Is Christianity basically a gentile appropriation of Judaism? When will the Christians apologize to the Jews?
Is Christianity basically a gentile appropriation of Judaism? When will the Christians apologize to the Jews?
Christianity and Judaism were philosophical opposites, pic related what Christ had to say about Jews
the god of the jews is yaweh (satanic blood thirsty demon)
No and not likely ever. Geez
No. Even if many of the ideas of Christianity that make it more palatable to gentiles don't necessarily come from Jesus, but from Paul, that still means it wasn't a gentile pushing those ideas forward.
Also didn't that kind of happen already with Vatican II?
Fuck of tumblr, appropriation is a natural part of societal development. You're free to fuck off from Greek, French and American democracies.
You're free to go to a country with sharia, then you'll appreciate Roman laws that are the basis for all laws in continental Europe, and you'll appreciate the traditional development of English Common law.
Why include the old testament at all then? This is what I don't understand.
marcion pls
The only reason we know about democracy is because of the Islamic scholars who preserved Greek literature
Lmao. I'm not right wing, or pol or whatever. You didn't refute any of what i said.
this. btfo
What is Byzantium?
Why do you faggots think the Renaissance happened
>Byzantium gets sacked
>People fleeing it take a bunch of literature with them
>It inspires the Renaissance
The real question, is why did the west choose Christianity when "pagan" Greeks accomplished so much
If you're so annoyed by my "eurocentric" examples how about paper money from China, or numbers from India?
Judaism is old religion which survived thousands of years only because crazy devotion of the Jews. While Christianity really roots it's origins from Judaism, the main sacrament points are tottaly different.
Of course, belief of old prophets 3000 years ago and nowadays Judaism are different things. For example, during centuries Jews add to their religion idea of ethernal life (there is no immortality in Old Testament and Prophets are silent or pessimistic (For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten). Concept of Gehenna also became complex, and idea of God changed to Ein Sof (of course, no all the Jews support that kind of Cabbalistic speculations).
Still, Judaism remains ethnic religion, while Christianity united (and divided) nations and ethnic groups.
Nah, it's just transformed god of war from Canaan pantheon, so scholars say. That's why there is a lot of battles in Old Testament.
>Judaism remains ethnic religion
but there are different Jewish ethnicities
Igbo, Ashkenazi, Khazari, Cowkazzi, Bohoz, Cochino, Taimani, Italkim...
Each with their own interpretations and culture
No, it's not. Despite Judaism already containing some sporadic elements that prefigure Christianity, Christianity is far more distant from Judaism than Judaism is from paganism.
Apologise Goyim!!!!
>Judaism is closer to paganism
Yeah fuck off. Judaism isn't the one that has statues of Mary and Jesus everywhere, and Judaism doesn't believe that there are "three aspects" of God
At this point, Christianity has mutated into something so far from its roots that Jesus himself would not be able to recognize it.
For some reason there's this common myth that Judaism remained static and unchanged while only Christianity broke away and amended shit. This is nonsense, modern rabinnical Judaism is about as far from 1st temple Judaism as Christianity is.
>This is nonsense, modern rabinnical Judaism is about as far from 1st temple Judaism as Christianity is
How so?
"It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to enter heaven."
Well for example:
>no temple / center of worship
>no high priesthood
>matrilineal instead of patrilineal descent
>messianic beliefs
>strict monotheism instead of henotheism
>polygamy no longer allowed
>huge emphasis on the Talmud (something that didn't even exist in 1st Temple era)
>no temple
Yes it got destroyed. It wasn't a voluntary thing, and there is a huge emphasis on the messiah rebuilding it when he comes.
>no high priesthood
Yes, because there's no temple. Eventually that would be restored when the temple is rebuilt.
>huge emphasis on the Talmud
This depends. Certain newer sects, such as the hasidim, do place huge emphasis on the Talmud, but for normal orthodox Jews, the tanakh is always more emphasised. Furthermore, the Talmud isn't considered "fact" like the tanakh is. It's basically commentary that can be debated.
I do agree with you that modern Judaism has evolved, as things tend to do, however I definitely wouldn't say that modern Judaism is as far removed from old Judaism as Christianity is.
And this isn't even going to pre-Judaist period when the holy place was Mount Gerizim instead of Jerusalem or all of that apocalyptic and angelic bullshit that got introduced during the Babylonian exile through Babylonian and Zoroastrian influence.
House of Wisdom were rule by syriac, arab and nestorian christians.
The irish monasteries saved Western Culture
That mozarabs scholars (despite they used arab language)
At the same time, the Jews' exposure to Babylonian literature and traditions served to broaden their viewpoint to include new concepts formerly not strongly evident in the literature of ancient Israel, among them:
The concept of Satan as God's adversary
The idea of an angelic hierarchy under God rather than the more ancient idea of an assembly of the gods with Yahweh/Elohim as the supreme deity
The idea of absolute monotheism, as opposed to the idea that Yahweh was the special god of Israel, but not necessarily the only God
The related idea of universalism: that not only the Jews, but all people, must honor God
Original Jews believe:
There is no fate
direct connection with God, no rabbi
God does not commit evil
Man has free will; “man has the free choice of good or evil”
The soul is not immortal; there is no afterlife, no resurrection
There are no rewards or penalties after death
reject revisionism (talmud, commentaries, kabala etc)
reject numerology
reject any representations of God
believe that God is infinite and can not be percieved or known
talmudists/kabalists/pharisees believe:
There is fate
God does commit evil
The soul is immortal; there is afterlife, reincarnation
There are rewards or penalties after death
accept babylonian revisionism (talmud, commentaries, kabala etc)
accept numerology (kabala)
make kabalistic representations of Jah with various illustrations and subdivide Jah into various departments
make various attempts at percieving God
Judaism practices sacrifice and is fundamentally sacrificial. It, along with paganism, is exactly what Christianity was designed to put an end to. It is in essence paganism.
Daniel 12 “At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Acts 23:8 (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)
Because "pagan" Greeks were verging on the Atheist/Agnostic side.
Also they were gay pedos.