made before Venezuela turned into a giant and suddenly became 'state capitalism' so as to deflect yet another socialist failure.

Outdated ideology, outdated memes, fitting.

fuck me

>into a giant shithole

Was what I meant to say

It promises easy hope for the desperate.

Because there are still people on this very board who think Communism can work after it failed in 49 countries, and killed over 100 million people. It is literally 10 times as bad as National Socialism. Plus, at least fascism has a clear problem that can and has been easily avoided (don't be a warmonger), communists always blames its problems on outside factors, "oh the capitalists did it", "oh the automation just hasn't increased enough", "Stalinist Russia was actually great, its just capitalist propaganda".

I don't understand how anyone can be a communist, your ideology is as poisonous and destructive as radical Islam, honestly most countries that kill your are pretty justified since at that point it's just self defense against an ideology thats bound to kill millions more before people finally give it up.

>gommunism killed 100,000,000,000 people and its evil and bad

Nice, never heard that one before.

This is what I'm talking about, why are you communists allowed to exist? Why are you guys so obsessed with communism anyways? There are so many other ideologies that solve the same problems communism does, yet you insist that communism is the only way forward, no matter how many corpses you have to make to get there! At least the Nazis only tried to kill some people, you indiscriminately target and kill everyone except the elite!

>Plus, at least fascism has a clear problem that can and has been easily avoided (don't be a warmonger)
It's like you don't actually know how economic situations deteriorated in every fascist country even before they went to war, simply because syndicalism fucks everything up for the little guys

Really, cause fascist economics worked pretty great for 1930-1970 Norway and Sweden. Look it up, it was called folkhemmet and it caused the greatest growth in economy for those countries. Heck, look when the economy stagnated, it happened literally right when they stopped using that system.

>At least the Nazis only tried to kill some people, you indiscriminately target and kill everyone except the elite!

This is what really gets me. All implementations of marxist principles have resulted in a clear class separation, between working class and party officials. Party officials are never on the receiving ends of famines but commies still defend the countries they've created with "Oh, we'll the US committed this atrocity so it's ok." It's like Commies never represent the people they actually claim to care for.

Commies are basically but mad anti US people who will say and do anything to defend their Ideology as long as it's systemically opposed to the US.

Because it sucks.

Why is the west going socialist? If anything it feels like its moving towards nationalism/fascism. People aren't liking the internationalism and SJWism of the left, they're trying to move away from that.

Somebody needs a helicopter ride...

Both the right and the left are getting more extreme. It's quite unpalatable.

You are misreading things. Populism is popular not right wing ideologies.

Fascism isn't right wing.

Can someone expl

There's at least a dozen other world-spanning ideologies whose "true" form only exists in the aether.

Why this one above all others?

>Late 19th-century Sweden was marked by the emergence of strong popular movements that included the free churches, the temperance and women’s movements, and above all the labour movement.

The labour movement, whose growth kept pace with industrialization in the late 19th century, was reformist in outlook after the turn of the 20th century.

The first Social Democrats entered government in 1917. Universal suffrage was introduced for men in 1909 and for women in 1921. Plans for a welfare state were drawn up during the 1930s after the Social Democrats rose to power, and put into effect after World War II.

user wtf are you talking about

> Between 1870 and 1914, Sweden began developing the industrialised economy that exists today.[54]

>Strong grassroots movements sprung up in Sweden during the latter half of the 19th century (trade unions, temperance groups, and independent religious groups), creating a strong foundation of democratic principles. In 1889 The Swedish Social Democratic Party was founded. These movements precipitated Sweden's migration into a modern parliamentary democracy, achieved by the time of World War I. As the Industrial Revolution progressed during the 20th century, people gradually moved into cities to work in factories and became involved in socialist unions. A communist revolution was avoided in 1917, following the re-introduction of parliamentarism, and the country was democratised.

Where are you getting Sweden was fascist from

Right. Its totalitarian fascism.

Their governments and culture wasn't fascist, but their economics were, under what was called "social corporatism".

Yep. Although I don't think you need to put totalitarian before the fascism, it goes without saying that fascism is going to be fairly authoritarian.

I don't think any one finds leftists to be an existential threat anymore. The real down side to joining parties like that is they never stop emailing you. I talked to the Trotskyist girl one time bc I wanted to bone her bc she looked weird and I still get that shit in my spam folder.

Okay, serious question though, why does Veeky Forums and /pol/ have so many people who actually take communism seriously? Like, I know they aren't the majority, but there are still way too many of them relative to the general population.

When did every single board on Veeky Forums become a dumping ground for the unliked rightwing rejects of reddit?

>saving and posting childrends cartoons

Fucking weeb loser, kys

user fascism has to do with syndicalism, not socialism, the readings annoying but there's a visible difference

also wtfs with these pics

Yeah but the Nordic countries aren't socialist.

>complaining about anime images
>on an anime imageboard

>using this shitty /r9k/ meme